This result was not anticipated, finally a glimmer of light for the Violettaclub and me.
After an exciting start to 2010, with the unthinkable podium at the Italian Championships of Long Cross, for all athletes of the Company was an endless stream of injuries.
But we held firm, and always with the reasons for union team which is always our primary strength.
When you understand that certain events do not represent the "garetto commercial" and that you have to give your best in spite of everything, that's bring out the unexpected.
And so ends participation in the third and final round of the Championship racecourse 2010 with a victory individual (Hillary Kiprono Bii) and a second place team that gives much more moral for us all victims whether alternate misfortunes.
Classification show our unity and the desire to fight for a position to the last; shame not to have the man from 30 th place, but clearly at least one of us had to be fit to be there.
Stay unresolvable doubt because of the styles Fidal not a partial ranking of companies (since they do not want to put at stake the title of Champion of the Company for the Half Marathon and 10K tests, rather than complaint with a Cup Running Federal) to understand at least in real time the progress of the company in question.
The fight is now wide open and close, the few teams active in all three tests (see if even one military) alternate a few points in every round and Violettaclub for over five years to this part of the podium positions in the square of the final classification.
year 2010 ends with a partial victory and conquest (in the approximate calculations) Italian Championship Title Race Athletic Terni captained by his friend and former teammate Marcello Capotosti . We
official news about it?
And when we have to wait for them?
The victory is against the RCF Rome on the last test gives the first part (according to the partial standings after two races ) orphan element more representative Giorgio Calcaterra.
How to lose a title for the injury of an athlete ... Returning to the provision of
Violettaclub, and that the absolute victory of Bii Hillary, laudable efforts of Captain Francis Duke that despite various ailments has set a strong comeback in the race finishing in 38 th place with a muzzle of his giving fund its forces until the last meter. Excellent performance
Vito Sardella that has been a tremendous signs of recovery after a summer staple with a comforting 40 th place and a race set bravely forward. Good
commitment Francesco Cuzzocrea, 71 th place , which is slowly returning to levels of use to our ambitions. From our review
Anthony Loria student with a race colorless, but I am convinced that our future athlete team still has to absorb the absolute stress on the 10 K race and these experiences can only make him good.
Training in the peace of mind is the key to better results.
But who more than anyone else I care to praise is the competition of Marco Calderone that despite a severe injury to one eye is slowly returning to the sample that we know and who brought Violettaclub in 3rd place in the Italian Championships Cross.
Marco ran lightly and care and better manage its forces had achieved a good 32'49 "and rhythms no longer able to impress in training.
Questo 72° posto non gli appartiene ma questo è solo l'inizio di un Campione ritrovato.
Per quanto mi riguarda finalmente trovo una discreta gara.
E' bastata appena una settimana di allenamenti normali con l'inserimento di un paio di lavori (10 x 250m in salita con 1.000m in pista in 2'56" e delle ripetute da 6 x 815m (R.1'30") in villetta con buoni riscontri) per ritrovare il sorriso.
Dopo aver dato una mano di bianco a tanti problemi ;-) ho corso una gara all'attacco ma senza strafare all'inizio seguendo il Capitano Francesco fino a metà gara.
Dopo ho subìto un poco i ritmi alti ma non ho ceduto, anzi ho lottato per sopravanzare di qualche posizione commanding a close final round (2.5 K) in progress.
final sprint exhausting and overtaking a position remain indelible in the mind.
46 ° 31'37 place and " (a 3'09" / km) on the way to a good start.
My ankle hurts less, so stretching and walking track, this was the best solution after trying many remedies that have not resulted in any improvement.
He turns the page, the 5th Avenue with it and I expect many more surprises in the coming days will reveal ;-)
( Thanks for the photo in the race)
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