Friday, March 11, 2011

Amethyst Which Hand To Wear


The much-promised reform Justice seems to take shape, dopo la sua approvazione in Consiglio dei Ministri, una tappa decisiva del suo cammino.

Non si tratta di una questione di ordinaria amministrazione, questa riforma tende a stravolgere l’equilibrio dei poteri della nostra repubblica così come è stato tracciato dai padri costituenti, tant’è che richiederà la modifica di ampie parti della nostra costituzione.

Fortunatamente, le procedure di modifica costituzionale sono complesse, com’è giusto che sia, e le speranze che non si riesca nello scopo esistono e sono anche ampie.

Purtroppo, questa vicenda ha tali e tante implicazioni di ordine giuridico, che un comune cittadino like me lack the necessary skills to deal with it appropriately. On the other hand, as usual, the mainstream press deals with issues of journalistic reporting rumors and developing issues in general: I hope that some will soon be timely and thorough analysis of some constitutional law that, by providing legal and technical support, put us , ordinary citizens, in conditions appropriate to express a political opinion and not patched as a risk today.

However, the importance of the argument is that today will make a few comments, before returning later on the subject in greater depth.

first, they know our chickens (see our leaders), we can advance the suspicion that all these reforms so radical can play the only role of smokescreen that masks concomitant ad personam measures that parliament should approve forced stages in time for them to exercise their influence on pending lawsuits. Were announced, and now the government itself does not mention it, but I think nobody has excluded. I quote an interesting article appeared today on "The Press" that seems largely uncontroversial, and that focuses on the value of the media launch of the reform era, as she cleverly indicated the premier. To understand the real design brought forward with this initiative, we should not listen to Alfano, the politician who rightly, and then tries to sweeten the pill, but Berlusconi in his crudeness ends up to reveal the truth. Declare that this reform was waiting for seventeen years, that there would be a tangentopoli reform law, are candidly admit that we want to reconstruct a situation of impunity for politicians, and at the time stsso revenge of the judiciary.

the merits of the changes, apart from the question of responsibility of judges, whose boundaries should be delimited on time, also to avoid clogging up the courts even for the inquiries compensation, the underlying theme of the reform seems to consist mainly in encouraging the subordination of the judiciary to state power. The government's plan appears to be fairly consistent in pursuing this goal. Prosecutors detach from the judges, both as a career as a self-governing body, also loosen the ties with the police that acquires its own autonomy. Finally, perhaps most important is the fact that parliament has the right to dictate to them periodically prosecutors an order of precedence for the prosecution, which essentially requires the investigating authorities to investigate in the first instance , to cite one example, Pickpockets on rather than corruption. They are, I think, obvious implications of these rules: remove judges, reducing their authority over the judicial police, prosecutors would come out strongly undermined by the application of this reform.

me focus a bit 'more on the question of priorities regarding criminal proceedings. It is said that his mandatory, as required by our constitution, is thus maintained, and that the purpose of that provision was to remove the choice of priorities to the offices of the prosecution to entrust to the parliament.

So I would like to point out in conclusion that the parliament that power has it already, through the definition of what a crime. E 'defined by the decriminalization legislation in place that can restore a truly mandatory prosecution: this should not be a criterion that parliamentarians should have in mind when legislating, even the possibility of effective implementation of agreed rules? If we choose to consider illegal immigrants as criminals, blocking further prosecution of half Italy, with what courage can do the responsibilities fall on other subjects? The truth is that the multiplication of the offense is the real source of the failure to exercise dell’azione penale. Se quindi i politici vogliono assumere su di sé la scelta delle priorità, non occorrono asservimenti dei magistrati ai politici, lo facciano riducendo le fattispecie di comportamenti che la legge configura come reati: sarebbe questo il loro mestiere.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do You Need A Driver License To Join The Military

Modena city ramblers new album and tour

On the Roof of the World is the twelfth album by Modena City Ramblers
released March 15, 2011 posted by Mescal (distributed by Universal) and preceded by the single ten times.
The Tour will start from the Blue Moon of Genoa Thursday, March 17 (St. Patrick)!

on the Roof of the World is an album that is told through the 13 songs included, but a good read of this album is already well represented on the cover, where instead of the discounted "group name + title" is written: " This is a record of Modena City Ramblers, and is entitled on the Roof of the World ", as if the frog on the cover can speak from the shelf of the store with the public or even to underline how the MCR have the need, not only through the sounds and lyrics of their songs, a direct relationship with whoever is willing to approach them. A frog, for those who have passed at least once by Studio Hex Rubiera (RE) is a symbol, as the frogs that crowd the area have often accompanied the work of guest artists, even when these do not have become their in spite of the highlights of musical experiments. In the specific case of the cover of MCR, green amphibian being on the Roof of the World, he sat in yoga posture, because this world we must have patience and concentration, or maybe just to remind one of the many points of our globe, waylaid, for "interest" in common.
- "These songs were written, arranged music and produced by Modena City Ramblers and recorded and mixed by Carloenrico fin in the months of November and December 2010, at the glorious Studio Hex Rubiera (RE).
Burning and editing were performed by Davide Barbi. During the recording
no animals were harmed, nor any person, except the engineer, was subject to exploitation and coercion.
These are the last recordings made in the Hexagon Studio and have been used in condenser microphones and dynamic Neuman, AHG, Shure and Sennheiser preamps in the past del banco Calrec U8000, già appartenente agli Abbey Road Studios di Londra, che probabilmente andrà in pensione dopo questo disco.


17-03-2011 GENOVA – Blue Moon Music Hall (SAN PATRIZIO!!!)
18-03-2011 FONTANETO D’AGOGNA (NO) - Palaphenomenon
19-03-2011 BOLOGNA - Estragon @ Irlanda in Festa
25-03-2011 BRESCIA – Latte + Live
02-04-2011 FIRENZE - Auditorium Flog
08-04-2011 CESENA (FC) - Vidia Club
09-04-2011 MILANO - Alcatraz
15-04-2011 ROMA - StazioneBirra
16-04-2011 SENIGALLIA (AN) - Mamamia
23/04/2011 Olivone (Canton Ticino - Switzerland) - Polisport Olivone
29/04/2011 Taneto Gattatico (RE) - Out of Time 30/04/2011
MARGHERA (VE) - Centro Sociale Rivolta
05/05/2011 BARCELONA (SPAIN) - Sala Apollo 2
06/05/2011 MADRID (SPAIN) - Sala Caracol 12.05.2011
TORINO - Hiroshima Mon Amour
13/05/2011 Casalromano (MN) - Teatro Tenda

Difference Between Opal And Moonstone

The star Organ concert in Florence

The international stars in concert organ

in Florence, from March to December 2011

Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

6th edition, 14 concerts with free admission, by reservation

Auditorium Ente Cassa di Risparmio - via Folco Portinari - Florence

opening Wednesday, March 23 - 21 hours

TINI Mathot & Ton Koopman

Gustav Leonhardt and Ton Koopman, Wolfgang Gerhard Gnann and Rübsam .. . The greatest organ virtuoso of the art back to the stage of the Wednesday Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. Fourteen events scheduled from March to December in the Auditorium of The Street Portinari, all with free admission (reservation required, subject to availability of seats available) for a survey that the banking institution organized in the first person - also pushed by the passion of its director general, Antonio Gherdovich lawyer, great lover of the genre - with the declared intention of raising the cultural attractions of the city.

