"On Beauty" depending on your point of view ...
When you return home totally muddied the point recognize that you do not know the identity of your Adidas Supernova Glide 2 you get caught in the mud because of slippery or muddy for miles and miles.
In fact so high and the charm of EcoTrail you make the protagonist in contact with nature that you can not give up their call, though with a high degree of caution!
For someone like me, a lover of hard antracitico asphalt, a distraction like this can also take pleasure and well-being of days like this Sunday when the stopwatch does not count as the final classification.
The important thing is spending a lot of friends along with a wonderful race fans Sunday Trail.
This is the concept of Spirit Trail ... who knows maybe you "grew up" you can try better!
Let's step back ...

not hide the excitement in being there, among a group of people who have taken up the sporting values \u200b\u200band brought honor to my country, at least for a day, but it appeared really that many fans of this sport Teatro Comunale Trecastagni (CT) have really recognized my achievement in New York as a something to be proud of, all.
I think the way to improve is still open, you can do better, it would now show a significant technical result to show that on 07 November last year that was not only an interlude.
Many thanks to Pippo Leone for the hospitality that evening and the warmth and affection received.
Back from parts of Catania for athletics is always more enjoyable (Thanks Salvatore Torregrossa for the affection of a friend, as well as for the photos)!
The week is filled with the continued hard training power / load designed to last event of the year where I had to take part. It was the
Marathon in Luxor, Egypt 31 December (the last day of the year!) In which I felt inside me that something good would come out there too!
In fact the proof of Ecotrail Ficuzza appeared as a valuable test workout with his 23 km trek to reach the finish line is just where a splendid victory.
but then they had promised a coach to my participation, to change from the usual training and experience nature the way I like so much to me! The disheartening news
learned a few days ago was unfortunately ' cancellation of the Marathon of Egypt because of financial problems.
To be honest I was a little disappointed, but these things can happen, and I'm sorry for the whole group of athletes involved in which he also attended by the Captain of Violettaclub Francis Duke.
is now preparing to completely divert the Cross in January / February (I hope to speed up enough) and then to finish the Marathon in spring.
week from day 13 to day 19 December had led to a peak of negativity weather, even here in Sicily, he suffered was reaching the peak levels of 3-5 ° C, which is where I come from rare.
This had led inevitably a partial snow cover in mountain areas and, despite the straighten of the weather over the weekend, the race course we found sludge in industrial quantities (!).

Comforted by the words of the experts of the Trail that I had secured a moderate downhill slope (my weakness) I have not worried too much: a small lesson in off-road creates the mindset required to wear nailed to the Cross of Northern Italian Championships Italy muddy as ever! In a
EcoTrail not there is an air of tension, but pure mountain air, the slight departure is as light as the soft grass trampled around the summer residence of King Ferdinand IV of Hunt, but after a few meters (here a little more than a few kilometers) is now party!
In fact I was deceived at first, so those were sliding trails without major pitfalls, when after a long solo brow has started to go down the paths.
I threw myself too hard, as a good step in the rookie outcome uncertain e. .. down to earth!
Nothing serious, but now I get up from that moment the caution will be mandatory at the cost of slowing down abruptly.
experts Trail, after a while, I go back, especially as an athlete Robertino Bellanca also strong on the road. My point
attack is uphill and here I express myself better and recover the gaps, the entire race will be for most of the route to overtake each other between me and Bellanca.
dirty in the mud is a very nice feeling, especially when it is foreseen, the route the Wood Ficuzza spectacular as ever and not really worth it to pay the "price of the ticket."

Each reached the top of several hills to hide if so many wads of scattered snow that sometimes walked intentionally to know "the effect is."
that I have never seen so much snow around, I was excited, as well as catch a glimpse of the lake semigelido place among other di attimi di esitazione tra noi concorrenti che non sapevamo dove proseguire oltre.
In quei minuti persi ci raggiungerà tra i tanti corridori anche il "Keniano" Giuseppe Cuttaia autentico portavoce del Trail oltre i confini isolani.
La corsa diventa un affare a tre, anzi a due quando viene il momento di alzare "bandiera bianca"
Beh... non esageriamo! Bianca non lo sarà stata affatto, semmai quel color terra mista ad acqua ed erba incontaminata come la natura rispettosamente attraversata.
In un tratto particolarmente appiccicoso (di fanghiglia) nella foga perderò la scarpa sinistra.
Ripartire non è stato affatto facile, ma il sorriso di un evento inaspettato quanto tragicomico mi portarono alla rational outputs.
As a good agonist at last jumped to my eyes (a long stretch of dirt road light) I'll throw in the air attack alone with the white trazzere until I reach the big Cuttaia.
The second place was the best, but I had not reckoned with the last part one more time immersed in nature to the neck through which I had no sca

What remains of this morning's Trail is the memory of the awards that now instead of "past" the culture of the cups got trampled with splendid views illustrated book in scenario natural delivery of the package containing bread-race and culture of the Park and finally have had the pleasure of knowing better runners and walkers in Palermo and surroundings you'll ever meet at the Races "commercial".
Every now leave the clock at home that can not be good ...
(Thanks so much and Silvana Franco Trinacria of Palermo this time ... really have too much talent in ;-)
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