Bologna v Juventus, a great classic of Italian football, a match that has its origins in the mists of time. A lot has always been full of battles, fierce controversy, accusations, since the dawn full of pathos. Match sentitissima from Bologna and Juventus from the Romagna area, as narrated Gianni Brera, cheering Juve in the desire to humiliate the "arrogant" Bologna and his football team, which in those years was about to rise to levels of football mythology. What place is the record of the first leg of the season 1924-1925, the year in which he graduated Bologna FC Champion of Italy for the first time in its history. It was a defeat inflicted on the old field owned by Juventus: the legendary stadium "course Marseille, one of the most beautiful and modern age. The Bologna lost 2 to 1, with networks of Peter Shepherd - a native of Padua great striker, who later became a film actor -, balanced rossoblù for Peter Genovese, and winning goal in clear offside position Virginio "Viri" Rosetta, a formidable champion stripped from Juventus in 1923 to Pro Vercelli. This was just the "appetizer" of a continuing challenge that burned all the '20s and '30s, and still gives a spark.
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Adapted from "The Progress Sports" ......................................... .................................................. ..........
of November 10, 1924 .......................................... .................................................. .........
6 th day ............................................ .................................................. .......
NOT THE REFEREE BLOWS MONACO ....................................... .................................................. ............
Sooner or later it had to happen: at once the Bologna loses unbeaten record and, in the most sudden stopping their streak of success. Felsner's men fall to the field of Juventus in the match highlight of the day, opened by an immediate goal the implacable Shepherd. Very disappointed in the end for the guests, bent on a goal scored by Rosetta from a position decidedly uneven. The Bianconeri are isolated at the top thanks to one of Andrea Doria forces reassured the whites of Pro Vercelli. The shooting against Livorno Sampierdarese thanks to a brace of increasingly shocking Magnozzi, the Padova Derthona getting rid of all the same, that is so only at the bottom of the standings. Worrying time for Milan, which comes out in pieces from the quantity of Mantua and slip into the relegation zone.
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November 9, 1924, Torino ......................................... .................................................. ...... BOLOGNA-JUVENTUS 2-1
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Networks: 1 'Shepherd, 86' Genovesi, 87 'Rosetta ................................. .................................................. ..............
JUVENTUS: Combi; Gianfardoni, Brown, Purple, Monticone, Giriodi; Grabbi, Rosetta, Shepherd, Munerati, Gambino ....................... .................................................. ........................
Coach: Karoly .................................................................................................
BOLOGNA: Gianni; Borgato, Gasperi; Genovesi, Baldi, Spadoni; Pozzi, Della Valle III°, Schiavio, Perin, Muzzioli
Allenatore: Felsner
Arbitro: Barnabò di Milano
L'arbitro Barnabò, concedendo alla Juventus il goal segnato al 42° minuto del secondo tempo da Rosetta, che si trovava a qualche metro dalla porta in perfetta e lampante posizione di fuori giuoco, non solo, ma che aveva anche allontanato con uno spintone un difensore avversario, ha completamente falsato il risultato della partita. La squadra torinese sinceramente non ha oggi meritato di vincere: un match nullo avrebbe potuto esattamente rispecchiare l'andamento dell'incontro. E ciò diciamo anche se chi ha dominato in campo è stato il Bologna. I rosso-bleu sono stati nettamente superiori, in specie nel primo tempo, sia per numero di attacchi che per qualità di gioco. Ma a tale supremazia complessiva non ha corrisposto una adeguata efficienza.Il difetto della squadra bolognese è stato oggi nell'indecisione e più ancora the imprecision of the attackers who have missed opportunities, while beautifully created by them, which rarely occur in a game, and they failed to take advantage of situations that were inevitably seemed to end in goal sighed. Especially in the first half we said, because it was the first time, and precisely in its second half that the ball almost non-stop stationed in Juventus. It was during this time that the actions of Bologna More.l liked the first line went down in quick flurries, combining nicely, well supported by the halves as they were seriously concerned about the defense and not too sure where the uncertainty had already caused a few minutes from 'Start with the goal of Pastor. Perin, bangles and Della Valle, excellent setters, aggressive on the third, they were brilliant, efficient, glittering half-court, up to the edge of the penalty: the second line on the left Juventus especially weak, with Giriodi, who was regularly exceeded by