Under the leadership of artistic director Giuseppe Lanzetta, Wednesday the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, for six years, offer the opportunity to listen to the founders of the European traditions of interpretation, and this year, also a U.S. representative. A gift to Florence, its inhabitants and its visitors.

The objectives of Music Wednesday, in fact, closer to the public at large repertoire of sacred music, baroque and secular, through a program of altissimo livello fruibile a tutti.

Ricca di storia la cornice della rassegna, l’Auditorium dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio ricavato da una sala seicentesca dell’Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova, ed attrezzato con un imponente organo progettato da Clemente Terni. Strumento che racchiude sia la tradizione organaria sia quella spagnola, realizzato negli anni ’70 dalla nota fabbrica Tamburini di Crema su commissione dell’Ente.

L’appuntamento inaugurale di mercoledì 23 marzo vede il gradito ritorno del clavicembalista, organista e direttore d'orchestra olandese Ton Koopman, stavolta affiancato dalla moglie Tini Mathot: concerto a quattro mani incentrato su Carlton, Tomkins, Sweelinck, Guami, Handel, Buxtehude, Mozart and Bach.

Among the guests expected in the coming weeks, Gustav Leonhardt (September 20), Wolfgang Rübsam (September 28), Bernhard Gfrerer (April 20), Andres Uibo (September 14), Gerhard Gnann (October 19), Arnau Reynes (October 26 ), Przemyslaw Kapitula (November 16), Esteban Elizondo Iriarte (15 June) ...

There are representatives of the Italian school, such as Gianfranco Nicoletti (May 11) and Sergio Militello (May 25) and unusual combinations such as those between the saxophonist Gaetano Di Bacco organist Italo Di Cioccio (April 6), including the organist Olympian Medori and flutist Julie Matteucci (November 30), and between Chamber Orchestra conducted by Giuseppe Lanzetta Florentine organist Francesco Filidei (December 14).

As mentioned, admission to concerts is free, subject to availability of seats available by reservation (tel. 055.5384012 - 055.5384348 or email federica.checchi @ - @ emanuele.barletti

Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Since 2011 the bill Wednesday Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio three names stand out really impressive in concert survey: Ton Koopman, Gustav Leonhardt, Wolfgang Rübsam. The first two Dutch già stati ospiti del Festival, si esibiranno in altra veste rispetto ai precedenti concerti: Ton Koopman sarà mercoledì 23 marzo in duo insieme alla moglie Tini Mathot, con un programma che spazia dal Cinquecento a Mozart, mentre Gustav Leonhardt (protagonista di un memorabile concerto al cembalo storico Fleischer, gentilmente concesso dal Museo Stibbert), si esibirà martedì 20 settembre con un programma interamente dedicato all’organo. Wolfgang Rübsam, grandissimo e raro interprete di nazionalità tedesco-americana, suonerà a Firenze per la prima volta, mercoledì 28 settembre, con un impegnativo programma interamente dedicato a J.S. Bach.

Molti altri organisti stranieri sono presenti nel cartellone: Wednesday, September 14, for the first time in Florence, the greatest organist and composer of Estonia, Andras Uibo, professor at the Estonian Academy of Music, Artistic Director of the International Festival of Tallinn and heritage of historic organs: in addition to performing its most famous composition for organ, "Apocalypsis-Symphony", will play music by Bach and Buxtehude. Wednesday, April 20
the Salzburg Gfrerer Bernard, professor of organ at the Conservatoire and organist of the famous Franziskanerkirche of his city, with a splendid program dedicated to the Opera Omnia for organ by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

To fully exploit the features of Hispanic organ built by Clemente Terni for the Auditorium Ente Cassa, two organists Iberian nationalities: Wednesday, June 15 Basque Esteban Elizondo Iriarte, always engaged in research and international dissemination of the exceptional organ heritage that exists in the Basque Country and Navarre, through musicological publications, editions of scores and has recorded over twenty CDs especially with the German label AEOLUS. Wednesday, October 26 the Mallorcan Arnaut Reynes, a pupil of the famous concert at the Conservatory of Barcelona Montserrat Torrent, organist at the Basilica of San Francesco in Palma de Mallorca, professor at the University of the Balearic Islands where he worked published research work on many historical organs of the archipelago.

The Polish organist Przemyslaw Kapitula is dell'Arcicattedrale S. John in Warsaw and president of the Foundation's Festival of Sacred Music: Its relevance concert sees him very busy in enhancing the work of important organizations such as Polish Nowowiejski Feliks (1877-1946) and Surzynski Mieczyslaw (1866-1924) which has CD recorded in the Opera Omnia. It will be in concert in Florence Wednesday, November 26.

In collaboration with the Association for the restoration and enhancement of historic organs in the Town of Cortona, the organist Gerhard Gnann, Professor of Organ e Professore Titolare della cattedra di "Musica Sacra" all'Università "Johannes Gutenberg" di Mainz eseguirà mercoledì 19 ottobre un ricco programma incentrato sulla letteratura per organo tra Italia, Spagna e Germania dal Cinquecento ai nostri giorni. Nel 2010 Gnann ha ricevuto il “Deutsche Schallplattenpreis” per un CD suonato sui preziosi strumenti antichi di Johann Nepomuk Holzhey (Sud della Germania) e nel 2010/11 è impegnato in un progetto, unico nel suo genere, per la registrazione dell’Opera Omnia di J.S. Bach sugli strumenti di J.A. Silbermann in Francia, con la casa discografiche AEOLUS.

Per quanto riguarda gli artisti italiani, da sottolineare il duo formato da Gaetano Di Bacco, uno dei più Active Italian saxophone inserted into the international concert scene, professor of saxophone at the Conservatory of Pescara, along with the organist Italo Di Ciocco, Professor of Organ and Composition at the Conservatory: Wednesday, April 6 with a program mainly centered on authors from nineteenth and twentieth centuries, entitled "Saxorgano between the sacred and the profane."
Then there is the young flutist Lucchese Giulia Matteucci, well-established performer, recently won a hearing at the State Philharmonic Orchestra of Malta, Wednesday, Nov. 30 in a duo with organist Medori Olympian, a veteran of "The Musical Wednesday" , with an original program that sees the two musicians involved, both the side and individually, in a repertoire ranging from the eighteenth century authors such as ME and J. Bossi Alain, which falls this year on the anniversary of the birth, up to G. Lanzetta, artistic director of this prestigious event.

