Friday, March 11, 2011

Amethyst Which Hand To Wear


The much-promised reform Justice seems to take shape, dopo la sua approvazione in Consiglio dei Ministri, una tappa decisiva del suo cammino.

Non si tratta di una questione di ordinaria amministrazione, questa riforma tende a stravolgere l’equilibrio dei poteri della nostra repubblica così come è stato tracciato dai padri costituenti, tant’è che richiederà la modifica di ampie parti della nostra costituzione.

Fortunatamente, le procedure di modifica costituzionale sono complesse, com’è giusto che sia, e le speranze che non si riesca nello scopo esistono e sono anche ampie.

Purtroppo, questa vicenda ha tali e tante implicazioni di ordine giuridico, che un comune cittadino like me lack the necessary skills to deal with it appropriately. On the other hand, as usual, the mainstream press deals with issues of journalistic reporting rumors and developing issues in general: I hope that some will soon be timely and thorough analysis of some constitutional law that, by providing legal and technical support, put us , ordinary citizens, in conditions appropriate to express a political opinion and not patched as a risk today.

However, the importance of the argument is that today will make a few comments, before returning later on the subject in greater depth.

first, they know our chickens (see our leaders), we can advance the suspicion that all these reforms so radical can play the only role of smokescreen that masks concomitant ad personam measures that parliament should approve forced stages in time for them to exercise their influence on pending lawsuits. Were announced, and now the government itself does not mention it, but I think nobody has excluded. I quote an interesting article appeared today on "The Press" that seems largely uncontroversial, and that focuses on the value of the media launch of the reform era, as she cleverly indicated the premier. To understand the real design brought forward with this initiative, we should not listen to Alfano, the politician who rightly, and then tries to sweeten the pill, but Berlusconi in his crudeness ends up to reveal the truth. Declare that this reform was waiting for seventeen years, that there would be a tangentopoli reform law, are candidly admit that we want to reconstruct a situation of impunity for politicians, and at the time stsso revenge of the judiciary.

the merits of the changes, apart from the question of responsibility of judges, whose boundaries should be delimited on time, also to avoid clogging up the courts even for the inquiries compensation, the underlying theme of the reform seems to consist mainly in encouraging the subordination of the judiciary to state power. The government's plan appears to be fairly consistent in pursuing this goal. Prosecutors detach from the judges, both as a career as a self-governing body, also loosen the ties with the police that acquires its own autonomy. Finally, perhaps most important is the fact that parliament has the right to dictate to them periodically prosecutors an order of precedence for the prosecution, which essentially requires the investigating authorities to investigate in the first instance , to cite one example, Pickpockets on rather than corruption. They are, I think, obvious implications of these rules: remove judges, reducing their authority over the judicial police, prosecutors would come out strongly undermined by the application of this reform.

me focus a bit 'more on the question of priorities regarding criminal proceedings. It is said that his mandatory, as required by our constitution, is thus maintained, and that the purpose of that provision was to remove the choice of priorities to the offices of the prosecution to entrust to the parliament.

So I would like to point out in conclusion that the parliament that power has it already, through the definition of what a crime. E 'defined by the decriminalization legislation in place that can restore a truly mandatory prosecution: this should not be a criterion that parliamentarians should have in mind when legislating, even the possibility of effective implementation of agreed rules? If we choose to consider illegal immigrants as criminals, blocking further prosecution of half Italy, with what courage can do the responsibilities fall on other subjects? The truth is that the multiplication of the offense is the real source of the failure to exercise dell’azione penale. Se quindi i politici vogliono assumere su di sé la scelta delle priorità, non occorrono asservimenti dei magistrati ai politici, lo facciano riducendo le fattispecie di comportamenti che la legge configura come reati: sarebbe questo il loro mestiere.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do You Need A Driver License To Join The Military

Modena city ramblers new album and tour

On the Roof of the World is the twelfth album by Modena City Ramblers
released March 15, 2011 posted by Mescal (distributed by Universal) and preceded by the single ten times.
The Tour will start from the Blue Moon of Genoa Thursday, March 17 (St. Patrick)!

