Naples - Mokarta , despite young age has become a race-established international interests.
E 'from the distant year of 2001 who take part, even when the organizing group "The Flying " did not exist officially, but the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting out to grow an event that deserved high interest.
And then many steps have been made, I can really say "stroke", each year giving the public a technical level higher and higher.
But one thing has never changed since then: the maximum availability of these people, even their lovers around all year for the different races Sicilian and not, for a group trip to Marathon (remember the group "The Flying" This a beautiful edition of the 2009 Treviso Marathon in the rain).
And this is the secret of the success that I fully endorse: Never mount the head, even when you feel the road traveled is the right one, which has become great. And the Flying
Naples - Mokarta has become the great, really!
Force (Electro) motive of this great event, Criscenti Antonio, a man of great modesty and good will.
This year, the numbers speak for themselves: 99
classified under Women and Men Over MM60 Am.
261 classified in the category Men Am to MM55.
An illustrious presence in this last race of the recent past: the much-loved by the public Francesco Ingargiola , now as an amateur athlete, albeit with a few more seconds per kilometer ( winner Flying over the years from 1999 to 2000 - 2002 - 2003 ), I was reviewing the same thrill in his unique style of racing many years of victories and formidable time in Marathon. Myth
under which they grew over the years and I believe in effort and hard work, like a champion as he always did.
To conclude the discussion of numbers, I can not say exactly how many people was deployed in by about 1.8 km long path, but take a little less than 2,000 people in the province of Trapani, Erice from parts of what is no small matter.
Each year the quality of racing grows, the availability remains such, the post-race gift for everyone (athletes, coaches and not) a very good pasta party and awards are closed by a fireworks display over the skies become dark Trapani.
But of course the main attraction is the road race! This year's coup
effect was to bring the streets of Naples on the Olympic marathon champion Stefano Baldini , as well as the national team of marathon Denis Curzi and Migidio Bourifa . Yuri Floriani to fight a crowd of Kenyans and Ethiopians, the old knowledge El Hachimi (now lives in Belgium) who won in 2007 in Naples.
the Sicilians, only the best, with Duke, Scialabba, Brancato, Copy, Lamb, e. .. Hamad Bibi.
Only the best, the very young, motivated and in shape!
For my present condition, I knew it would be hard to defend myself but I'd done with all the forces in the body.
Special guests, the trio of European Championships in Stuttgart in 1986 of 10.000m, Mei, Cova, Antibes.
After the rite of the best presentations of speakers in use, Giuseppe Marcellino The race starts near dusk.
This year the route, 10 km officially measured and certified by the officer in charge, Nicholas White, has undergone substantial change over 5 laps of the classic route from the main road into Naples harbor Mokarta Street before returning to a long, gradual incline (total 9.040m), has added a mini-tour starting (a simple up and down) to be done immediately after the start.
Pass the "crossover" initial race maintains a profile just relaxed

are locked in a great battle with Stefano Baldini to dictate rhythms.
Besides me, are the first to come off Copy and lamb, while from a distance appear Brancato Scialabba and perky.
My race starts here.
I must be the comeback from behind Duke Francesco that will start in progress to better defend, but the others leave.
's race Castell'Umberto in weeks (25 days ) in which I could not pull nothing (but in a tough and technical track like that is impossible if you do not get it running strong preparation) and a work climb 250m to the following Friday, August 27, give me something more to go out and everything possible in this race that I wanted to express myself better.
In fact, the feelings arrival are not unsightly as of late but I have to bite the bullet and launched at each descent.
Enzo Copy runs well below the usual standard (but had run the night before reaching the podium Motta S. Giovanni, author of another capital trial) and is the only goal that I pursue. Each
long climb near the finish line is an emotion.
I did not expect so many feet of encouragement from people close to me always and I meet at the stadium or casually with the Sicilian road race: though tired and concentrated in the race, I have seen who pushed me from behind the barricades. "
And this is also the reason why I find myself calmer, more peaceful interiormente.
Resta sempre il problema alla caviglia da risolvere.
Enzo Copia non riesco ad avvicinarlo ma è una lotta continua.
Alla fine non posso che affermare di essermi difeso, ma la Classifica della TDS non mi vede certo nelle prime posizioni e solo in 19° posizione, ben lontano dai personali delle edizioni precedenti.
Ringrazio nuovamente l'organizzazione per un'edizione tra le più belle ed emozionanti di sempre.
Un altro anno ci sarò, a dar battaglia per ben altre posizioni.
La rotta per New York inizia a settembre, il tempo stringe.
(Ringrazio Ornella Fulco per le foto).
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