Wednesday, May 11 concert organist and Sicilian Gianfranco Nicoletti, who in addition to running an important task of safeguarding and enhancement of old organs (such as honorary inspector in the Region of Sicily) this year he was appointed Director of the Conservatory "A. Corelli "in Messina, where he already taught organ and Gregorian Chant Practice.
The concert
Sergio Militello, director of the 'Diocesan Institute of Sacred Music "of the Archdiocese of Florence, the" Cappella Musicale di S. Maria del Fiore, owner of the monumental organ Organist V. Mascioni of the Cathedral of Florence and member of the Council of the ulna of the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) in Rome, Wednesday, May 25 will perform a program entitled "Changes", with the final improvised on the themes proposed by the public.

The sixth edition of the Wednesday Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze will end Wednesday, December 14: a side of the Chamber Orchestra conducted by Giuseppe Fiorentina Lanzetta, Francesco Filidei young organist-composer training Italo-French, a former pupil of Jean Guillou and Salvatore Sciarrino and acclaimed guest in the previous edition: will compete in the challenging Concerto in A minor Op 100 for organ and orchestra by Marco Enrico Bossi , which fulfills the one hundred and fifty years after the birth.

Program concerts

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 21

Opening concert

TINI Mathot & Ton Koopman, organ (Netherlands)

Music by N. Carlton, T. Tomkins, JP Sweelinck,

G. Guam, GF Handel, D. Buxtehude, WA Mozart, JS Bach

Mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 ore 21

GAETANO DI BACCO, sassofono sopra e alto (Italia)

ITALO DI CIOCCIO, organo (Italia)

“Saxorgano tra sacro e profano”

Musiche di: A. Marcello, A. Lamproye, I. Di Cioccio,

F. De La Tombelle, G. de Lioncourt, D. Bedard

Mercoledì 20 aprile 2011 ore 21

BERNHARD GFRERER, organo (Austria)

Opera Omnia per organo di W.A. Mozart

Mercoledì 11 maggio 2011 ore 21


Musiche di G. Morandi, V. Petrali, ME Bossi, F.

Mendelssohn B., CJ Grey, C. Saint-Saëns, PA Yon rhapsody

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 21

Sergio Militello, organ music by

Eckelt JV, A Vivaldi, GF Handel, S. Militello

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 21

Esteban Elizondo Iriarte, organ (Spain)

"The influence of English-Italian organ music in"

Music by: A. de Cabezón, F. Correa de Arauxo,

A. de Sola, JB Cabanilles, D. Zipoli, Anonymous (s. XVIII),

J. M ª Beobide, T. de Elduayen, E. Torres, T. Garbizu

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 21

Uibo ANDRES, organ (Estonia)

Music by D. Buxtehude, A. Uibo, JS Bach

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 21

Gustav Leonhardt, organ (Netherlands)

Music by FC de Arauxo, SA de Herrera, G. Frescobaldi,

Anonymous Dutch (XVII), A. van den Kerckhoven, J.

Pachelbel, G. Böhm, JCF Fischer, J. Krieger

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 21

WOLFGANG RÜBSAM, organ (USA-Germany)

Music by JS Bach

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 21

Gerhard Gnann, organ (Germany)

In collaboration with the Association for the restoration and enhancement of historic organs

the City of Cortona

"Music for organ between Spain, Italy and Germany "

Music by P. de Araujo, FC de Arrauxo, S. Duron,

V. Petrali, G. Morandi, JS Bach, G. Bovet, A. Vivaldi / JS Bach

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 21

Arnau Reynes, organ (Spain)

Music by JS Bach, F. Mendelssohn B., C. Franck, A.

Guilmant, A. Martorell, C. Saint-Saëns, M. Dupre, Widor Ch M ª

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 21

Przemyslaw Kapitula, organ (Poland)

Music by J. Pachelbel, S. M. Scheidt Surzynski, JS Bach

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 21

Giuliano Matteucci, flute (Italy)

OLIMPIO Medora, organ (Italy) Music by A.

Vivaldi, GF Händel, G. Ph. Telemann, ME Bossi, G. Lanzetta, J. Alain

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 21
Closing Concert of the sixth edition


FRANCESCO Filidea body (Italia)

Musiche di W. A. Mozart, G. Rossini, M. E. Bossi

Organizzazione e comunicazione

Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Direzione artistica di Giuseppe Lanzetta

Ingresso ai concerti

L’ingresso ai concerti è gratuito ed è consentito fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili.

Prenotazione obbligatoria: tel. 055.5384012 - 055.5384348 o via mail a -

L’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze si riserva di regolamentare l’ingresso a mezzo invito.

Kates Playground Katesplayground Movies

24 Grana to Flog


Markets 24 / b - Florence INFOLINE 055-487145 / auditoriumflog
Saturday, March 12 open 21:30 / start 22:30

"Saturday Rock Fever" with


the Neapolitan band live for the new album "The Same Boat" recorded by Steve Albini in Chicago ...

Supporter band: MGRB

ROCKDANCE followed with Dr. LORENZ + LUCILLE Djs

ADMISSION € 10 / 8 reduced

The Neapolitan band of the 24 GRANA torna sui maggiori palcoscenici live italiani e sabato 12 marzo approda all’AUDITORIUM FLOG di Firenze per presentare il nuovo album, “La Stessa Barca”; si tratta del nono full-lenght ufficiale della formazione, prodotto e registrato presso gli studi “Electrical Audio” di Chicago da Steve Albini (vero e proprio "guru" della scena indipendente internazionale, già a lavoro con artisti come Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Robert Plant, The Stooges, Mogwai, Gogol Bordello, Low e tantissimi altri)..
L’album, preceduto dal singolo "Ombre" uscito a fine dicembre 2010, propone l’inconfondibile sound dei 24 GRANA, dalla New Wave al Dub, dall'Indie Rock al Folk, dal Cantautorato più classical tradition, and close to the immediacy of the Post-Punk and Rock'n'Roll.

The album was recorded entirely in analog, practically live,

whose main purpose is to capture the incredible energy that has always been the 24 GRIT can generate on stage.

addition to songs from the new album during the concert Saturday, March 12 at the FLOG, do not miss the classics that made famous the 24 grains, such as Introdub, constancy, Kanzone On London Accireme, Kanzone Doce, lust and bitch ', I wear Sempe Same, You're Never

Cca, Prison, Cardillo, Canto Pe Nun Suffri' but also the new "Close cu'tte.

Una musica diretta ed energica, senza fronzoli, in cui è valorizzato al massimo il

personalissimo sound della band, che contamina, in maniera eclettica e sempre sorprendente, le influenze più disparate.

Il nuovo tour è partito il 20 gennaio da Londra con la seguente formazione:

Francesco Di Bella (voce e chitarra),

Renato Minale (batteria)

Giuseppe Fontanella (chitarre)

Alessandro Innaro (basso)

Come sempre, alla fine del live, tutti in pista con la scatenata ROCKDANCE di LUCILLE & Dr. LORENZ djs

INGRESSO € 10 / 8 ridotto

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Pectus Excavatum Look Better

Adidas Running Tour 2011 - Peer To Peer with Runners

Milano - Parco delle Cave - March 5 zo.

inertia continues to move forward when we know that it takes to race head, legs, good feet and good shoes.

Inertia is represented by the flywheel which was my best result ever on the field, a few months ago in New York City .