on the Roof of the World is an album that is told through the 13 songs included, but a good read of this album is already well represented on the cover, where instead of the discounted "group name + title" is written: " This is a record of Modena City Ramblers, and is entitled on the Roof of the World ", as if the frog on the cover can speak from the shelf of the store with the public or even to underline how the MCR have the need, not only through the sounds and lyrics of their songs, a direct relationship with whoever is willing to approach them. A frog, for those who have passed at least once by Studio Hex Rubiera (RE) is a symbol, as the frogs that crowd the area have often accompanied the work of guest artists, even when these do not have become their in spite of the highlights of musical experiments. In the specific case of the cover of MCR, green amphibian being on the Roof of the World, he sat in yoga posture, because this world we must have patience and concentration, or maybe just to remind one of the many points of our globe, waylaid, for "interest" in common.
- "These songs were written, arranged music and produced by Modena City Ramblers and recorded and mixed by Carloenrico fin in the months of November and December 2010, at the glorious Studio Hex Rubiera (RE).
Burning and editing were performed by Davide Barbi. During the recording
no animals were harmed, nor any person, except the engineer, was subject to exploitation and coercion.
These are the last recordings made in the Hexagon Studio and have been used in condenser microphones and dynamic Neuman, AHG, Shure and Sennheiser preamps in the past del banco Calrec U8000, già appartenente agli Abbey Road Studios di Londra, che probabilmente andrà in pensione dopo questo disco.


17-03-2011 GENOVA – Blue Moon Music Hall (SAN PATRIZIO!!!)
18-03-2011 FONTANETO D’AGOGNA (NO) - Palaphenomenon
19-03-2011 BOLOGNA - Estragon @ Irlanda in Festa
25-03-2011 BRESCIA – Latte + Live
02-04-2011 FIRENZE - Auditorium Flog
08-04-2011 CESENA (FC) - Vidia Club
09-04-2011 MILANO - Alcatraz
15-04-2011 ROMA - StazioneBirra
16-04-2011 SENIGALLIA (AN) - Mamamia
23/04/2011 Olivone (Canton Ticino - Switzerland) - Polisport Olivone
29/04/2011 Taneto Gattatico (RE) - Out of Time 30/04/2011
MARGHERA (VE) - Centro Sociale Rivolta
05/05/2011 BARCELONA (SPAIN) - Sala Apollo 2
06/05/2011 MADRID (SPAIN) - Sala Caracol 12.05.2011
TORINO - Hiroshima Mon Amour
13/05/2011 Casalromano (MN) - Teatro Tenda

Difference Between Opal And Moonstone

The star Organ concert in Florence

The international stars in concert organ

in Florence, from March to December 2011

Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

6th edition, 14 concerts with free admission, by reservation

Auditorium Ente Cassa di Risparmio - via Folco Portinari - Florence

opening Wednesday, March 23 - 21 hours

TINI Mathot & Ton Koopman

Gustav Leonhardt and Ton Koopman, Wolfgang Gerhard Gnann and Rübsam .. . The greatest organ virtuoso of the art back to the stage of the Wednesday Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze. Fourteen events scheduled from March to December in the Auditorium of The Street Portinari, all with free admission (reservation required, subject to availability of seats available) for a survey that the banking institution organized in the first person - also pushed by the passion of its director general, Antonio Gherdovich lawyer, great lover of the genre - with the declared intention of raising the cultural attractions of the city.

Under the leadership of artistic director Giuseppe Lanzetta, Wednesday the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, for six years, offer the opportunity to listen to the founders of the European traditions of interpretation, and this year, also a U.S. representative. A gift to Florence, its inhabitants and its visitors.

The objectives of Music Wednesday, in fact, closer to the public at large repertoire of sacred music, baroque and secular, through a program of altissimo livello fruibile a tutti.

Ricca di storia la cornice della rassegna, l’Auditorium dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio ricavato da una sala seicentesca dell’Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova, ed attrezzato con un imponente organo progettato da Clemente Terni. Strumento che racchiude sia la tradizione organaria sia quella spagnola, realizzato negli anni ’70 dalla nota fabbrica Tamburini di Crema su commissione dell’Ente.

L’appuntamento inaugurale di mercoledì 23 marzo vede il gradito ritorno del clavicembalista, organista e direttore d'orchestra olandese Ton Koopman, stavolta affiancato dalla moglie Tini Mathot: concerto a quattro mani incentrato su Carlton, Tomkins, Sweelinck, Guami, Handel, Buxtehude, Mozart and Bach.

