Thursday, December 30, 2010

Please Hawaiian Translation

Palermo, 31 dicembre.

L'anno 2010 ormai volge al termine e non ci saranno più gare da disputare per un pezzo.
Per ora tanto allenamento, un bel carico di lavoro al fine di ritrovarmi in gennaio spero un pò più pimpante e reattivo per i Cross .
The reasons are not lacking, there are major projects in the pipeline and sporting life, is always difficult to achieve!

is not always easy to make a summary of a whole year, especially for those who live intensely between work, training, competitions e. .. more!
There are many memories, beautiful and less beautiful, some of these will mark their lives.

The New York City Marathon event was the most beautiful and intense sporting life lived, already told, and this is the cover of 2010 with all the emotions experienced in those three weeks of stay in the American metropolis.
Back in America in 2011 will be the hope that if God gives me more forces, I see this in a marathon, yet another in a series that is now beginning to be quite long. Needless to say now what the
Family Vicari has upset my life positively with the intensity equal to that of a hurricane.
And I know that a Joseph quell'uragano see him soon if all goes well :-)

... and I seriously thought I had give us a cut with the Marathon!
Yes, after the PB Treviso (another happy event this year) with a marathon race between the other with ridiculous ease after a particularly athletic lucky (to January-April), since the multiplication many commitments in our daily lives and saw the relentless physical and mental load required during preparation as that of a marathon, I was planning to give us the idea of \u200b\u200ba cut with this distance, diverted towards shorter 3-5-10 K.

And instead, an accomplice ankle injury is not completely solved, I found myself in a turbulent summer in which I raced a little but I suffered a lot the same! What appeared
still incredible, as the stimuli arrived from a long distance so I have brought out from a crisis that seemed unsolvable, and that led me to the long straight at the start of the world's largest marathon.
How to say no Classic 42,195 m? It will be the principal distance
also for 2011 and we are working on major projects!

who follows me knows, usually where I am right I accaso, so there will be huge news, except that I have become more open-mindedness.
For a fairly experienced athlete like me, running a marathon average linkage may be feasible to prepare for a big event. For me
Victoria (surprising) to Cagliari Marathon has been the discovery of a new channel, and if health sorreggerà me the chance to race in Italy a New York pre-test could be a valid solution to broaden the horizons and discover Marathons possibly new to conquer!

's a project, that of the short distance , absolutely no hope of return and set aside in 2011 fierce than ever to try to break down all the PB from 1.500m to 10.000m on the track.
Unfortunately the track was the missing link in this year 2010 that has lived its most critical moments just between July and August.
it has gone from an annoyance to an unbearable pain in gradually turn on the red until I should stop.
In September, especially, reactivated the desire to suffer and work, I really pushed to the limit my days too intense too. There was only
athletics, there was much more, in retrospect the company in New York was truly something unexpected as it is gained in those days lived without stopping.

... For the 2011 Grand Challenge on track with the eight hundred CUS Palermo, therefore, be renewed hoping to finally be on the line at the start of the 100m!
's all a game, of course, if you will the mutual respect between me and Lo Cascio will take us just a good day of sport for reviving the movement.

Unfortunately, the Sicilian sports movement is struggling to recover and fewer and fewer young people who are dedicated to the daily labors.
The boys are there, only that it is increasingly difficult to make them understand the importance of practicing a healthy and regular physical activity.
not have to be racing, a goal may also be able to run a certain distance in a race, if she's capable of much more than being a well-targeted training.
there is little that is blocked by athletic reality that seem to take care of them but in reality leaves little room for the expression of your real options: always argue that a few road races throughout the year have no negative impact on the economy of a full season for a predominantly middle-distance runner pistaiole, indeed they can enhance skills and increase their hidden personality. Foul
understand the technical Local ...
Even in 2011 I will be mostly alone in my long workouts and maybe a little company I can find it if I show its skills in the shorter distances, brackets reduced to a few weeks for me in one year!

greet 2010 with the strengthening of old friendships and the discovery of many people with whom I knew in spite of years in view of the running because of my character too much time indoors, unfortunately I had never connected any relationship .
The year 2010 gave me good visibility and I realized that opening up to people is a nice gesture, often reciprocated with pleasure!