Finally something takes place (or better ... I move!) And I'm managing to increase with the mileage and intensity. Just Monday, 2007
I was able to gym with ridiculous ease and without great burden and with 25 'fartlek where, finally, the legs were at full thrust.
E ' a beginning ... comforting, but I hope to step in security that I get up every thought with regard to the illness that I had to do lately.
Maybe, with the arrival of Hot pass might finally finally!

With these premises last Saturday I had the honor of presenting the new collection Adidas Running 2011 together with industry experts.
Despite an obvious sore throat that made me almost voiceless, have succeeded in to tell me and explain all the reasons why I continue every day to put Adidas on his feet.

the chosen audience, in a soothing setting where the Cave Park in Milan, was one of the most famous journalists of the landscape Running ( Runner's World and Race ) as well as the very nice Manlio Gasparotto of "Rose" with whom I had the pleasure of meeting him in New York during the marathon race success both :-)

But the most representative was to meet in person bloggers in the area with which I always gladly exchanged comments and criticisms (as long as construction).

Immediately after the presentation of a purely technical Tech Manager Adidas Running , it was my turn to speak.

no emotion ... Yet I

the eyeballs of the most important and Area Managers of the German giant.
The explanation is simple: I have always felt at ease with both the products with personal relationships, knowledge of another person was approaching. Moreover
admit I was welcomed by many bloggers so that more affectionate, but do not know me in person, in short I was in a friendly environment ...

And it is why I immediately started putting on their own plan, which is one of true racing fans, who cut out time from our days working to put those beautiful shoes on and going to suffer a bit, whether we both good weather or the rain ...
And so, the truth, my conversation went on easy, telling anecdotes of New York and giving advice that I was to utter one of these the search for maximum protection with the shoe that can ensure only the best in training.

The race is only one day of months of hard work behind, which are well supported by shoes.

One of the best news was in fact seen the flagship adistar Ride 3 (which I hope to review shortly), which despite being the heaviest shoes Adidas technical training, provides support that a marathoner must try. Running
sometimes 30 miles in one day is one thing, are going well also Response , but running a daily mileage requires maximum security.

E 'was interesting to note that not all participants will find advantages in Adidas shoes and, as I have always promoted on this site, the best comments are also critical in order to improve the product.
Luciano , that I finally had the pleasure to know and make me a picture with him, has expressed doubts on the feeling-fit of the Supernova Glide 2 which, as Supernova Glide 3 has seen a radical reinterpretation of the upper increasing softness ( and the Wall of shoes next to the blog I had already specified).

The highlight, in the late afternoon, the test was focused on attentional shoe most: Running F50 Adidas AdiZero.
shoe design completely renovated, and at the base in the upper (light) was a curiosity to try them all and a pleasure for the first time there.

feared a narrow fit and instead I immediately found a nice roll of the foot, the result of an upper minimal but very strong.
outsole, highly flexible, F50 makes this suitable for the work of running technique on the track, as well as to work close to race pace.
Racing, I understand that it would be nice even rhythms to marathon medium around the 3'10 "/ km as the forefoot is well aware of the terrain and natural obligation to push.
To encourage maximum protection heels, ForMotion (the shock that mechanically moves horizontal to the ground impact dispersing trauma dynamically) as well as the ' adiprene (which absorbs the impact on the ground "vertical").
Finally, adiPRENE + in forefoot, full length that promotes responsiveness.

A shoe fashion trend that will complete this summer and I think the race will test even if I have the chance.

The ride around the lake has become a time a nice combination with a long slow runners exactly as he can.
miCoach Pacer arm to scan rates and distances

:-) It 'been a pleasure to share opinions and listen to personal projects, ideas and programs of each runner present.
Two other runners will run in Boston with me, asked me for advice, but mostly the best advice is the wise management of stroke, one that makes you arrive fresh at the finish.
Among the many comments and stories will find out that one of the guys who will go to Boston has trained fully with the miCoach, a valid and highly technical assistance for those who want to get well prepared for the race start so important senza ricorrere al sbagliatissimo metodo del "Fai da Te".

Il momento più divertente è stata sicuramente La Volatona del Gasparotto, che ci ha bruciato tutti di sorpresa :-)

Ringrazio Adidas Italia che mi ha permesso di vivere questo week-end secondo la mia filosofia che coincide a quella dell'Azienda: vivere lo sport per vivere meglio con se stessi.
Ma ricordiamoci che " Impossible Is Nothing ", la migliore frase per un agonista come me :-)

(Ringrazio Luciano per le Foto)

Bazooka Cantenna Construction For Wifi


Auguro a tutte le donne,in particolare le mie sostenitrici,una buona giornata,all'insegna di tutti i diritti che ci
spettano,in nome della liberta' in tutti i sensi.Bacioni,Lisa.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Parking Ticket Driver License


The situation in Libya is offering a puzzle as difficult to interpret: it becomes especially difficult to find suitable solutions. Observe how the U.S. balbettino in addressing these issues, I think it is confirmed that an endogenous source of the insurgency. Alternatively, we conclude that the U.S. may have underestimated the strength of Gaddafi, but it would be a mistake too gross to make it believable really thought of an immediate disintegration a regime that has more than forty years, can you really believe such a high level of amateurism?

fact is that we do not know how to act. One wonders if you can let the current conflict are conducted through the internal forces in Libya, or whether you should act, and in this case with that mode. The measures taken by the UN Security Council appear to be inappropriate. In the short term, the embargo will be totally ineffective, and have proposed a process of the international court against Gaddafi has certainly been a hasty move, which could have the opposite effect to it, pushing the character to more intransigence. A measure adopted in the absence of statements is almost certainly the government to send weapons all'autoproclamatosi in Cyrenaica, via third countries (speaking of Saudi Arabia). However, this appears inadequate to the rapid fall of the despot, avoiding a continuation of the bloody armed conflict. There has been talk of establishing a "nofly areas." Given the modesty Libyan aviation, it would seem a fit easily achievable, but things are definitely more complicated, because it implies a willingness to undertake military action, and then it would be difficult to differentiate from a true declaration of war against Gaddafi. For example, I could cite the need to defend their aircraft in flight in order to implement the ban on flights, and so proceed to the bombing of antiaircraft positions in the hand of Gaddafi: Where would stop the escalation?

The current situation, however, is intolerable. Not only should stop the river of blood in the course (but you can do it poured?), But you risk somaliarizzazione Libya, with a fragmentation of power that would result in an endless war on gangs. Besides, our leaders are very sensitive to what Gaddafi said yesterday that without him there would be a huge and unstoppable flow of migrants to Europe. Come ho detto altrove, la questione delle migrazioni non ha soluzioni, ma deve poter essere gestita: fino a quante decine di migliaia di persone l’anno l’Europa, ed in particolare l’Italia è in grado effettivamente di accogliere?