Among the guests expected in the coming weeks, Gustav Leonhardt (September 20), Wolfgang Rübsam (September 28), Bernhard Gfrerer (April 20), Andres Uibo (September 14), Gerhard Gnann (October 19), Arnau Reynes (October 26 ), Przemyslaw Kapitula (November 16), Esteban Elizondo Iriarte (15 June) ...

There are representatives of the Italian school, such as Gianfranco Nicoletti (May 11) and Sergio Militello (May 25) and unusual combinations such as those between the saxophonist Gaetano Di Bacco organist Italo Di Cioccio (April 6), including the organist Olympian Medori and flutist Julie Matteucci (November 30), and between Chamber Orchestra conducted by Giuseppe Lanzetta Florentine organist Francesco Filidei (December 14).

As mentioned, admission to concerts is free, subject to availability of seats available by reservation (tel. 055.5384012 - 055.5384348 or email federica.checchi @ - @ emanuele.barletti

Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Since 2011 the bill Wednesday Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio three names stand out really impressive in concert survey: Ton Koopman, Gustav Leonhardt, Wolfgang Rübsam. The first two Dutch già stati ospiti del Festival, si esibiranno in altra veste rispetto ai precedenti concerti: Ton Koopman sarà mercoledì 23 marzo in duo insieme alla moglie Tini Mathot, con un programma che spazia dal Cinquecento a Mozart, mentre Gustav Leonhardt (protagonista di un memorabile concerto al cembalo storico Fleischer, gentilmente concesso dal Museo Stibbert), si esibirà martedì 20 settembre con un programma interamente dedicato all’organo. Wolfgang Rübsam, grandissimo e raro interprete di nazionalità tedesco-americana, suonerà a Firenze per la prima volta, mercoledì 28 settembre, con un impegnativo programma interamente dedicato a J.S. Bach.

Molti altri organisti stranieri sono presenti nel cartellone: Wednesday, September 14, for the first time in Florence, the greatest organist and composer of Estonia, Andras Uibo, professor at the Estonian Academy of Music, Artistic Director of the International Festival of Tallinn and heritage of historic organs: in addition to performing its most famous composition for organ, "Apocalypsis-Symphony", will play music by Bach and Buxtehude. Wednesday, April 20
the Salzburg Gfrerer Bernard, professor of organ at the Conservatoire and organist of the famous Franziskanerkirche of his city, with a splendid program dedicated to the Opera Omnia for organ by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

To fully exploit the features of Hispanic organ built by Clemente Terni for the Auditorium Ente Cassa, two organists Iberian nationalities: Wednesday, June 15 Basque Esteban Elizondo Iriarte, always engaged in research and international dissemination of the exceptional organ heritage that exists in the Basque Country and Navarre, through musicological publications, editions of scores and has recorded over twenty CDs especially with the German label AEOLUS. Wednesday, October 26 the Mallorcan Arnaut Reynes, a pupil of the famous concert at the Conservatory of Barcelona Montserrat Torrent, organist at the Basilica of San Francesco in Palma de Mallorca, professor at the University of the Balearic Islands where he worked published research work on many historical organs of the archipelago.

The Polish organist Przemyslaw Kapitula is dell'Arcicattedrale S. John in Warsaw and president of the Foundation's Festival of Sacred Music: Its relevance concert sees him very busy in enhancing the work of important organizations such as Polish Nowowiejski Feliks (1877-1946) and Surzynski Mieczyslaw (1866-1924) which has CD recorded in the Opera Omnia. It will be in concert in Florence Wednesday, November 26.

In collaboration with the Association for the restoration and enhancement of historic organs in the Town of Cortona, the organist Gerhard Gnann, Professor of Organ e Professore Titolare della cattedra di "Musica Sacra" all'Università "Johannes Gutenberg" di Mainz eseguirà mercoledì 19 ottobre un ricco programma incentrato sulla letteratura per organo tra Italia, Spagna e Germania dal Cinquecento ai nostri giorni. Nel 2010 Gnann ha ricevuto il “Deutsche Schallplattenpreis” per un CD suonato sui preziosi strumenti antichi di Johann Nepomuk Holzhey (Sud della Germania) e nel 2010/11 è impegnato in un progetto, unico nel suo genere, per la registrazione dell’Opera Omnia di J.S. Bach sugli strumenti di J.A. Silbermann in Francia, con la casa discografiche AEOLUS.