2011 will be the 4th year of collaboration con Adidas Italia : grazie al loro supporto ed alla qualità dell'azienda Leader nel Running sono riuscito a dare continuità ai miei allenamenti ed alle gare riuscendo ogni tanto a realizzare piccole imprese.
Abbiamo in comune molte cose tra cui serietà e impegno verso questo splendido sport alla portata di tutti; questo legame spero si consolidi ulteriormente con altri bei risultati e racconti continuando ad indossare le più belle e funzionali scarpe con le Tre Strisce.

L'anno 2011 sarà il 7° anno di militanza in Violettaclub !
Saremo più agguerriti che mai, all'attacco prima nei Campionati Italiani di Cross and after winning the Italian Championship Race .
After many exhausting years in creating unity in this team, we were able to bring more elements of quality that I hope can help make a difference to win.

remains absolutely confirmed the presence of our captain Francesco Duke, our strongest Marathon Vito Sardella, as the unfortunate talented Marco Calderone.
The new arrivals will be released in 2011, going strong since the beginning of the first test of 10.000m on track, our Achilles heel all along.
remains unchanged confidence in local athletes such Cuzzocrea, Monti, Bonaddio, Arena and Loria .
This is our future on which I think a lot of middle-distance runner: in him I see myself in my early years of athletic prevailed where the application and the commitment that the chronometric results.

I learned in life that no one gives you nothing and you sweat a lot to gain, so it will be for 2011, in search of wealth in a few more! ... Economic
not mean!

2011 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, or enthusiasts RUNNERS

:-) (Thanks for a whole year of 2011 photographs Salvatore Torregrossa, the Trinacria Palermo, and the images of New York una certa maisa_nyc da )

Mmorpg Similar To Nostale


Auguro tanta felicita' ,serenita',un buon inizio a tutti,con l'impegno di riflettere molto di piu' dell'anno trascorso sul vero senso della vita,dimostriamoci piu' caricatevoli verso il prossimo,amiamo di piu' i veri valori,amiamoci con sincerita' l'uno con l'altro,abbondoniamo tutte le avversita',riflettendo che abbiamo poche opportunita' in questa vita terrena per dare il meglio di ourselves.
To you dear friends of the blog, I wish a good continuation on this path intrarpreso, that would give much satisfaction to each still, give a lot of creativity 'to all the social commitment that we have set.
embrace all, Lisa.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Best Baggy Baseball Pants

Adidas Response Cushion 19 - The Best for the Best Travel

Adidas ha scelto il proprio modello di punta da far provare durante i vari Clinic sparsi in tutta Italia.

E non stiamo parlando del modello commercialmente più costoso, ma di certo del più polivalente e adatto a tutti, dal neofita al runner più esperto.

Le Adidas Response Cushion 19 si presentano nei negozi con una linea pulita, un semplice accostamento di colori (nel modello da me mostrato si alternano il bianco ed il rosso) ad un prezzo davvero vantaggioso: 100 euro di listino (o meno a seconda degli sconti applicati dai negozianti).

In un world ruled by consumerism, a price that could mislead the most experienced runners, used to spend much more than this figure for a shoe suitable for grind km and the same lack of "gold plating" (or frills) can mislead making her look "poor", but now I have used Adidas that what matters is the substance and after several weeks of testing I can now review this amazing shoe.

The Adidas Response Cushion 19 is not the classic heavy shoe to drop for after workouts and in fact seems not to have it fit, on an upper Climalite very efficient and very robust.
the classic three stripes complement the fit very well that, once a cciate strings becomes very welcoming.
We're not talking about a level of feeling with the shoe Adizero equal to that of Boston (in my opinion the best of Adidas shoes for fit and feel of wrapping the foot), but the street is that, only with greater protection and softness , on a padded toward the comfort required by the long workouts. The side protection
that strengthens the upper tear, it is also quite soft facilitating flexibility in the boost phase.

many little details that hide the core technology from the German.
L'intersuola è leggera ma dona il massimo della protezione grazie alla struttura dinamica del Formotion unita con adiprene nel tallone , e l'adiprene "+" reattivo su tutta la pianta dell'avampiede.
Le migliori risorse di Adidas per un peso contenuto: appena 365 gr. (per la misura 12 USA), ben 35 gr. in meno della blasonata Supernova Glide 2 (di pari misura).