Wells, whose agreement with Della Valle has had some brilliant moments, almost never has been an insuperable obstacle to the attacks of Bologna. But come close to the extreme defensive triangle each security each liveliness disappeared: Gianfardoni and Brown had a good game with their energetic and timely intervention to liberate, to avert the threat because they could take advantage of indecision in certain moments almost of bewilderment perhaps due to an inexplicable emotion, or of forwards who were lost in steps online, or pulled the wrong target and is clearly left to fish with the ball between your feet. Combi, regarding the number of times you've seen the invaded their own half, was just busy and almost always pulls non-hazardous. There has been no word from Bologna to the latch and resolvent; started the descent with power always have been losing force, almost Stranding. We will say, however, that the whole team Bologna appeared cold, but not compelling. We do not mean, mind you, that appeared to be cold its individual components which in fact often show off a nice heat, a spirited effort, but it appeared freddo il complesso del giuoco e lo stile un po' accademico. Le azioni si sviluppano quasi con lentezza, non sono mai travolgenti. E poiché quelli che hanno oggi dominato, che hanno imposto il proprio gioco sono stati i bolognesi, non c'è da stupirsi se il match non sia stato dei più appassionanti. Abbiamo detto della prima linea bolognese: dobbiamo aggiungere che Muzzioli, reso quasi inattivo nel primo tempo dall'attenta sorveglianza di Viola, è stato più brillante nella ripresa. Del resto se la qualità del gioco nel secondo tempo non valeva quella del primo ciò non toglie che i bolognesi siano stati più energici e più attivi. Ma si sono allora un po' disuniti, hanno perduto il loro assieme, si sono alquanto sbandati e l'intesa non è più stata tanto efficace. E questo benché l'appoggio della seconda linea non sia loro venuto meno: tutt'altro. Genovesi, Baldi e Spadoni si sono oggi prodigati con maggior generosità nel secondo tempo. Ma mentre il loro gioco di sostegno è sempre apprezzabile, quello difensivo non sempre riesce soddisfacente. Costretti a retrocedere per arginare gli attacchi si disorientano precipitosi e talvolta anche imprecisi. Il male sì è che oggi si è abbastanza spesso richiesto il loro aiuto in difesa perché la coppia Borgato e Gasperi non ha costituito un blocco saldo che desse completo affidamento. È migliore Borgato, ma anche il veneziano non è apparso eccessivamente sicuro benché abbia avuto dei buoni momenti. È certo mentioned that if the first line of organic deficiency prevented Bologna to win today because it is not able to score some goals despite his long stay in the area opposing defense is due to the weakness of the defeat, or to be more exact, the first goal, because the second, as we said, was marked by Rosetta Taking the great behind the Backes. Gianni has also been among the best defenders, not that has made an error, especially at the beginning when he was or appeared excited, but no error was fatal and the two goals scored are those absolutely unstoppable. Juventus has not staked a great game: far from it. He won, and luck, and the victory will probably forget many things, but did not appear at all in good condition. Meanwhile, the attack did not work, and this even if we say today, Shepherd, hit hard after about ten minutes, the patient knee, could be of little efficiency. And such failure in surprise as men, except for Gambino, are those who last year made us watch so many beautiful games. If we take the five forward one by one we must recognize that being in front of men of a certain class and we refer in particular to the central trio that is Munerati, Shepherd and Rosetta. Even Grabbi Gambino and not gambled badly: the first is a bit 'too impetuous and confusing, but when he receives the ball knows not squander it. All are good setters, do not distribute bad, but can not get along. Today is their lack of any agreement. Led attacks impetuous, strong, determined, but almost exclusively based on individual actions, fled to remote areas. They were clearly overwhelmed by their opponents and could not beat the not too solid defense Bologna. It is the second line, except Giriodi completely invalid, the Combi Backes and that Juventus is today's statement. The Juventus defense is a granite block almost one could say that very few teams can now boast. Monticone, Viola, which resumed after a slow start, Gianfardoni, Bruna in great shape and great day, and always Combi safe (although in the Bologna goal is to find some kind of responsibility) all'imperversare have withstood the attacks of Bologna. And they resisted bravely, always confident, without hesitation. The soul of this stubborn, almost impetuous effective defensive action was the "old" Brown: the old manner of speaking because the captain of Juventus has today showed off a rush, an inexhaustible ardor of a security, a sense in choice of time really exciting. But the others we have mentioned have labored tirelessly and can be very proud of their game, because the outcome that has crowned their efforts is largely due to defense.