Per quanto riguarda gli artisti italiani, da sottolineare il duo formato da Gaetano Di Bacco, uno dei più Active Italian saxophone inserted into the international concert scene, professor of saxophone at the Conservatory of Pescara, along with the organist Italo Di Ciocco, Professor of Organ and Composition at the Conservatory: Wednesday, April 6 with a program mainly centered on authors from nineteenth and twentieth centuries, entitled "Saxorgano between the sacred and the profane."
Then there is the young flutist Lucchese Giulia Matteucci, well-established performer, recently won a hearing at the State Philharmonic Orchestra of Malta, Wednesday, Nov. 30 in a duo with organist Medori Olympian, a veteran of "The Musical Wednesday" , with an original program that sees the two musicians involved, both the side and individually, in a repertoire ranging from the eighteenth century authors such as ME and J. Bossi Alain, which falls this year on the anniversary of the birth, up to G. Lanzetta, artistic director of this prestigious event.

Wednesday, May 11 concert organist and Sicilian Gianfranco Nicoletti, who in addition to running an important task of safeguarding and enhancement of old organs (such as honorary inspector in the Region of Sicily) this year he was appointed Director of the Conservatory "A. Corelli "in Messina, where he already taught organ and Gregorian Chant Practice.
The concert
Sergio Militello, director of the 'Diocesan Institute of Sacred Music "of the Archdiocese of Florence, the" Cappella Musicale di S. Maria del Fiore, owner of the monumental organ Organist V. Mascioni of the Cathedral of Florence and member of the Council of the ulna of the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) in Rome, Wednesday, May 25 will perform a program entitled "Changes", with the final improvised on the themes proposed by the public.

The sixth edition of the Wednesday Music Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze will end Wednesday, December 14: a side of the Chamber Orchestra conducted by Giuseppe Fiorentina Lanzetta, Francesco Filidei young organist-composer training Italo-French, a former pupil of Jean Guillou and Salvatore Sciarrino and acclaimed guest in the previous edition: will compete in the challenging Concerto in A minor Op 100 for organ and orchestra by Marco Enrico Bossi , which fulfills the one hundred and fifty years after the birth.

Program concerts

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 21

Opening concert

TINI Mathot & Ton Koopman, organ (Netherlands)

Music by N. Carlton, T. Tomkins, JP Sweelinck,

G. Guam, GF Handel, D. Buxtehude, WA Mozart, JS Bach

Mercoledì 6 aprile 2011 ore 21

GAETANO DI BACCO, sassofono sopra e alto (Italia)

ITALO DI CIOCCIO, organo (Italia)

“Saxorgano tra sacro e profano”

Musiche di: A. Marcello, A. Lamproye, I. Di Cioccio,

F. De La Tombelle, G. de Lioncourt, D. Bedard

Mercoledì 20 aprile 2011 ore 21

BERNHARD GFRERER, organo (Austria)

Opera Omnia per organo di W.A. Mozart

Mercoledì 11 maggio 2011 ore 21


Musiche di G. Morandi, V. Petrali, ME Bossi, F.

Mendelssohn B., CJ Grey, C. Saint-Saëns, PA Yon rhapsody

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 21

Sergio Militello, organ music by

Eckelt JV, A Vivaldi, GF Handel, S. Militello

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 21

Esteban Elizondo Iriarte, organ (Spain)

"The influence of English-Italian organ music in"

Music by: A. de Cabezón, F. Correa de Arauxo,

A. de Sola, JB Cabanilles, D. Zipoli, Anonymous (s. XVIII),

J. M ª Beobide, T. de Elduayen, E. Torres, T. Garbizu

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 21

Uibo ANDRES, organ (Estonia)

Music by D. Buxtehude, A. Uibo, JS Bach

Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 21

Gustav Leonhardt, organ (Netherlands)

Music by FC de Arauxo, SA de Herrera, G. Frescobaldi,

Anonymous Dutch (XVII), A. van den Kerckhoven, J.