Correre diventa molto facile con le Response Cushion 19 e la protezione non è da meno.
Il più bel pregio di questa scarpa è proprio la fuidità nel gesto della corsa che ti dona, senza andare minimamente ad intaccare la prerogativa fondamentale per un fondista come me, quale la protezione dagli impacts on the ground.
On asphalt or tough outer ring of the Stadio Vito Schifani in the Response Cushion enhances reactivity but does not tend to stress the tendon or the tibial, light dirt on the country excels in the shock of the heel, perfect for every drop of ground.

invite you to drive, thanks to their lightness, this time the most important test was to slow the long two-hour : comfort has been kept fully and the feeling of total stress of the legs was low, amounting to A3 from that of a greater weight. Compared to a
speed test that was done, however, and was granted a 64 "in the 400m on the track after the hour along with an excellent use of slow walking and a strong lacing the foot, Test long (approximately 32 km) gave a further response to a shoe that is much more solid and protective of what they may seem.
Adidas is focusing on this version of Response 19 ° C. and does well with a shoe with minimal decorations possible, unnecessary travel during the action.

A decisive contribution to this protection the held the sole, rubber " Blown Rubber " in the forefoot and the heel hard adiWEAR .
Five forefoot flex grooves and the system Torsion to control the natural movement of the foot (pronante) make the right gift for each foot.
The life of this shoe will be the usual very high, around 1,000 km, the merit of all these very resistant materials. Never had so far
an Adidas shoe you wear after a while!

all the beauty of the course is designed to run in tandem with those responsible!

Guaranteed Maximum visibility with reflective inserts for those who can only run in the dark (who works every day like me and has to leave in the late afternoon from its offices / companies).

Full compatibility with the revolutionary miCoach that allows you to have a virtual trainer is always present in Stroke: Response 19 is provided for suitable accommodation to be included within Pedometer dell'intersuola of either end of training shoes and have a complete picture of the distance traveled by connecting to your computer after you downloaded the appropriate .

Adidas loves to our environment and are increasingly eco-compatible with the appearance of the first cardboard box to house the 100% recycled Response: This is the new philosophy "Adidas Better Place".
The box changed color slightly with the three stripes at the outer brown box to let you know the shoe manufacturing process took place with the least waste of resources and environmental pollution. The Adidas Response

C. 19 is a new resource for the modern runner and not too heavy: it pays for all A3 (am mortizzante neutral) very protective but remains in the range of light almost like a mid-term "heavy". His comfort
invites me to advise you strongly to an approach to the races, especially long distance such as the Marathon.
Excellent for beginners or occasional riders who so often run for a few days a week, a high-quality technical footwear as 19 C. Response is always well advised!
Unlike a term such as Adizero Boston, the soft padding and the upper most delicate set a softer midsole compound allows runners up from 3 hours in the marathon being at the foot of a racing shoe ideal, without doubt painful or not to terminate the 42,195 m. The ideal
for those who prefer to run all day with the same shoe , regardless of the long slow road or the work of repeated fast.

Maybe ... I would keep an important race for a response by 19 more ready to use!

Low To The Ground Dining Tables


For ravioli
flour 2 eggs

Filling 300 gr cod '
1 / 2 cup milk
a boiled potato
garlic salt
parsley oil

cherry tomatoes basil olive oil, salt

Put the flour, add 2 eggs and a pinch of sale.Formare a somewhat elastic dough.
rest, while preparing the ripieno.In a pan add oil and garlic, add the salt cod 'pieces, mashed potatoes cooked with forchetta.Aggiungere half a glass of milk and cook for 15 minuti.Far cool, reduce to mush, add chopped parsley, a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Prepare the sauce with the tomatoes in a pot where you add oil and garlic, remove add the garlic and tomatoes, season with salt and cook a few minutes.

