Top shows the Final Standings which I edited, respectively, after partial 10K road last Sunday and the final Championship race of 2010 after the Company the sum of the three tests (limited to first 10 teams) . The
Violettaclub Lamezia Terme is ranked 2nd place in Pordenone test, for only 6 points over the rival Athletic Terni and a little disappointed that we saw the difficulties endured by our best athletes.
for sure is an injection of confidence to a group that has the best of even the toughest situations.
As for the final rating for the Violettaclub reaches 4th place the Italian Championship Racing GS bypassing the yellow flame to the last test. Frankly
3rd place occupied by the Concrete Exc Corradini Rubiera is too far away and we must be content to stay at the foot of the podium this year, but we can be glad to be still among the top companies even do not have proof Marathon in which our athletes are placed among the top places (and I enclose between them :-)
This shows that the Violettaclub can bet next year nuovamente al Titolo anche con questa formula (ammesso che la Fidal la mantenga inalterata).
Da notare che la prima società militare presente in questo Campionato si trovi al 5° posto e che ce ne siano presenti soltanto 2 tra le prime 10.
Il movimento del mezzofondo maschile vacilla ed atleti da 950 punti ce ne stanno sempre meno.
Oggigiorno chi vuole curare le corse su strada (mezze maratone, maratone) difficilmente trova spazio nei gruppi sportivi militari dove da sempre la Pista ne fa da padrona e correre su strada rappresenta una specie di ripiego.
Spero di non essermi sbagliato di molto nel conteggio, nel frattempo che escano fuori le classifiche ufficiali... ci sono queste!
Ovviamente l'Athletic Terni rooms on the top step of a "virtual podium," since there will be no official ceremony.
computerized era where all the results appear in real time is certainly not the best and I believe that if you do not raise questions about the victory of this very important title will always in the background.
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