...Entro nello Stadio CONI di Atletica vicino all'area sportiva dominata dal fratello maggiore Stadio di Calcio S.Elia, la pioggia battente now has confused ideas, I am going to do the last 300m before reaching the finish line, the speaker states: " Here comes ..." - (200m of silence) - "Little ... arrives."
I come to the final straight .
Francis sling from the stands on Track with unexpected enthusiasm, as did Coach Unsure of the recent Marathon of the Europeans in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI stretch my hand to give me the "Five" ...
I did not see such enthusiasm, increase the pace, I reach the finish line, he instinctively raised his arms, still delighted to have completed a real odyssey of travel on the road ...
Duke: "Wires, very good"
Me: "What happened? Vincìvu?"
Duke: "You Vincìsti, Vincìsti!"
Me: "Really? YES! How exciting!"
final embrace, under the incessant rain ...
This is the final card of the race, a marathon that left me in so many memories for years will remain one of the best experiences.
But let some time back ... The
Marathon Cagliari, called "Solidarity Marathon, Half Marathon, in conjunction with the called" Breathe Cagliari "on Saturday and discovered the cards can offer a great nice cast of athletes from both competitions.
As usual, groped for raising the technical level of the Marathon race, three Africans are recruited to which will be difficult to oppose.
But now people have grown accustomed to this bad habit and we Italian runners, besides me, Minerva , Auciello, Trentadue, we should agree on how to help the next day in the race.
Half Marathon Present in addition to the Violettaclub Captain, Duke Francesco even Said Boudalia , Giuliano Battocletti , the rest marked by the usual "patrol" Africa ... The
last four years have been characterized by many companies experienced between Carpi and Maranello in Italy famous Marathon: This year I wanted to change the event for a new experience, visit a land beautiful as Sardinia and run with less pressure and spotlight on him.
I knew I could not afford to enter the crisis in this race for me was a valuable test of distance, as I expected in less than a month in New York City Marathon .
A Palermo will be a marathon runner to the elite NYC Marathon: What an honor!
The Race . The morning
Sunday 10-10-10 is revealed with overcast skies and wind bursts, from portions of departure.
The warm and moist air that I felt I was taken from cautious, even more than I had forced the coach into the formula "revised" by myself.
And so to the shot, I slowly on a modest pace of 3'25 "-30" / Km friendly following a lover who will make me company throughout the first stint , set on a street circuit .
The gloomy day and the wind contrary discourage people to set foot outside their homes, resulting in a modest number of visitors on the roads.
impossible for me to skip a Supply: From the earliest kilometers felt thirsty and humidity forced me sponge frequently and at some point I realized it was better for me to stop drinking the glass of water instead of thrown him calmly without being able to adequately quench the thirst ...
Half marathon runs with many difficulties, the headwind slows the pace a lot and so far I prefer to stay quiet and covered: the good will come next.
organization allows each athlete (or groups of athletes) to be escorted away from a man on a bicycle: it was presented to me by none other than the National 1.500m Ferdinando Vicari !
kindly promised to follow in second part of the race and he, Nando, will have a major role during the marathon as a motivator.

I remember the feelings I felt: we approached slowly to 25 K, or better, Trudging to this distance as the wind blows strong and contrary, but in my head I had already implemented the period of increase in the rate. What
difficult, it is true, but the commitment and increased the attention to detail.
After a while finally leave the desert and semi waterfront we address on a straight road for at least 5K: always headwind but not defeated, I proceed in my step.
Finally the decisive turning point and under the urging of Ferdinand allotment apace: I drink often, I lose a filling but a policeman on a motorcycle and joined me in person brings me a glass of water, a very nice gesture!
At that stage I was running really good and motivated: it seems to zero the contribution of a cyclist who follows you from behind, but the only words of encouragement that can give you is sometimes essential to the psyche of a runner.
After a stretch of strong cross winds of at least 1.5 km, is part of the seafront road towards the City Centre, towards the goal: it was 32 ° Km and were only 10 arrival.
my action finally produces some fruit: a defendant detachment of about 3 'from the leading group to Half Marathon, I reach to -9 K John Auciello arrival after being slightly difficult to carry the ball for more than half race. A little more than 100m
materialized before my eyes another Italian, Francesco Minerva.
I'd bet, Ferdinand urged me with discretion, a progression must be well calibrated to last.
are about 8K arrival when they change the cards on the table: a thunderstorm that begins with a light drizzle and soon turns into a real violent shower ...
was still so hot, I continued to drink the same road but after a little not if they knew nothing: I and my faithful companion we were completely soaked, wet streets and overflowing of water, the heavy hand ...
My opponent was left out there, crystallized.
At that time everybody had his athletes followed a cyclist as a faithful squire to give him a hand psychologically ... I think back to
Marathon Bari in 2008 when Duke Francesco I helped in the shower, only it was in the early stages (I pulled up to 25 ° K) and there was an unceasing wind that put pressure on each us. I can not
to make the most difference: every step is exacerbated by the difficult climate, within a slight confusion and fatigue sets in, when the K 40 ends the "marathon race" ...
The scenario is the area that St. Elias Sports Stadium next step, dominant over all, many roads in the large outdoor area and several traffic island and no one around to show you the way ...
Where to go?
they ask me who is Ferdinand, and the rain confusing when the same intuition and understand Nando has observed in the distance an employee to take a sleeper path parallel to the long, straight highway.
Start, and then, the " Orienteering Competition !
now there really are few people in the streets and the few that remain are the traffic police to patrol the main arteries of travel.
A flag flies from a distance indicator of mileage from a bridge: I sense that we have to cross the road along the bridge.
The 41 ° K comes like a punch in the jaw as hard on the legs and runs off in the descent, characterized by the usual "where to?"
A small arrow marked on the ground urges us to turn around, take a road without knowing where it will end ...
Finally we arrive in an area athletic fields: another serpentine curves for different divider for you confusing and finally the entrance to the Stadium ...
Victory deserved!
thank for this victory the Violettaclub Lamezia Terme, Italy Adidas, my family the Coach and Aldo Vice Coach Peppe, the Manager G. Vicari and all the people dearest to me next to me are always ups and downs in times of life. Behind
come loose a lot of Africans who will be encouraged to take a wrong turn (do not know by whom and to what not), but the race was won after crossing the finish line.
The rankings, compiled by TDS-Live show how high are the race times, but poor weather made it a critique of Sunday sports that the city of Cagliari would have earned in full as hospitable.

His condition is increasing, and there are one month ...
:-) Now begins a phase of finishing for the real goal: to keep up the mileage and add quality jobs, the right ones that will reach peak performance, for the right day, on November 7 !
With me there will be next to your loved ones ... you can not fail!
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