L'anno 2010 ormai volge al termine e non ci saranno più gare da disputare per un pezzo.
Per ora tanto allenamento, un bel carico di lavoro al fine di ritrovarmi in gennaio spero un pò più pimpante e reattivo per i Cross .
The reasons are not lacking, there are major projects in the pipeline and sporting life, is always difficult to achieve!
is not always easy to make a summary of a whole year, especially for those who live intensely between work, training, competitions e. .. more!
There are many memories, beautiful and less beautiful, some of these will mark their lives.
The New York City Marathon event was the most beautiful and intense sporting life lived, already told, and this is the cover of 2010 with all the emotions experienced in those three weeks of stay in the American metropolis.
Back in America in 2011 will be the hope that if God gives me more forces, I see this in a marathon, yet another in a series that is now beginning to be quite long. Needless to say now what the
Family Vicari has upset my life positively with the intensity equal to that of a hurricane.
And I know that a Joseph quell'uragano see him soon if all goes well :-)
... and I seriously thought I had give us a cut with the Marathon!
Yes, after the PB Treviso (another happy event this year) with a marathon race between the other with ridiculous ease after a particularly athletic lucky (to January-April), since the multiplication many commitments in our daily lives and saw the relentless physical and mental load required during preparation as that of a marathon, I was planning to give us the idea of \u200b\u200ba cut with this distance, diverted towards shorter 3-5-10 K.
And instead, an accomplice ankle injury is not completely solved, I found myself in a turbulent summer in which I raced a little but I suffered a lot the same! What appeared
still incredible, as the stimuli arrived from a long distance so I have brought out from a crisis that seemed unsolvable, and that led me to the long straight at the start of the world's largest marathon.
How to say no Classic 42,195 m? It will be the principal distance
also for 2011 and we are working on major projects!
who follows me knows, usually where I am right I accaso, so there will be huge news, except that I have become more open-mindedness.
For a fairly experienced athlete like me, running a marathon average linkage may be feasible to prepare for a big event. For me
Victoria (surprising) to Cagliari Marathon has been the discovery of a new channel, and if health sorreggerà me the chance to race in Italy a New York pre-test could be a valid solution to broaden the horizons and discover Marathons possibly new to conquer!
's a project, that of the short distance , absolutely no hope of return and set aside in 2011 fierce than ever to try to break down all the PB from 1.500m to 10.000m on the track.
Unfortunately the track was the missing link in this year 2010 that has lived its most critical moments just between July and August.

In September, especially, reactivated the desire to suffer and work, I really pushed to the limit my days too intense too. There was only
athletics, there was much more, in retrospect the company in New York was truly something unexpected as it is gained in those days lived without stopping.
... For the 2011 Grand Challenge on track with the eight hundred CUS Palermo, therefore, be renewed hoping to finally be on the line at the start of the 100m!
's all a game, of course, if you will the mutual respect between me and Lo Cascio will take us just a good day of sport for reviving the movement.
Unfortunately, the Sicilian sports movement is struggling to recover and fewer and fewer young people who are dedicated to the daily labors.
The boys are there, only that it is increasingly difficult to make them understand the importance of practicing a healthy and regular physical activity.
not have to be racing, a goal may also be able to run a certain distance in a race, if she's capable of much more than being a well-targeted training.
there is little that is blocked by athletic reality that seem to take care of them but in reality leaves little room for the expression of your real options: always argue that a few road races throughout the year have no negative impact on the economy of a full season for a predominantly middle-distance runner pistaiole, indeed they can enhance skills and increase their hidden personality. Foul
understand the technical Local ...
Even in 2011 I will be mostly alone in my long workouts and maybe a little company I can find it if I show its skills in the shorter distances, brackets reduced to a few weeks for me in one year!
greet 2010 with the strengthening of old friendships and the discovery of many people with whom I knew in spite of years in view of the running because of my character too much time indoors, unfortunately I had never connected any relationship .
The year 2010 gave me good visibility and I realized that opening up to people is a nice gesture, often reciprocated with pleasure!
2011 will be the 4th year of collaboration con Adidas Italia : grazie al loro supporto ed alla qualità dell'azienda Leader nel Running sono riuscito a dare continuità ai miei allenamenti ed alle gare riuscendo ogni tanto a realizzare piccole imprese.
Abbiamo in comune molte cose tra cui serietà e impegno verso questo splendido sport alla portata di tutti; questo legame spero si consolidi ulteriormente con altri bei risultati e racconti continuando ad indossare le più belle e funzionali scarpe con le Tre Strisce.

Saremo più agguerriti che mai, all'attacco prima nei Campionati Italiani di Cross and after winning the Italian Championship Race .
After many exhausting years in creating unity in this team, we were able to bring more elements of quality that I hope can help make a difference to win.
remains absolutely confirmed the presence of our captain Francesco Duke, our strongest Marathon Vito Sardella, as the unfortunate talented Marco Calderone.
The new arrivals will be released in 2011, going strong since the beginning of the first test of 10.000m on track, our Achilles heel all along.
remains unchanged confidence in local athletes such Cuzzocrea, Monti, Bonaddio, Arena and Loria .
This is our future on which I think a lot of middle-distance runner: in him I see myself in my early years of athletic prevailed where the application and the commitment that the chronometric results.
I learned in life that no one gives you nothing and you sweat a lot to gain, so it will be for 2011, in search of wealth in a few more! ... Economic
not mean!
2011 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, or enthusiasts RUNNERS
:-) (Thanks for a whole year of 2011 photographs Salvatore Torregrossa, the Trinacria Palermo, and the images of New York una certa maisa_nyc da flickr.com )
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