Pachelbel, G. Böhm, JCF Fischer, J. Krieger

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 21

WOLFGANG RÜBSAM, organ (USA-Germany)

Music by JS Bach

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 21

Gerhard Gnann, organ (Germany)

In collaboration with the Association for the restoration and enhancement of historic organs

the City of Cortona

"Music for organ between Spain, Italy and Germany "

Music by P. de Araujo, FC de Arrauxo, S. Duron,

V. Petrali, G. Morandi, JS Bach, G. Bovet, A. Vivaldi / JS Bach

Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 21

Arnau Reynes, organ (Spain)

Music by JS Bach, F. Mendelssohn B., C. Franck, A.

Guilmant, A. Martorell, C. Saint-Saëns, M. Dupre, Widor Ch M ª

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 21

Przemyslaw Kapitula, organ (Poland)

Music by J. Pachelbel, S. M. Scheidt Surzynski, JS Bach

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 21

Giuliano Matteucci, flute (Italy)

OLIMPIO Medora, organ (Italy) Music by A.

Vivaldi, GF Händel, G. Ph. Telemann, ME Bossi, G. Lanzetta, J. Alain

Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 21
Closing Concert of the sixth edition


FRANCESCO Filidea body (Italia)

Musiche di W. A. Mozart, G. Rossini, M. E. Bossi

Organizzazione e comunicazione

Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Direzione artistica di Giuseppe Lanzetta

Ingresso ai concerti

L’ingresso ai concerti è gratuito ed è consentito fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili.

Prenotazione obbligatoria: tel. 055.5384012 - 055.5384348 o via mail a -

L’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze si riserva di regolamentare l’ingresso a mezzo invito.

Kates Playground Katesplayground Movies

24 Grana to Flog


Markets 24 / b - Florence INFOLINE 055-487145 / auditoriumflog
Saturday, March 12 open 21:30 / start 22:30

"Saturday Rock Fever" with


the Neapolitan band live for the new album "The Same Boat" recorded by Steve Albini in Chicago ...

Supporter band: MGRB

ROCKDANCE followed with Dr. LORENZ + LUCILLE Djs

ADMISSION € 10 / 8 reduced

The Neapolitan band of the 24 GRANA torna sui maggiori palcoscenici live italiani e sabato 12 marzo approda all’AUDITORIUM FLOG di Firenze per presentare il nuovo album, “La Stessa Barca”; si tratta del nono full-lenght ufficiale della formazione, prodotto e registrato presso gli studi “Electrical Audio” di Chicago da Steve Albini (vero e proprio "guru" della scena indipendente internazionale, già a lavoro con artisti come Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Robert Plant, The Stooges, Mogwai, Gogol Bordello, Low e tantissimi altri)..
L’album, preceduto dal singolo "Ombre" uscito a fine dicembre 2010, propone l’inconfondibile sound dei 24 GRANA, dalla New Wave al Dub, dall'Indie Rock al Folk, dal Cantautorato più classical tradition, and close to the immediacy of the Post-Punk and Rock'n'Roll.

The album was recorded entirely in analog, practically live,

whose main purpose is to capture the incredible energy that has always been the 24 GRIT can generate on stage.

addition to songs from the new album during the concert Saturday, March 12 at the FLOG, do not miss the classics that made famous the 24 grains, such as Introdub, constancy, Kanzone On London Accireme, Kanzone Doce, lust and bitch ', I wear Sempe Same, You're Never

Cca, Prison, Cardillo, Canto Pe Nun Suffri' but also the new "Close cu'tte.

Una musica diretta ed energica, senza fronzoli, in cui è valorizzato al massimo il

personalissimo sound della band, che contamina, in maniera eclettica e sempre sorprendente, le influenze più disparate.

Il nuovo tour è partito il 20 gennaio da Londra con la seguente formazione:

Francesco Di Bella (voce e chitarra),

Renato Minale (batteria)

Giuseppe Fontanella (chitarre)

Alessandro Innaro (basso)

Come sempre, alla fine del live, tutti in pista con la scatenata ROCKDANCE di LUCILLE & Dr. LORENZ djs

INGRESSO € 10 / 8 ridotto