Skiantos to Flog tomorrow
Markets 24 / b - Florence 055-487145
INFOLINE / auditoriumflog
Saturday, March 5 open 21:30 / start 22:30
Carnival Toga Party with
The Alfieri's "Demential Rock" to return to excellence with FLOG a live irreverent and overwhelming!
ROCKDANCE followed with a new pair of DJs, FOLIE A 'DEUX
ADMISSION € 10 / 8 reduced
carnevalizia advancing with the atmosphere, the Auditorium Flog in Florence offers a TOGA PARTY CARNIVAL - Saturday, March 5 - with a concert Skiantos, 'natural' actors of the evening ...
Skiantos From 1977's are a cult band, a rock band that is very personal style, appreciated by a legion of diehard fans, "hard core" of followers of the insane. Creators and propagators of the genre, style, and dementia of the adjective (which, by their very definition means a "cocktail of humor, improvisation, poetry, almost surreal, idiocies, and paradoxes of genius") Skiantos's continued undeterred to produce records on the edge of irony, which is the key to their favorite reading.
born in Bologna playing in cellars and Youth Clubs. They do a Rock and mid-gig hard enough to throw the vegetables on the public. They are 8-10 people, unemployed and students, many of which come and go from the group.
The founders, all baptized with the names of art demented, are: Robert Antoni said 'Freak', a graduate of DAMS with a thesis on the Beatles, Andrea Setti said 'Jimmy Bellafronte', surveyor and singer for pleasure, Stefano 'Spisni shaves' Cavedoni, university DAMS, actor, drama, clown, poet and singer, Fabio Testoni (alias' Dandy Beast '), guitarist neoproffesionista rocker and activist, will accompany them during their long career (32 years ormai) per periodi più o meno lunghi Leo ‘Tormento’ Pestoduro, Andy Bellombrosa, Frankie Grossolani, Gianni Lo Grezzo, etc.
Producono una cassetta, che poi diventerà anche il loro primo disco ufficiale, intitolato INASCOLTABLE (pronuncia corretta ‘inascoltable’), e approdano ad un vero contratto discografico con la Cramps all’inizio del 1978 per la quale producono MONOTONO, KINOTTO e PESISSIMO. A seguire TI SPALMO LA CREMA per la CGD nel 1984, NON C’E’ GUSTO IN ITALIA AD ESSERE INTELLIGENTI, TROPPO RISCHIO PER UN UOMO SOLO, e ZE BEST IN LIVE per Targa Bollicine. Dal 1992 sono con RTI, per la quale realizzano SIGNORE DEI DISCHI e SALUTI DA CORTINA prodotti da Guido Elmi. Finally in 1996, produces SKIANTOLOGIA Mescal Records Vol 1.
DOUBLE DOSE is the title of the first double CD Skiantos 1999. Of note undergone some important changes: the songs in both albums (28) are all novel, a CD (Thou hast COOKED THE ROCKET) is managed entirely by Skiantos historians (those of '77, back together for the occasion), the other (the usual triumph) is instead the new test record Skiantos contemporaries, stimulated by such prestigious accomplices: Lucio Dalla, Luca Carboni, Samuele Bersani, Michael Serra, Enzo Iachetti, Shel Shapiro (Rokes), Montefiori Cocktail + Johnson Righeira , Banda Osiris, Gang, Datura, Angelo Branduardi, Riccardo Tesi, Stefania Tschantret, Patrizio Fariselli (Area), Mark Hull, Marcello Darbo, Jimmi Villotti, Patrizio Roversi & Susy Blady. Guests above perform in different ways: some sing a chorus, others suggest a musical phrase, and some joke or take part in a choir, all in a sort of creative improvisation played in tune with the Skiantos.
Below is the new compilation THE Kreme, RARITIES, the SKONNESSI Unplugged (CD & DVD) always LATLANTIDE, and the last CD of new songs produced by Guido Elmi IMPROBABLE DREAM for EMI after the band experience as a resident THE COLORADO CAFE 'for 2 editions of the Italy 1 program.
In 2008, finally the long awaited reissue on CD INASCOLTABLE for Shake, accompanied by a rich and entertaining book that tells how it was conceived and produced that disc somehow experimental recorded in one night and the morning of mixed next day. Definitely not 'sounds good', but it sounds Rock and contains the germs of all subsequent demented saga.
2009 is a year full of events for Skiantos. In February comes GOD MUST OF EXPLANATION (IF POSSIBLE convincing), the first disc of unreleased since 2004. The album is followed by a lengthy tour of over 40 dates up and down Italy. The year ended with the publication dell’EP PHOGNA – THE DARK SIDE OF THE SKIANTOS.
Dopo qualche mese di (meritato) riposo la band ricomincia a percorrere lo Stivale con i suoi imprevedibili live, pronta a regalare serate demenzialmente Rock!
Gli SKIANTOS intervengono sul linguaggio delle parole e dei comportamenti, scelgono di essere banali, “stupidi”, allusivi, esagerati ed aggressivi in contrapposizione alla retorica dei “buoni sentimenti” e alla prosopopea dei cantautori. Raccolgono segnali dal gergo giovanile per contaminare l’insopportabile modo del “buon senso”. Ad una presunta “poetica alta” da grande artista contrappongono una “poetica bassa” da artista sconnesso.
Nel corso della loro lunghissima carriera con la formazione degli SKIANTOS (ben 33 anni ormai) Roberto ‘Freak’ Antoni e Fabio ‘Dandy Bestia’ Testoni sono stati accompagnati per periodi più o meno lunghi da: Andrea ‘Jimmy Bellafronte’ Setti, Stefano ’Spisni Sbarbo’ Cavedoni, Leo ‘Tormento’ Pestoduro, Andy Bellombrosa, Frankie Grossolani, Bubba Loris, Gianni Lo Grezzo, Linda Linetti, Lucio Bellagamba, Carlo Atti, Fabio ‘Tormento Pestolesto’ Grandi, Sandro ‘Belluomo’ Dall’Omo, Roberto ‘Granito’ Morsiani, Marco ‘Marmo’ Nanni, Charlie Molinella, Luca ‘Tornado’ Testoni, Max ‘Magnus’ Magnani, Gianluca Schiavon!
La formazione attuale:
Roberto ‘Freak’ Antoni: Voce
Fabio ‘Dandy Bestia’ Testoni: Chitarra e Cori
Max “Magnus” Magnani: Basso e Cori
Luca ‘Tornado’ Testoni: Chitarra
Gianluca “La Molla” Schiavon: Batteria
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