inertia continues to move forward when we know that it takes to race head, legs, good feet and good shoes.
Inertia is represented by the flywheel which was my best result ever on the field, a few months ago in New York City .
Finally something takes place (or better ... I move!) And I'm managing to increase with the mileage and intensity. Just Monday, 2007
I was able to gym with ridiculous ease and without great burden and with 25 'fartlek where, finally, the legs were at full thrust.
E ' a beginning ... comforting, but I hope to step in security that I get up every thought with regard to the illness that I had to do lately.
Maybe, with the arrival of Hot pass might finally finally!
With these premises last Saturday I had the honor of presenting the new collection Adidas Running 2011 together with industry experts.
Despite an obvious sore throat that made me almost voiceless, have succeeded in to tell me and explain all the reasons why I continue every day to put Adidas on his feet.
the chosen audience, in a soothing setting where the Cave Park in Milan, was one of the most famous journalists of the landscape Running ( Runner's World and Race ) as well as the very nice Manlio Gasparotto of "Rose" with whom I had the pleasure of meeting him in New York during the marathon race success both :-)
But the most representative was to meet in person bloggers in the area with which I always gladly exchanged comments and criticisms (as long as construction).
Immediately after the presentation of a purely technical Tech Manager Adidas Running , it was my turn to speak.
no emotion ... Yet I
the eyeballs of the most important and Area Managers of the German giant.
The explanation is simple: I have always felt at ease with both the products with personal relationships, knowledge of another person was approaching. Moreover
admit I was welcomed by many bloggers so that more affectionate, but do not know me in person, in short I was in a friendly environment ...

And so, the truth, my conversation went on easy, telling anecdotes of New York and giving advice that I was to utter one of these the search for maximum protection with the shoe that can ensure only the best in training.
The race is only one day of months of hard work behind, which are well supported by shoes.
One of the best news was in fact seen the flagship adistar Ride 3 (which I hope to review shortly), which despite being the heaviest shoes Adidas technical training, provides support that a marathoner must try. Running
sometimes 30 miles in one day is one thing, are going well also Response , but running a daily mileage requires maximum security.
E 'was interesting to note that not all participants will find advantages in Adidas shoes and, as I have always promoted on this site, the best comments are also critical in order to improve the product.
Luciano , that I finally had the pleasure to know and make me a picture with him, has expressed doubts on the feeling-fit of the Supernova Glide 2 which, as Supernova Glide 3 has seen a radical reinterpretation of the upper increasing softness ( and the Wall of shoes next to the blog I had already specified).
The highlight, in the late afternoon, the test was focused on attentional shoe

shoe design completely renovated, and at the base in the upper (light) was a curiosity to try them all and a pleasure for the first time there.
feared a narrow fit and instead I immediately found a nice roll of the foot, the result of an upper minimal but very strong.
outsole, highly flexible, F50 makes this suitable for the work of running technique on the track, as well as to work close to race pace.
Racing, I understand that it would be nice even rhythms to marathon medium around the 3'10 "/ km as the forefoot is well aware of the terrain and natural obligation to push.
To encourage maximum protection heels, ForMotion (the shock that mechanically moves horizontal to the ground impact dispersing trauma dynamically) as well as the ' adiprene (which absorbs the impact on the ground "vertical").
Finally, adiPRENE + in forefoot, full length that promotes responsiveness.
A shoe fashion trend that will complete this summer and I think the race will test even if I have the chance.
The ride around the lake has become a time a nice combination with a long slow runners exactly as he can.
miCoach Pacer arm to scan rates and distances
:-) It 'been a pleasure to share opinions and listen to personal projects, ideas and programs of each runner present.
Two other runners will run in Boston with me, asked me for advice, but mostly the best advice is the wise management of stroke, one that makes you arrive fresh at the finish.
Among the many comments and stories will find out that one of the guys who will go to Boston has trained fully with the miCoach, a valid and highly technical assistance for those who want to get well prepared for the race start so important senza ricorrere al sbagliatissimo metodo del "Fai da Te".
Il momento più divertente è stata sicuramente La Volatona del Gasparotto, che ci ha bruciato tutti di sorpresa :-)
Ringrazio Adidas Italia che mi ha permesso di vivere questo week-end secondo la mia filosofia che coincide a quella dell'Azienda: vivere lo sport per vivere meglio con se stessi.
Ma ricordiamoci che " Impossible Is Nothing ", la migliore frase per un agonista come me :-)
(Ringrazio Luciano per le Foto)
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