La verità è che la comunità internazionale ha fatto di gran parte dell’Africa un’enorme Somalia, tutti impegnati a sfruttarne le risorse naturali, abbiamo affidato a despoti locali il mantenimento di quell’ordine del terrore che ci serviva per lucrare a nostro piacimento a loro detrimento. Questo equilibrio è impossibile da mantenere perché non è un vero equilibrio. Basta infatti qualunque fattore di perturbazione per rivelare la precarietà of these situations, and immediately open catastrophic scenarios that no one is then able to manage adequately. Libya's Gaddafi, in words so invisible to Western governments, so ostentatiously anti-Western, has in fact played an essential role in favor of the West, providing oil and gas, but also doing it as a shield between the band sub-Saharan Africa, the poorest absolute whole of Africa and the Mediterranean, including the recent agreement between Italy and Libya was just the last piece.

then propose scenarios that are difficult to predict, and in fact the West has no real solutions ready, because the problem leads immediately to Libya problem of Africa.

In this situation, the only suggestion I can give is to use extreme caution in dealing with this problem, without taking at face value the information we receive and do not realize that solutions are easier and faster .

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Optimist Sailing Dinghy Diagram

Three gay guys are dead, Pasolini's meeting

"Pasolini, the meeting"

Dropkick dead revive the show of drawings, music and words "Pasolini, the meeting", a journey inspired by the biography of the poet from Friuli. Davide Toffolo, accompanied by an exciting live sound environment and the words spoken by the voice of Pasolini draws live with brushes and paints, projected onto the screen, this vision.

The performance is inspired by the graphic novel "Pasolini", published by Coconino Press in Italy and France by Casterman, "the comic is a journey in today, looking for a mythomaniac who thinks they Pasolini At the same time, work on the recovery of the word di Pasolini. Lo spettacolo accentua la riflessione sulla biografia del poeta".

La musica nasce dai temi delle canzoni del trio e viene spinta in loop psichedelici mentre le registrazioni audio della vera voce di Pasolini irrompono nel tappeto sonoro.

Questo spettacolo suggestivo è documentato nel film di Pasqualino Suppa intitolato a sua volta "Pasolini, l'incontro" in uscita a marzo in dvd allegato all'edizione speciale del libro "Pasolini" edito da Coconino Press e disponibile solo sul negozio on line de La Tempesta.

Il film sarà presentato in anteprima al Festival BilBolBul 2011, che vede Davide Toffolo ospite della rassegna. La proiezione si terrà sabato 5 marzo alle ore 16.30 alla presenza degli autori presso la Sala Cervi della Cineteca di Bologna. Introduce Marco Antonio Bazzocchi.

Le date del tour:

17/03/11 Firenze @ Flog
18/03/11 Torino @ Hiroshima Mon Amour
26/03/11 Maiolati Spontini (AN) @ Biblioteca La Fornace
27/03/11 Tagliacozzo (AQ) @ Teatro Talia
02/04/11 Spilimbergo (PN) @ Teatro Miotto
09/04/11 Dueville (VI) @ Teatro Busnelli
11/05/11 Milano @ Tba
12/05/11 Roma @ Palladium

El Tofo disegna Pasolini.

Un'occasione unica per vedere e ascoltare Tre allegri ragazzi morti in una nuova e suggestiva forma.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Beats Per Minute While Sleeping


At the end of last week, UNOCHA it can be concluded, namely that the political situation is now crystal clear. Despite it being an extremely serious situation, we nevertheless agree that the policy framework that is presented to us shows no signs of complication. In short
parole, abbiamo una maggioranza del parlamento che probabilmente non è lo è più nel paese, sicuramente soggettivamente teme fortemente di perdere le elezioni in caso si tenessero a breve termine.
Malgrado quindi la sirena Berlusconi non incanti più abbastanza, malgrado perfino tra l'elettorato leghista cresca lo sconcerto, come anche testimoniato dai casi di censura da parte dei suoi dirgenti nei confronti del proprio popolo padano, l'interesse personale di tanti parlamentari tiene in respirazione artificiale il governo, impedendo proprio a quel popolo evocato ad arte tante volte dallo stesso premier per legittimare il proprio potere, di potersi esprimere.
Si tratta certamente di una situazione estremamente grave, al limite del paradosso, con un poarlamento usato da Berlusconi a proprio capriccio, l'usbergo dietro cui un leader ormai giunto al capolinea resiste tenendo così in ostaggio tutto il paese.
Qui credo, più che su un piano teorico, si misura come una legge elettorale che è un'autentica porcata, mostra le conseguenze inevitabili derivanti dalle stesse modalità di definizione della propria composizioine. Un manipolo di parlamentari, indegni della funzione a cui sarebbero chiamati, si barrica nelle aule parlamentari, nei fatti sfidando il paese intero che evidentemente non rappresenta più, se anche lo avesse mai rappresentato. Nella propria dequalificazione, costoro non si rendono conto delle implicazioni gravissime one's own behavior, and ignoring the dangers, he believes could continue with impunity to ignore the tide of indignation that rises in the country. I want to add that in this political phase, it is clear that the covenant of the League with the PDL, which is still weeks ago you were trying to make you look like a tactic to defend the people of the Po valley, ie support the Berlusconi government to obtain concessions for rpopri voters , today it seems no possibility of concealment as a common destiny, an alliance which Berlusconi obbligas the League to follow wherever he wants to go.
The proposal to do that all the opposition forces is to organize the final push, a huge mobilization of the square I see the clot of political forces, unions, public opinion, which gives the measure of the size of the opposition not to Berlusconi, not the government, but today the parliament, a parliament that has completely forgotten its mission to represent their country.

How Long Does It Take To Get Std Results Back

Lou Reed to Pistoia blues?

Secondo voci non ancora confermate al 100%, Lou Reed should hold a concert at Pistoia Blues Festival on July 10. The former leader of the Velvet Undergound should perform with an expanded line-up to 9 members including brass, keyboards and piano. Lou Reed and 'a return to Pistoia Blues had already' presented at the festival in 2000. The will 'of the artist, is explained by the Pistoia Blues,''and' re-run of almost forgotten songs composed in the last thirty years and spanning the '70s and '80s.'' The Tuscan festival reaches its 32 / edition. Will take place 'dal'8 to 10 July.

Source: ANSA

Friday, March 4, 2011

Baby Syringe For Vaccine

Skiantos to Flog tomorrow


Markets 24 / b - Florence 055-487145
INFOLINE / auditoriumflog
Saturday, March 5 open 21:30 / start 22:30

Carnival Toga Party with


The Alfieri's "Demential Rock" to return to excellence with FLOG a live irreverent and overwhelming!

ROCKDANCE followed with a new pair of DJs, FOLIE A 'DEUX

ADMISSION € 10 / 8 reduced

carnevalizia advancing with the atmosphere, the Auditorium Flog in Florence offers a TOGA PARTY CARNIVAL - Saturday, March 5 - with a concert Skiantos, 'natural' actors of the evening ...