Resume ravioli dough, spread with a thin rolling pin, get the ravioli, place the stuffing in the center, close and seal tightly.
Boil the ravioli in salted water, just cooked, cook them in the pan with the tomatoes, sprinkle with chopped fresh basil.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Build Surfboard Racks


Dear friends I wish you a Happy Christmas and New Year


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

E71 Remove Camera Flash

Ecotrail of Ficuzza - Close the year with a flourish

Wood of Ficuzza - December 19, 2010

"On Beauty" depending on your point of view ...
When you return home totally muddied the point recognize that you do not know the identity of your Adidas Supernova Glide 2 you get caught in the mud because of slippery or muddy for miles and miles.
In fact so high and the charm of EcoTrail you make the protagonist in contact with nature that you can not give up their call, though with a high degree of caution!
For someone like me, a lover of hard antracitico asphalt, a distraction like this can also take pleasure and well-being of days like this Sunday when the stopwatch does not count as the final classification.
The important thing is spending a lot of friends along with a wonderful race fans Sunday Trail.
This is the concept of Spirit Trail ... who knows maybe you "grew up" you can try better!

Let's step back ...

13 Monday was the day of the gala evening of the premium sporty " The Chestnut Silver 2010" in which I was joined in the great legends of sport in Sicily, in full or the recent past.
not hide the excitement in being there, among a group of people who have taken up the sporting values \u200b\u200band brought honor to my country, at least for a day, but it appeared really that many fans of this sport Teatro Comunale Trecastagni (CT) have really recognized my achievement in New York as a something to be proud of, all.
I think the way to improve is still open, you can do better, it would now show a significant technical result to show that on 07 November last year that was not only an interlude.

Many thanks to Pippo Leone for the hospitality that evening and the warmth and affection received.
Back from parts of Catania for athletics is always more enjoyable (Thanks Salvatore Torregrossa for the affection of a friend, as well as for the photos)!

The week is filled with the continued hard training power / load designed to last event of the year where I had to take part. It was the
Marathon in Luxor, Egypt 31 December (the last day of the year!) In which I felt inside me that something good would come out there too!
In fact the proof of Ecotrail Ficuzza appeared as a valuable test workout with his 23 km trek to reach the finish line is just where a splendid victory.
but then they had promised a coach to my participation, to change from the usual training and experience nature the way I like so much to me! The disheartening news

learned a few days ago was unfortunately ' cancellation of the Marathon of Egypt because of financial problems.
To be honest I was a little disappointed, but these things can happen, and I'm sorry for the whole group of athletes involved in which he also attended by the Captain of Violettaclub Francis Duke.
is now preparing to completely divert the Cross in January / February (I hope to speed up enough) and then to finish the Marathon in spring.

week from day 13 to day 19 December had led to a peak of negativity weather, even here in Sicily, he suffered was reaching the peak levels of 3-5 ° C, which is where I come from rare.
This had led inevitably a partial snow cover in mountain areas and, despite the straighten of the weather over the weekend, the race course we found sludge in industrial quantities (!).

Comforted by the words of the experts of the Trail that I had secured a moderate downhill slope (my weakness) I have not worried too much: a small lesson in off-road creates the mindset required to wear nailed to the Cross of Northern Italian Championships Italy muddy as ever! In a

EcoTrail not there is an air of tension, but pure mountain air, the slight departure is as light as the soft grass trampled around the summer residence of King Ferdinand IV of Hunt, but after a few meters (here a little more than a few kilometers) is now party!
In fact I was deceived at first, so those were sliding trails without major pitfalls, when after a long solo brow has started to go down the paths.
I threw myself too hard, as a good step in the rookie outcome uncertain e. .. down to earth!
Nothing serious, but now I get up from that moment the caution will be mandatory at the cost of slowing down abruptly.
experts Trail, after a while, I go back, especially as an athlete Robertino Bellanca also strong on the road. My point
attack is uphill and here I express myself better and recover the gaps, the entire race will be for most of the route to overtake each other between me and Bellanca.

dirty in the mud is a very nice feeling, especially when it is foreseen, the route the Wood Ficuzza spectacular as ever and not really worth it to pay the "price of the ticket."
Each reached the top of several hills to hide if so many wads of scattered snow that sometimes walked intentionally to know "the effect is."
that I have never seen so much snow around, I was excited, as well as catch a glimpse of the lake semigelido place among other di attimi di esitazione tra noi concorrenti che non sapevamo dove proseguire oltre.