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........................................... .................................................. .... Under the orders of the arbitrator
Barnabò the International, at 15 teams lined up on the field. They have the ball from Bologna, who play with the sun in your face, but the first to attack the people of Turin which are now undertake the goalkeeper but is released easily. The reduction of Turin's new initiative Grabbi whose center is a collection of texts from Munerati that sends high among the huge disappointment of the crowd who filled the field spectacularly. It was not a minute during a descent of white-blacks Shepherd appprofittando without uncertainties an error of Borgato row to Gianni, Gasperi and discard marks with a strong shot from a few meters. This unexpected succcesso visible noise which sends the bulk of the public, without discouraging the Turin Bologna ringalluzzisce that the 6th minute can take advantage of a corner due to Spadoni, the inevitable melee in the door is answered by an offside. But the Bologna gradually being imposed, and the Juventus area begins to be invaded by his five attackers clearly driven by the Genoese, Baldi and Spadoni which appear more comfortable with the offense or the defense. At the 7th minute Della Valle sends out, imitated the 8th minute from the center of a gathering that Perin Pozzi draws touching the pole side of the door. Juventus is not limited to defense with a lot of energy, not lack of attack with the same energy, although Shepherd hit hard knee to the 10th minute can give little help to his companions. And at the 13 th minute corner get a second: this also unsuccessful, because even in the long free kick for Bolognesi Borgato the initiative passes to oblige, with slaves and Perin, the opposing goalkeeper to two consecutive parades difficult: Schiavio spoils after a 'favorable at a few meters from Combi. And the ball back to Gianni, defense, red-blue, close by her, finds nothing better than saving corner in the 17th minute, but the corner does not cause any solution. Juventus insists a few minutes and minaccciosamente because Rosetta crushing the side post with a shot from more than fifteen meters, and shortly after Pastor with a shot close to the ground forces John to a parade ground. From here you get the clear supremacy of Bologna: the first line Juventus loses its efficiency and the opponents have a long way to keep the attack. Perform good deeds, well coordinated, but, as we have said, without overwhelming the energy with which should be completed. There are many missed opportunities in this period. Thus, we note the 22nd minute a well centers clearly wrong by Della Valle, bangles and Perin, collected only from precipitation Muzzioli that sends out a shot at the side of Valley at the 23rd minute, a corner against Juventus in the 25th minute. Then the defense Turin, which works beautifully, is able to avert the threat, and come out early at the gate of Hans. But Munerati sends top of his head. And the Bologna takes the offensive: Combi miraculous save in the 28th minute a shot to the head of Della Valle and shortly after a security lock with ball sent to him by Perin. The superiority of Bologna is clear, clear. At the 32 th minute, Juventus is the second time in a corner, but Muzzioli sends a corner. Juventus have levied a brief to the 40th minute and Gianni should also get rid of a dangerous shot pitched after canceling a feeble attempt to Monticone, but picking up a 41 th minute free-kick Muzzioli Genovesi misses the target by a couple of meters. Even without an escape after Gambino, third corner against Juventus to crown a brilliant descent in Bologna, the first time ends.
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The beginning of the second half saw a more vitality and aggressiveness of the local population already at 1 minute Della Valle try the way of the goal but it sends up. Juventus does not seem willing to suffer and yet opposing the supremacy of his offensive action appears more substantial. The game takes on even if he loses in vitality compostezza da parte dei rosso-bleu. Gianni è impegnato al 2° minuto da un tiro di Rosetta e al 3° minuto da Giriodi. Ma poi gli attaccanti bolognesi partono in controffensiva: è Baldi che con una spettacolosa entrata libera prima; poi l'azione è sciupata da un tiro a lato di Perin. AI 6° minuto Combi deve parare un tiro di Pozzi: il pallone gli sfugge dalle mani, ma Schiavio da due metri lo manda incomprensibilmente molto alto. Gli avanti bolognesi peccano evidentemente nell'area di rigore della calma necessaria, di sangue freddo. Al 5° minuto un errore di Gasperi, spostato molto avanti, da modo a Rosetta di scendere verso la porta avversaria: stretto da Borgato passa a Gambino il quale però manda fuori. E siamo ancora sotto il goal Combi: Bologna action is dangerous for the people of Turin, but a hand of Schiavio spoils everything. A very serious situation for the Bologna Grabbi causes shortly after, but with two fine saves Gianni is saved for a corner: the apples that happens is not relevant. And the overall superiority of the Bologna game appears again even if unsuccessful, because the first Schiavio pulls up, then Muzzioli, having successfully passed Gianfardoni and Brown, sent to the side. I insist Bologna Juventus but the defense is almost impenetrable: Della Valle tries to 19 °, 21 ° and 23 ° away from Combi-minute surprise, but his shots sin measure and the opposing goalkeeper did not even need to intervene. Meanwhile, we approach the Ending: Karoly decided to strengthen the defense and sends Giriodi right wing, moving Grabbi. Bologna attacks become more impulsive, more rainfall, but slaves, and Della Valle Muzzioli or wrong or Combi are ready to parade. Juventus can drop some messy and inconclusive because of Pastor Munerati imitating rivals. The Bologna now passes all his men to attack, only Borgato Gasperi and remain to guard their own half, while Juventus also retreating defense closes in Rosetta. The game is lively albeit messy. And 41 minutes into the Bologna manages to Score: pulls Pozzi, Combi saved after going to reject, when sending the ball intervenes Genovesi the network. The failure seems to galvanize the people of Turin, which now invade the enemy camp and get to a 42 th minute free-kick. While Viola is getting ready to fire, Rosetta carries Backes in the perfect position for offside. Viola goes to Shepherd which extends to Rosetta, the Vercelli, who had moved away with his hands an opponent, has no difficulty in inserting the network of Gianni. Among the surprise Barnabò giving goal: the Bolognese protest, but the referee has left much to be desired during the game, the threat of expulsion Gasperi. Dr. Felsner should not sweat little to calm his men and encourage them not to abandon the field. It succeeds. But now the game is decided and no effort of the red-blue riesce a mutare le sorti.