Skiantos From 1977's are a cult band, a rock band that is very personal style, appreciated by a legion of diehard fans, "hard core" of followers of the insane. Creators and propagators of the genre, style, and dementia of the adjective (which, by their very definition means a "cocktail of humor, improvisation, poetry, almost surreal, idiocies, and paradoxes of genius") Skiantos's continued undeterred to produce records on the edge of irony, which is the key to their favorite reading.

born in Bologna playing in cellars and Youth Clubs. They do a Rock and mid-gig hard enough to throw the vegetables on the public. They are 8-10 people, unemployed and students, many of which come and go from the group.

The founders, all baptized with the names of art demented, are: Robert Antoni said 'Freak', a graduate of DAMS with a thesis on the Beatles, Andrea Setti said 'Jimmy Bellafronte', surveyor and singer for pleasure, Stefano 'Spisni shaves' Cavedoni, university DAMS, actor, drama, clown, poet and singer, Fabio Testoni (alias' Dandy Beast '), guitarist neoproffesionista rocker and activist, will accompany them during their long career (32 years ormai) per periodi più o meno lunghi Leo ‘Tormento’ Pestoduro, Andy Bellombrosa, Frankie Grossolani, Gianni Lo Grezzo, etc.

Producono una cassetta, che poi diventerà anche il loro primo disco ufficiale, intitolato INASCOLTABLE (pronuncia corretta ‘inascoltable’), e approdano ad un vero contratto discografico con la Cramps all’inizio del 1978 per la quale producono MONOTONO, KINOTTO e PESISSIMO. A seguire TI SPALMO LA CREMA per la CGD nel 1984, NON C’E’ GUSTO IN ITALIA AD ESSERE INTELLIGENTI, TROPPO RISCHIO PER UN UOMO SOLO, e ZE BEST IN LIVE per Targa Bollicine. Dal 1992 sono con RTI, per la quale realizzano SIGNORE DEI DISCHI e SALUTI DA CORTINA prodotti da Guido Elmi. Finally in 1996, produces SKIANTOLOGIA Mescal Records Vol 1.

DOUBLE DOSE is the title of the first double CD Skiantos 1999. Of note undergone some important changes: the songs in both albums (28) are all novel, a CD (Thou hast COOKED THE ROCKET) is managed entirely by Skiantos historians (those of '77, back together for the occasion), the other (the usual triumph) is instead the new test record Skiantos contemporaries, stimulated by such prestigious accomplices: Lucio Dalla, Luca Carboni, Samuele Bersani, Michael Serra, Enzo Iachetti, Shel Shapiro (Rokes), Montefiori Cocktail + Johnson Righeira , Banda Osiris, Gang, Datura, Angelo Branduardi, Riccardo Tesi, Stefania Tschantret, Patrizio Fariselli (Area), Mark Hull, Marcello Darbo, Jimmi Villotti, Patrizio Roversi & Susy Blady. Guests above perform in different ways: some sing a chorus, others suggest a musical phrase, and some joke or take part in a choir, all in a sort of creative improvisation played in tune with the Skiantos.

Below is the new compilation THE Kreme, RARITIES, the SKONNESSI Unplugged (CD & DVD) always LATLANTIDE, and the last CD of new songs produced by Guido Elmi IMPROBABLE DREAM for EMI after the band experience as a resident THE COLORADO CAFE 'for 2 editions of the Italy 1 program.

In 2008, finally the long awaited reissue on CD INASCOLTABLE for Shake, accompanied by a rich and entertaining book that tells how it was conceived and produced that disc somehow experimental recorded in one night and the morning of mixed next day. Definitely not 'sounds good', but it sounds Rock and contains the germs of all subsequent demented saga.

2009 is a year full of events for Skiantos. In February comes GOD MUST OF EXPLANATION (IF POSSIBLE convincing), the first disc of unreleased since 2004. The album is followed by a lengthy tour of over 40 dates up and down Italy. The year ended with the publication dell’EP PHOGNA – THE DARK SIDE OF THE SKIANTOS.

Dopo qualche mese di (meritato) riposo la band ricomincia a percorrere lo Stivale con i suoi imprevedibili live, pronta a regalare serate demenzialmente Rock!

Gli SKIANTOS intervengono sul linguaggio delle parole e dei comportamenti, scelgono di essere banali, “stupidi”, allusivi, esagerati ed aggressivi in contrapposizione alla retorica dei “buoni sentimenti” e alla prosopopea dei cantautori. Raccolgono segnali dal gergo giovanile per contaminare l’insopportabile modo del “buon senso”. Ad una presunta “poetica alta” da grande artista contrappongono una “poetica bassa” da artista sconnesso.

Nel corso della loro lunghissima carriera con la formazione degli SKIANTOS (ben 33 anni ormai) Roberto ‘Freak’ Antoni e Fabio ‘Dandy Bestia’ Testoni sono stati accompagnati per periodi più o meno lunghi da: Andrea ‘Jimmy Bellafronte’ Setti, Stefano ’Spisni Sbarbo’ Cavedoni, Leo ‘Tormento’ Pestoduro, Andy Bellombrosa, Frankie Grossolani, Bubba Loris, Gianni Lo Grezzo, Linda Linetti, Lucio Bellagamba, Carlo Atti, Fabio ‘Tormento Pestolesto’ Grandi, Sandro ‘Belluomo’ Dall’Omo, Roberto ‘Granito’ Morsiani, Marco ‘Marmo’ Nanni, Charlie Molinella, Luca ‘Tornado’ Testoni, Max ‘Magnus’ Magnani, Gianluca Schiavon!

La formazione attuale:

Roberto ‘Freak’ Antoni: Voce

Fabio ‘Dandy Bestia’ Testoni: Chitarra e Cori

Max “Magnus” Magnani: Basso e Cori

Luca ‘Tornado’ Testoni: Chitarra

Gianluca “La Molla” Schiavon: Batteria

Best Theater Schools For Costume Design

Power of Metal 2011 at the Viper

Parte da Firenze il
Power of Metal 2011

+ special guest
Psychotic Waltz, Thaurorod e Mercenary

Sabato 5 marzo 2011 – inizio concerti ore 19 – Opening doors 18 hours
Viper Theatre - via Pistoiese / Via Lombardia - Florence
Tickets only € 38
Info - \u200b\

A killer package that will delight all the metalheads of Italy !
Saturday, March 5 at Viper Theatre Florence (open 18 hours, beginning 19 hours concerts - tickets € 38) the first two stages of the Italian POWER OF METAL 2011 tour in the front row Symphony X and Nevermore, joined by three special guest: Psychotic Waltz (in reunion!) Thaurorod and Mercenary.

Nevermore return to Italy on the wave of success with 'The Obsidian Conspiracy', the new album that fuses all the elements that have made the Seattle band: thrash, speed and progressive. And then, a more powerful rhythmic base, supporting one of the best evidence of the vocal front-man Warrel Dane: "These songs are full of anger found, musically and across texts ...".

Work in progress also Home SYMPHONY X: after the stratospheric 'Paradise Lost', the american band has just finished recording the new disc. entitled "Iconoclast" and exits to coincide with the tour for the Nuclear Blast Records: "The album can be seen as a concept - says the singer Russell Allen - where we talk about technology and how the company has placed at the top della propria vita...”.

