When the mechanism turn wonder you do not know how everything succeeds so well.
Then comes the moment you stop, the better.
In my case, I was very calm when I had to slow down, I had made so much progress that a rest would not hurt!
But now you try to go back, it really is difficult.
Last year we struggled with groin pain in his left leg, how many torments!
I should be really happy that after years harassed at that point at least, this pain is not the most affected, and indeed they are!
The problem is that I wanted to "evolve" over time become more "pistaiole" and consequently less stressed parts such as the ankle have their voices heard, shouting!
I refer to run miles, but little by little, because it is not easy to get back on track. But I'm really
doing everything to regain the qualities of strength that distinguishes me, always!
And that is why already this week I sat down, with conviction.
Finally you return to do

is not put in many miles, it is not so simple, what you are looking for is quality as always!
This means that I have finally found peace of mind, emotionally I settle to, and not just ...
When you get up in the morning without thinking of anything that disturbs the peace of mind, then it is easy to wear running shoes and go out to make the morning session, the clouds around against you if your thoughts do anything is enormously difficult.
Tuesday, 14 went back to upgrading: the next few days will be a trickle for my muscles but also reflected the difficulties of a muscle after work with a healthy 45 'long heavy (not quite strong ... but busy! ) line that connects the head and legs!
load sessions are always the toughest because you absorb all the afternoon to fly, to run more quickly under the heaviness of the machines is very complicated and have an open mind is essential. But
Saturday 18 finally a real test: 25 Trophy jogging Maria SS Sick of Misterbianco (CT).
Like every year, by tradition, will be seeking a cast of top-level athletes and for me is the opportunity to compare with the best Italian, but this time trying to minimize the gap!
It is clearly a sign of surrender but for now it is useless to throw himself headlong likely to suffer throughout the race.

At the start, after a first round quite "touristy" of the Africans are given be done and they shelled the group.
The Italians leading, after a few laps, will come together to make a run if the "black cloud" now out of reach.
Caimmi, Curzi, Scaife and the now increasingly striking Enzo Copy found for several laps ahead of me, visible sign that they are not "flying" probably slowed down by heat. While
Scialabba and Lamb run progressively closer to the best Italian, I just have to try to recover some positions earlier.
So it seems that the surrender was playing, but my race was constantly pulled up and I struggled to reach the last meter qualche atleta posizionato più avanti.
Recupero Domenico Ricatti (il fortissimo mezzofondista dell'Aeronautica cui scoprirò parlando con lui che qualche mese fa aveva subito un grave malore; auguri di un pronto recupero nel tornare ai suoi grandi livelli da 29'00" nei 10.000m) e nel finale di gara Lorenzo Perrone (FF.GG.) il miler di Misilmeri più avvezzo alle corte distanze.
Così mi rivedo in classifica della TDS ancora lontano ma con tanta fiducia in corpo:
1 - Lucas Kimeli Rotich - 29'47"
2 - Rachid Kisri - 29'52"
3 - Hillary Kiprono Bii (Violettaclub) - 30'49"
4 - Geoffrey Kusuru - 30'52"
5 - Paul Sugut Kipchumba - 30'57"
6 - Martin Toroitich - 31'22 "
7 - Abraham Talam Kipkemei - 31'24"
8 - Stephen Scaife (FF.GG.) - 31'32 "
9 - Tegen Dessalen - 31'34"
10 - Daniel Caimmi (FF.GG.) - 31'41 "
11 - Denis Curzi (Carabinieri) - 31'45"
12 - Enzo Copy (Avis Castell'Umberto) - 32'13 "
13 - George Scialabba (APB Bagheria) - 32'40 "
14 - Vincent Agnello (APB Bagheria) - 32'41"
15 - Filippo Lo Piccolo (Violettaclub) - 33'20 "
Sunday 19 , the tendency is to rest, and instead to look for people like me who think only in the Marathon, I say yes to the call to go and win in Businesses Title Regional Individual 10K road race organized for the occasion Pianopoli, a few kilometers near Lamezia Terme.
take your car and go to Calabria, to find many friends who occasionally see in these races.
The organization 's Athletic Club Lamezia Terme , under the care of Alfonso Carlei (old glory of the armed forces of a few decades ago) has 8 turns of approximately 1.3 K for a total of 10 , 4K around in a really challenging to deal with stairs, slopes and narrow.
Not exactly a walk, or rather will be really hard for me to handle this race! The greater danger comes from
young Massimiliano Casuscelli , strong growth this year and am doubtful about what to do after the shot of the street.
Eventually the part of me oblivious to the suffering of the attack and implement the policy, despite a few meters and the first steps to deal with your legs feel very tired, I continue to be implemented in forcing changes of pace and climb every blind corner.
Grit your teeth, do everything and I honor the memory of Mario Cat, a young athlete's Libertas Calabria Lamezia Terme, with the maximum of my commitment, this time too.
won the title Regional Individual , with a good time trial 33'06 " on Casuscelli (Athletics Pizzo) (Junior Regional Champion), Arena, Monti and Bonaddio (All three Violettaclub Lamezia Terme).
The following day, Monday, 20 , thanks a long ride home, I decide to give me a long 1h 45 ', approved by the coach but not so much from my legs at the end of the evening ...
The feeling was as if I was doing the classic Marathon 2h 30', but at least I am fully committed and pace around the 3'40 "/ km
Something is happening, the Marathon is very close!
(as always I thank my friend Salvatore Torregrossa for the wonderful cards and Misterbianco miletomarathon for photos)
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