Juventus batte Bologna
Da "La Stampa" del 10 novembre 1924
di Vittorio Pozzo
La partita si era aperta sotto buoni auspici sia per la tecnica del giuoco che per la squadra concittadina. The first line of Juventus worked. Some successful change of position among men of the center, or some quick raid of the wings, were the index of this good disposition of the attack. As a result, the Bologna goalkeeper was soon called to work. As a result the concrete Juventus marked a point when just five minutes had passed since the beginning. Action on the left, which would bring Gambino, Shepherd, Munerati, Rosetta and Monticone and competed successfully in an uncertainty of the Genoese, and Shepherd avoided a full-back, side by side and slipped a shot up without hesitation in the left, leaving him without mercy. Shout for joy, joy in fast-paced field Juventus. The Bolognese affected by the setback, rolled up their sleeves morally, reorganize files and went to the counter. In an advanced Juventus, Shepherd is seriously wounded in his knee, falling in the penalty area. The injury of the good Juventus striker took place precisely at the psychological moment in which guests were morally overcoming the disappointment of the goal immediately. Shepherd was leaving the field, we fell away, came back out of it, he walked away again, and when he'd been there was nothing to make you part of their appearance. The attack Bologna wound, and shone at this time in its best light at half time. Continuation, understanding, mastery of the ball, running style, everything hit the eye. But one thing was missing absolutely and deeply impressed, and it was the lack of effectiveness at the door. Perin came down to lend a hand to its median and commendably distributed. Della Valle put his game in those fine qualities of energy that set it apart, Wells showed the ball domain and precision of the center, gave Schiavio to see the intelligent study of misleading the two full backs and then shuck them for half, but everyone were confused and imprecise in the penalty area as if the lure of the purpose that was approaching, dazzled their eyes with its beauty. So it happened that the Bologna dominated, but that opportunities to score in the first half was almost identical in both parties. Rosetta fact hit one of the goal posts Bologna with a precise shot, and suddenly, and brought to the center Gambino Grabbi and some balloons full of danger. On the other side who was missing an opportunity to score egregious, the left wing, Muzzioli. A nice right from the center led to a situation so confused between defenders and attackers, who came to find Muzzioli two feet from the door, with Combi ground and seven feet of the target open before him. It was an invitation by the court, it declined Muzzioli and deviated to the side.