------------------------------- . -------------------------------

I SYMPHONY X sono senza dubbio uno dei gruppi più interessanti usciti dalla scena americana anni '90, forti della loro originale miscela di power metal neoclassico e progressive metal che ha conquistato i favori di numerosi fans.
Capitanati dal chitarrista Michael Romeo, debuttano nel 1994 con un album eponimo che ottiene un discreto successo e stuzzica l’attenzione della stampa specializzata. Il capitolo seguente, “The Damnation Game”, vede un cambio importante nella line-up, l’ingresso del cantante Russell Allen, il cui contributo si rivela fondamentale. Nel 1997 il gruppo rilascia “The Divine Wings of Tragedy ", considered by many the masterpiece of the band, which blend perfectly with all of the sound of Symphony X. The success of the criticism goes hand in hand with the commercial (the album sold over 100,000 copies in Japan alone).
In 1998 he started the fourth album "Twilight in Olympus", followed by a long tour in Europe and Japan. "Prelude to the Millennium" is the collection that the band 'to the press a few months later. In 2000 it was the turn of "V: The New Mythology Suite" concept abum based on the myth of Atlantis, which sees the return of Jason Rullo on drums and attention to orchestration that gives a mystical atmosphere to the whole work. The sounds are more impressive, the sound in different junctures becomes claustrophobic, dark. A style that allows Symphony X to distance itself from other formations of the same genus (Adagio, Xerath, Axamenta, Narnia, Unearth, Circus Maximus, Outworld ...). The band is devoted to a lengthy world tour. During a show in Paris is recorded the first live, then published in 2001 under the title "Live on the Edge of Forever."
In 2002 released "The Odyssey", with an ambitious suite based sull'Odissea of \u200b\u200bHomer as well as a shift towards a sharper sound and thrashy. Remarkable is the title track which has cleverly arranged orchestrations in metal structures and extremely progressive moments epici ed emozionali.
Dopo cinque anni di attesa, nel 2007 arriva “Paradise Lost”, perfetta sintesi del percorso musicale della band, riletto attraverso un approccio aggressivo e diretto, ma senza tralasciare la componente melodica e tecnica. Il vocalist Russell Allen pare adesso più vicino allo scream e al growl propri del death metal.
Lo steso anno i Symphony X partecipano al tour dei Dream Theater, dopo la co-partecipazione Gods of Metal. Il chitarrista Michael Romeo annuncia a novembre 2009 un nuovo contratto con l'etichetta Nuclear Blast, che si concretizza con l’uscita del nuovo, attesissimo “Iconoclast”.

NEVERMORE - Difficile dare un’etichetta al sound dei Nevermore. Sin dagli beginning in the early '90s, the group led by vocalist Warrel Dane incorporates elements thrash, speed and progressive.
Born from the ashes of Sanctuary, the Seattle band has assets of about ten music releases, most notably the album "The Politics Of Ecstasy", "Dead Heart In A Dead World" and "Dreaming Neon Black". And then, dozens of tours around the globe, some adjustments to training and as many solo projects. Last May was released the eighth studio album entitled "The obsidian conspiracy" for the label Century Media Records. The deluxe version contains two bonus cover (a song by The Doors and one of The Tea Party) and an entire disc video titled "Play the guitar like Jeff Loomis."
"These songs are full of anger found - said Warrel Dane - musically and across texts. Jeff Loomis has developed some amazing new riffs that will undoubtedly satisfy old and new fans. I also think that the combination of Andy and Peter ( production and mixing) will be something very, very special. "The record combines all the elements that made the band great in Seattle. The search for dark melodies blends here with a stifling effect, the songs take turns neatly on basis of a rhythm section to put it mildly frightening, to support, without yielding one of the best evidence provided by speech Dane.

Info and pre-tel
INFOLINE From 055,416,812 to 055,210,804 - \u200b\ - \u200b\ - \u200b\

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lip Piercing White Lump

Adidas Running Tour - Milan, Parco delle Cave - March 5

L' Adidas Running Tour riparte nel 2011 promoting one of its main events in Italy: the Stramilano .

Scenario, the Cave Park in Milan, to try to test new products for the running of the sports brand with three stripes which Response, Supernova, and adistar Adizero .

This last line of shoes and clothing will introduce the brand new F50 Adizero Runner , innovative, light and tecnicissima.
possibly even Footscan to know clearly what sort of support and in-depth individual and thus determine the Adidas shoe that fits your style of racing.

The news is that ... I have been called as Testimonial event, which will provide, after the extensive presentation of products and some exchange of views, including 30 'race to the park.

will be a great experience which I will try to develop more in-depth meanings of the simplest and most spontaneous Sports World trying to share with all participants in the spirit and application of all days to prepare for a marathon success (the staff mean).
Co rrere makes you unique and special ... every experience and every goal has always cut a great result!

I hope you are in lots, at 14:00 appointment, will be an afternoon full content and I'll be glad to exchange views with all participants at the event.

You can try the new products of Adidas Running 2011: As mentioned, the shoes adizero F50 Runner, Supernova Glide 3, Response and Stability 3 miCoach, the first system for training staff in real time.

Anyone who has tried an will receive a free T-shirt Adidas Running technique (do not even need to sign up, come there!).

Adidas Running Tour includes a series of dates in the main parks Italian (Milan, Rome, Venice, Naples, Florence, Padua, Bari, Bologna, Catania, Genoa and Verona) with the aim of offering free runners from all over Italy to product testing, personal training tips and advice about the importance of a correct choice in the race in terms of product.

E 'can also follow the adidas Running Tour and all the steps in 2011 to Italian: / adidasrunning

(Image taken from the official website of the Stramilano)

Stieg Larsson Authors Like


net Fassino success in the primaries of Turin has received little attention in the media. This time, even on blogs, and more especially on blogs, at least on those that most often, the silence is almost absolute. In particular, I was struck by the silence of Turin while directly implicated in the affair.
For me I see things from the outside, this success a person considered a member of the right despite being leader of a party that claims to be left of center, is very significant. If you draw near to the inability of Turin to object adequately to Marchionne and his neo-liberal plan, appears to mark a process of decline of this noble city workers, a point of reference for those who always took sides on the left.
be interesting to see what you can compare Fassino programmatic differences with the center-right candidate, will be pretty, I fear, a whole internal debate on the right: where would the Alternatives, I wonder.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Masterbation Meathods