In quei minuti persi ci raggiungerà tra i tanti corridori anche il "Keniano" Giuseppe Cuttaia autentico portavoce del Trail oltre i confini isolani.
La corsa diventa un affare a tre, anzi a due quando viene il momento di alzare "bandiera bianca"

Beh... non esageriamo! Bianca non lo sarà stata affatto, semmai quel color terra mista ad acqua ed erba incontaminata come la natura rispettosamente attraversata.
In un tratto particolarmente appiccicoso (di fanghiglia) nella foga perderò la scarpa sinistra.
Ripartire non è stato affatto facile, ma il sorriso di un evento inaspettato quanto tragicomico mi portarono alla rational outputs.

As a good agonist at last jumped to my eyes (a long stretch of dirt road light) I'll throw in the air attack alone with the white trazzere until I reach the big Cuttaia.
The second place was the best, but I had not reckoned with the last part one more time immersed in nature to the neck through which I had no sca mpo: comeback from behind the goal and away to cheer third place to sweat in all directions.

What remains of this morning's Trail is the memory of the awards that now instead of "past" the culture of the cups got trampled with splendid views illustrated book in scenario natural delivery of the package containing bread-race and culture of the Park and finally have had the pleasure of knowing better runners and walkers in Palermo and surroundings you'll ever meet at the Races "commercial".

Every now leave the clock at home that can not be good ...

(Thanks so much and Silvana Franco Trinacria of Palermo this time ... really have too much talent in ;-)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Why Do People Make Kissy Faces?

Swivels eggplant

Here I am in the limelight (so to speak) with a recipe ina very simple, tasty, and my idea of \u200b\u200ba modestly momento.giusto not to fall over the same old, like parmesan, so I have turned 'as I jumped in head, lit a lamp, and immediately fatto.Veloce fast.

I cut the eggplant into slices, put in water and squeeze sale.Le I and fries, I rolled each piece covered with a slice of salami and a cube of parmigiano.Le I laid in a baking dish on a bed of tomato sauce , I covered with the remaining sauce, a grattugiatadi cheese cheese cheese, some basil leaves, put in the oven for a few minutes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sore Throat More Painful At Night


Care amiche,per una settimana non ho piu' potuto seguire voi,il mio blo;Causa il trasloco,ora sembra ritornare tutto alla normalita',lo devo,lo voglio,devo ritornare a voi ,al mio blog,che mi fa dimenticare tutto,compreso il trasloco.Il trasloco è stressante ,noioso,tutto è mitigato dalla contentezza di cambiare casa,una nuova,forse piu' bella,spaziosa.Ero preoccupata per sistemazione di tutte le mie cose,dei miei libri di cucina,il mio pc.,
Non potevo collegarmi con voi ,non è stato facile resistere senza sapere cosa stava succedendo ,ammetto sono un'abitudinaria,non riesco a star lontana.a tutto quello che mi fa stare bene,a voi .Un'intera pagina della mia vita è cambiata,non ho avuto il tempo di pensarci presa da pacchi e pacchetti.Voltiamo pagina,con il vostro aiuto ce la faro',voi e il mio blog.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Where Can I Buy Nfl Pink Wristbands

end of a cycle - Start of a New

Palermo - December 2010

Everything is slowly returning to normalcy ...
I'm not used to a treatment similar to what happened in the last few weeks since, for a month now from New York City Marathon.

It is not obvious what I'm about to say, but to all intents and purposes this result is simply the best I could do, making the most of my reading skills tactics of the race. Already
... simply, and this is precisely the point.
is not always easy to achieve the aims, especially after a summer where everything was going quite troubled ... up in smoke.

And instead, as I've other times, I managed to pull the best of myself and to overcome a physical problem that tormented me, at least not to run long distances.
The peace of mind, finally, I owe to those who stood by me and the few people I have known for years, there is no need to name names, they will know.

After the immense satisfaction of being published in a service ' sports edition of the Monday of the Giornale di Sicilia (signed by Rosario Mazzola) following the victory of Palermo Half Marathon last November 21, was so much curiosity about What would they have published magazines in the industry, those that still most successful ...