This leads to half-time advantage with Turin. At the resumption, the physiognomy of the game did not change much. If there was a change, was that the attack was losing many of Bologna sue belle caratteristiche tecniche. E perdendo in finezza, quest'attacco otteneva migliori occasioni di segnare che nel primo tempo. Era Combi che lasciava cadere il pallone nei piedi di Perin, e la palla invece di un tocco leggero in un angolo della rete riceveva un colpo furioso che la spediva a cinque metri al di sopra del palo trasversale. Era Muzzioli che scavalcava di forza l'ostacolo di tre o quattro uomini, e trovatosi in eccellente posizione mancava oltre che l'obbiettivo anche quel proiettile che è rappresentato dal pallone. Era Schiavio che s'ingarbugliava e rendeva, coll'esitazione, difficile una posizione straordinariamente facile. Al lato opposto non si poteva parlare di attacchi organici, ma la difesa bolognese veniva tenuta desta da puntate individuali as chaotic and energetic actions of the survivors of the attack. Survivors in the sense that, with pastor invalid, whose work with Rosetta parodied that of a striker, and Giriodi who had changed places with Grabbi, the actual items were still little. The meeting lasted so in an environment of great power off the pitch, with a predominance of Bologna and just general in the field, until a few minutes from time. Then suddenly the solution came in the form of two points that made him suffer and enjoy the soffribile enjoyable for supporters of both parties. A hint to play off of Bologna cho he sent the ball to Wells, a beautiful old pitched at the door. Combi grab the ball and had the cancellation of bounce to contend for the network, through the back Genovesi supervening in office. Balance. Juventus reaction violent and impetuous. A free kick on the right drawn by Viola. A balloon that escapes rebel cutting Bologna and Juventus, and that comes to Rosetta, just in front of Gianni. A little touch and the ball is in the network. A long and excited discussion of outside game, its origins and nuances, discussion between the gamblers and the public. Rosetta was "offside." More off-game "so you die. But to judge the validity of the point we have to see who last touched the ball before it were to succeed in Rosetta. Which is not easy since most of the entanglement and the speed of the action. The fact is, that the only official authorized to review the matter, decreed the point as valid, and the remainder will be payable on the gossip, complaints and comments. So Juventus closed the meeting victorious. The two teams had the following line:
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Bologna: Gianni; Borgato and Gasperi, Genovesi, Baldi and Spadoni, Pozzi, Della Valle, bangles, and Perin Muzzioli.
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Juventus: Combi; Gianfardoni and Brown, Viola, and Monticone Giriodi; Grabbi, Rosetta, Pastore, Munerati e Gambino.
Arbitro Barnabò di Milano.
Partita strana. Strana per un arbitraggio irto di trovate amene. Strana per l'andamento del giuoco e per il comportamento delle squadre. Forse le cose sarebbero andate diversamente se l'attacco juventino fosse riuscito al completo fino al termine. Come andarono le cose, la migliore delle due unità fu la bolognese. C'è equilibrio nell'undici. Non v'è più una sproporzione enorme fra il valore dei diversi elementi. Anche la difesa, who represented long the Achilles heel of the team, has been consolidated. A village was yesterday back on the ball and secure the position. The attack turned out to be cohesion in the first half. In this period at least four of the five "forward" clearly showed how easily the upset with a defense of advanced systematically designed to attract two defenders on the same line and then eliminate them both with a passage in a diagonal, between one and 'else. Bologna offensive conduct toward the twentieth minute of the first half, and finished in a center of Wells, was an example of this type of class-Understanding. But under the door, any aggressive ambitions vanished. And if the Bologna did not win the match must primarily attributed to its attackers, who had sufficient opportunity to remedy and precision of the Shepherd and the opinions of the referee. In every meeting, the coefficient 'luck' weight on the end result just as much as the merits or a little less. This is why the game is good: for his glorious uncertainty. But luck is female. He loves that you will face with enterprise and intelligence. He loves to be won. And who lets out such an occasion that the case was submitted to Muzzioli the first time, forfeit any right to talk about bad luck. Because the attackers of our times have lost the habit of diverting a touch of the interior of the foot or the sole of the shoe itself a center that has character a problem I can explain. Prefer to meet today's violence a balloon full effect, you prefer the ultra-powerful cannon in cases where the force but accuracy counts: missing the easy because we want to do the difficult. Valley of the expended at the beginning all his generous and vigorous energy in the encounter. In the 2nd half of this energy was transformed into orgasm and nervousness. When it comes to attack in Bologna, there is included the midline, in the foreground Baldi, who has strong skills building. Now Baldi, precisely as it was in serving his attackers, was, as Della Valle, loyal only to a theme of attack: the subject of close and minute. Never once Della Valle sought contact with the far left wing, bypassing the delay of the combination with fellow neighbors. It was not until the last quarter of an hour Baldi gave sign to remember the wide distribution that had also noticed the skill on a day not long ago when the national team remained at Pershing Stadium in Paris. Bologna is not a little of the ineffectiveness of the attack due to this monotony of his game, this one-sided nature of its activities.
Juventus saw Brown in big day. Without being powerful, intelligent nell'intuire Brown was yesterday the intentions of the opponent, energetic appearances in desperate situations, precisely in freeing his own penalty area. Bruna was the best man in the field. Combi discounted with a "goal" the only mistake in the day. Error which consisted mainly in trying to leave on the same side of the field that gave birth to the attack, which means to run towards danger. But apart from this, the Combi has the classic perfection of the attitudes and the elasticity of the movements. Viola and Monticone were two hard-working, two of the pillars on which interest is the backbone of the team, while Giriodi was so out of shape also shown last year alone, let it perplexing on its actual physical condition.