Thursday Bologna Violenta @ Flog


Di scena quattro tra le bands emergenti più stimolanti del Rock (e dintorni) tricolore, estrapolate dal rooster della ESTRAGON LAB, un' Agenzia di Booking e Produzione, tra le più coraggiose ed attente ai nuovi fermenti creativi della Musica Italiana. In scaletta sul palco NICOLA MANZAN, chitarrista e violinista del TEATRO DEGLI ORRORI, già collaboratore di BAUSTELLE, OFFLAGA PISCOPAX ed altri gruppi. Il suo progetto solo BOLOGNA VIOLENTA lo vede protagonista a tutto campo, tra una tiratissima musica di taglio Grindcore e un'immaginario mutuato dai famigerati Mondo Movies anni 60, con testi tra il surreale ed il nichilista, recitati dalle voci di alcuni actors involved in the project.
JOYCUT: Emilia is a band that from a sound related to the 80's British New Wave, a rock-inspired groups like CURE and JOY DIVISION, goes to contemporary experience as Editors and Interpol. A musical project, among other things, closely tied to issues of green and environmentally friendly (recycled materials, the last album recorded in England in the only study entirely powered by solar panels), aspires to a music that can be zero impact to the environment.
An awareness and ambition admirable and important, an example for the whole music scene that it is finding evidence and recognition both in Italy and other European countries (CO2 Festval invited to Copenhagen, aprono agli ARCADE FIRE all'I-Day). L'utilizzo dell'Inglese per i loro testi da un'ulteriore spinta al gruppo nel loro lancio anche fuori dai confini Italiani.
BACHI DA PIETRA e RONIN sono invece due dei gruppi musicali scaturiti dall'inquieta e vulcanica mente di Bruno DORELLA, musicista poliforme e deus ex machina dell'Etichetta Discografica BAR LA MUERTE. Il primo è un duetto chitarre/percussioni per il quale le parole fin qui impiegate per descrivere la loro musica (Blues primitivo, Trip-Hop acustico...) sembrano sempre limitative ed inadeguate. Musica stimolante e creativa, comunque, da assaporare fino in fondo. I RONIN sono invece un quartetto che propone una musica molto fluttuante, dai sapori speziati e sempre diversi. Un rock that from time to time it smells like surf, to the east of spy movies and a thousand other things, often even within the same song. Music that also feeds on literature and cinema, so much to have found a natural outlet in the composition of soundtracks for film and theater.
to finish the evening, the music selections from Bologna Cecco, owner and DJ Agency ESTRAGON the selections are always different and unpredictable.


OPENING HOURS 21.15 - € 5 ENTRY / bachidapietra / nicolamanzan ronintheband

Solar Cookers In Vijayawada

Details Reading Majakowskji Flog

PIERPAOLO Capovilla / Giulio Ragno Favero in "MAJAKOWSKJI READING" A theater project that see the front man of Little Shop of Horrors and ODM to grips with the immortal poems of the great Russian poet, accompanied by guitars FAVERO, producer / musician, also with TDO and ODM.

Pierpaolo Capovilla law Vladimirovich Mayakovsky
Giulio Favero accompanied with guitars and laptop
+ TISO Richard (bass) and Kole LACA (piano)

Socialist Heresy / Heresy love
GiulioRagno Favero (producer of Little Shop of Horrors, Zu and One Dimensional Man) and Pier Paolo Capovilla (front man of the most popular Italian rock band of 2010, The Theatre of Horrors, in fact), after announcing the reunion of the One Dimensional Man begin a new journey together.
A journey steeped in literature, which always refers to Pierre in the lyrics and titles of Theatre Of Tragedy. Just think of the title of the last record, a tribute to the eponymous book by Truman Capote, or the name of the old band and Julie Pierce (who refers to Herbert Marcuse and his book The One-Dimensional Man), or the reinterpretation of a classic of Mayakovsky ("beloved himself"), to understand how the world of literature is integral part of the music of The Theatre of Horrors.
Mayakovsky will focus precisely on the concert / reading that the two will offer the public. In
also released the DVD of the show, recorded at MEI in Faenza last November in the event that ended the last meeting of the Independents, accompanied by a booklet with texts and poems MAJAKOWSKJI as well as photos of the show. The DVD is currently only available on the dates of the Tour will be in bookstores from May.


OPENING HOURS 21.00 - Entrance 10 € (Adapter ADVANCE: 8 €)

Quotes Put Wedding Invitations

THE SUCCESS OF POLITICS, libertarians and '68

This post is inspired by the response to a my speech on one of the blogs I frequent usually, caused in turn by the now famous event febbraio.Due of 13 points were raised. One thing is libertarianism, the other its link with the '68. Regarding the first point, I just citations my old post on the subject, while the second point I will, although this will take me to shoot in the first issue.

The '68 was a lot of things. There was even "Serve the People" (Maoist organization for those who do not know, because they are too young), even where the organization will dictate whom to marry (see we is not joking ...), but the wing out "winner "was the libertarian, represented primarily by Lotta Continua, and the inspiration of feminism, but I would say the major events of Clerks of the seventies. My opinion is that soon the political-economic aspect was defeated, certainly since the eighties, while the social aspect and costume survived, and to some extent still is today.

The coincidence of private and political slogan was certainly a very strong in '68, but it was a slogan ultimately ambiguous. As long as the policy was in short hegemonic behavior militants had also involve our most intimate attitudes, and was therefore the need to dictate our policy in private. As the Topic Marxist and running off for reasons too complex to address here, remained the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing politics with our private, that was a reversal in the relationship between political and private sectors.

E 'at this point that, from another slogan of '68, the one that said "we are right", that subjectivity took over: if we are correct, then any individual should speak spontaneous attitude . In short, we fully climate of the Enlightenment, the belief that man is a rational animal and free, and you have to do is to free it from strings and snares that inhibit the full expression. The result is therefore not to include the private sector must be between the public interest, but instead build an audience as free deployment of individuality.

The question that arises then is what these individuals. And 'here comes the question of the anthropological field, with the liberalism that is based on a model to which freedom is an innate human endowment, and it is threatened by the society in which they live. From this arises the theory of the minimal state, then the need to inhibit the invasiveness of established power. Libertarianism is basically part of this theory, which she shares these assumptions, even if it gets further in economic field.

This theory is deeply rooted in our minds, is a real ideology, so as not to be denied even by the daily evidence that shows an opposite situation, namely, that each of us is dialectically inserted in the culture in which we live and necessarily share. So, how individuals express a point of view is not really independent, but re-echo with a certain amount of autonomy that intrude from the outside. To give an obvious example, nobody would spend astonishing figures for advertising, if it was not certain of obtaining a benefit in terms of conditioning behavior, in this case in the field of consumption, the recipients of such advertising.

This also applies in the field of ethics. Denying the existence of a collective dimension of morality, means closing their eyes to reality, thinking that the only influence on individual behavior should focus on the crimes, that is what the law condemns, is meaningless. In a previous post, I said jokingly "free fart in a free state" to mean just as what is considered socially reprehensible is much larger than what is prosecuted.

For this, I believe that libertarianism is wrong, because I believe that indiscriminate exaltation of individuality end up coinciding with the conformism more sinister, because the message is not automatically blocked by dominant individuals, but rather most likely to be echoed and confirmed by them, because individuals in a society strictly not even exist anymore, because inevitably the dominant ideology of sharers.

In other words, freedom can not be taken as a point of departure, something innate in us that society must protect, but rather should be an end, men are not born free, freedom must conquistarsela, and this achievement is not something that we take for granted. It follows that freedom can not be a normative principle, and the purpose of politics is not, therefore, to recite, but rather to create conditions so individuals can more easily win.