So, thanks to the collaboration with Adidas Italy, to promote the beneficial effects and the effectiveness of your virtual Adidas miCoach Pacer we managed to come up with an interview full days in New York with reporters Runner's World.
In the pre-meeting with Gebrselassie marathon, I also had to know the editor of this magazine, Mark Marchei , supreme athlete a few decades ago. Small
curiosity ... the photo that portrays me in a circular frame holding the device main miCoach Pacer was made to Central Park, where I trained every morning, to monitor the condition of my pre-marathon.
A great satisfaction for me and my family, friends and acquaintances that are important to me and I meet more or less every day in training.

not less than the other journals specialistica del settore, Correre , che tramite le foto scattate da Giancarlo Colombo, piazza nella prima pagina dedicata alla Maratona di New York le foto dei principali protagonisti, dai vincitori assoluti, ai vincitori "morali" come il Cileno Pena (l'operaio minatore seppellito per giorni ed uscito da una drammatica vicenda) o Shalane Flanagan (l'americana seconda assoluta ma autrice di una grandissima prestazione).
Per ultimo... la mia foto subito dopo l'arrivo, con quell'aria di convinta soddisfazione che mi aleggiava in corpo.

Emozioni irripetibili, indescrivibili, uniche e spero non ultime che sono scorse nella mia pelle!

Rivedermi da un'altra angolazione sul Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, with artfully placed shots and say one day ... I was there! Let the

Online Editions ...

The same magazine Runner's World in the following days I will pay a service dedicated to me and reasoned with the use of Adidas miCoach, called "greenhouse" :-)

Runner's World - Lo Piccolo, the New Yorker

Athletics Week, signed by Alessandra Ramella Pairin , I will dedicate an interview in which all the best will come out of so much conversation, sailing between past, present and future.

Interview Sicilian athlete that runs alongside the big marathon and carves out a nice space

Day 13 pv perhaps the most unexpected recognition and rewarding in many ways: I will be one of the 10 sports Sicilian chosen to pick a major prize is awarded every year: "The Chestnut Silver " at the Sports Gala organized by the Municipality of Trecastagni, by the Province of Catania and Asd Sicilpool. The statement
Fidal Catania exposes largely technical caliber of the athletes selected will be a great honor to receive such recognition. But,

Beyond all this, which certainly repays the labor of many years, the best thing of all is the phone call was received immediately upon my return in Italy by Pippo Leone, the Organizing of Trecastagni Star. Already
... Trecastagni the Star ...
Going back a few months ago , my guide I saw ominous star of a sad story that I had then brought all'estromissione the final classification of this road race International ...
In fact there were two players: besides me, just Pippo Leone, and whoever follows me will remember well ...

The phone call I received before the forthcoming withdrawal of the award is SURELY the greatest satisfaction in life because of mistakes, more or less serious, if they can commit and is a sign of great nobility to admit their own without hiding behind excuses or even worse in the silence ... A great
Pippo Leone with whom dialogue is easy enough to find a more heated than ever, the mutual respect towards us and cancel any mistake committed in those dire ardently to live.

rare commodity, unfortunately, nowadays :-(

This marks the end of a beautiful parentheses of sporting life, with awards and never sought, which surely will not forget easily and represent the fire lit to keep going in the right direction.

A good result for sure I did not change on a personal level and my mood from great fighter has not given me lots of breaks.
We're back again to a construction phase, made up of a decent mileage, the first appearances on the track (to find and understand the real speed improvements of a pain in the ankle is still not completely solved) and a load progressively more intense. After initializing

natural with a light load tests do not pull too (like 20 x 200m R.30 "about 34"), we gradually put back on track with the work "right."

After much toil, to find a semblance of speed I was quite satisfied Wednesday, 2001 December, a 12 x 100m Ambassador of climbs (R.2 ') and very strong push had already given enough to the full that day, however, in the works end I have given back a smile "as fast": 1000m in 2'50 "and 2 x 500m in 1'21" - 1'22 "(R.2 ') .

Saturday, 2004 it was the turn of a fartlek on track terribly difficult 8 x (300m + 200m strong strong active recovery + 200m + 200m + 100m strong active recovery) (R.2 ') .
The main difficulties I have had in their 'run recoveries which in theory were built around the 45 "but only a few breakers that beat ... I was able to photocopy
Almost all around the 49" -50 "for 300m, 34" fixed around the 200m and the 16 " the 100m.
Almost all built around the 1.000m 3'14" (including recoveries) except the last one where I gave in and I closed with the commitment in 3'05 ", so I were at least understood as facts.
Making a similar job in the company would have been more powerful ...

Things are going well, Monday, 2006 a broad and challenging work in the gym with weights and final test of 15 x 300m ( R.1 ') around the 50 " pressed me for good.
arrivals in the late afternoon exhausted but you realize what you've made solid ...

head there, the road finally back straight, towards a new goal ...

(Thanks Silvana - Trinacria Palermo for the photo on the Half Marathon Palermo)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pain In Lower Abdomen Peeing A Lot

Pizza Margherita.

Mi scuso per non aver postato il procedimento di questa ricetta,causa problemi al p.c.
Provvedo  seguendo il testo di Imma,che ringrazio ancora.

Sciogliere il lievito con 2 cucchiai di acqua e lo zucchero.Mettere in una ciotola le farine mischiate,i fiocchi di patate(o patata lessa)il lievito,l'olio,e l'acqua man mano dopo una prima impastata ,aggiungere il sale e prosegiure ad impastare bene battendo piu' volte l'impasto sul piano sino a renderlo soft and form a palla.Mettere to rise 2 or 3 hours (less yeast as there Imma waited 2 ½ hours).
At this point, take the dough and place it in one or two baking sheets and stuff (I put thin slices of potatoes, salt, oil) leave to stand for another half hour, the time that the heats forno.Cuocere to 200/230 degrees in convection oven for 30 minutes.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dental Clinic Invitations Wordings


It 's the time of IMMA, the blog: SWEET TO GO' GO '.
I know, always (if that 'you can' say) in the sense that from the very first page that I explored in cooking blog, I always admired his creatable 'in preparing dolci.Ho always had a certain shyness to approach to his blog, was unconvinced by his height, for me is a witch in' interpret his creature.Per that I was not allowed to dedicate a soft, I timidly limited to
copy a recipe, the salt of course, using common sense and do a lean figura.Grazie Imma.per giving me the opportunity to 'get to know you as someone special, along with your extraordinary and unparalleled creations.

PSquesta pizza I made with potatoes, for reasons of taste, is that of Imma Pizza Margherita.
Posted by Picasa

300gr.di flour 0 Molino Rossetto
200gr.di Manitoba
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
250/300 warm water
yeast 1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons salt

a boiled potato or a spoonful of potato flakes

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Private Health Insurance Australia


With this cake, I want to pay tribute to Ornella's blog: AMMODOMIO.
say that is a gift for Christmas, but I hope it is appreciated in advance.
Wants to be a little thought to who deserves the gratitude on my part for being the first
my supporter, without her I would not have gone forward
in this fantastic adventure that has changed me a bit ' la vita.

P.S.Con questo post,apro la serie di tanti,dedicando ad ognuna di voi 
una vostra ricetta realizzata da me,ovvio con il dovuto tempo a disposizione;
se avete un po' di pazienza,verra' anche il vostro turno,per me sara' un piacere
per dimostrarvi l'affetto che nutro per ognuna -o di voi. GrazieLisa.

195gr.di farina 00
285gr.di zucchero
32gr.di cacao.
6 gr.di lievito per dolci
113gr.di burro
3 uova
6 cucchiai di latte

Per la glassa
2 cucchiai rasi di cacao
2 cucchiai di latte
1 cucchiaio di burro
60gr.di zucchero

vanilla icing Sift together the flour, cocoa, baking powder and vanilla
mix well, beat the butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time
, beat ancora.Aggiungere
milk and dry ingredients still beating vigorously.
Pour into a floured pan 24cm., Bake for 50 minutes at 175 °

Prepare the glaze by mixing all ingredients, simmer and pour over cake while still hot.

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