Thursday, November 25, 2010

Strongest Magnet You Can Buy

New York City Marathon 2010 - From the Point of View of the Elite

New York City.

now the New York City Marathon is long over, but what remains of it are mostly memories lived.

In late August when I was already ahead with the preparation I received the official invitation as Elite and from there things changed a little ... for the better! The reasons
multiplied along with the desire to make trouble or run miles, simply because when you live in great difficulty one must have the courage to react, to bring out the best of themselves, anyway.

My arrival in New York City was still largely before the event - marathon, potendomi set with the greatest serenity and disputing even the beautiful Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff .
If I think that all this was planned a year ago almost to the smallest detail and in broad outline I was able to achieve it completely, I still can not comprehend that fortunately I was able to share with many important people who matter in my life .. . The

THANKS is therefore addressed to the "Manager" overseas Giuseppe Vicari and his entire extended family to brothers, sons and grandchildren with their hospitality, kindness, sympathy and passion for this sport has allowed me to better presented in the last days of pre-race exhaust.

What not explain is what happened then as soon as I set foot at the Hilton, the headquarters of the New York Road Runners for the event. The excellent reception
David and his wife and lit the room arrangement in me something concrete, perhaps hitherto hidden inside: I just got an Elite Olympus Marathon runners of the world's strongest!
If I left from Palermo with a very low profile, even in respect of training, but unsure of the strong support that Coach Company, and a few friends kept constant for me, once this ambientatomi Harem from under 3'00 "/ km I lit the fire that I had failed so far to ignite.
I started to convince a crowd that was not set the pace around the 3'20 "/ km (for months despite my physical unaware of what same topic) and making full use of companies, cold and sliding the first part of the race could have been done ...
And so it was the right choice ...

But I am convinced that something che NON avevo in corpo di colpo uscì fuori, in quegli ultimi giorni!

I giorni seguenti erano un susseguirsi di continue conoscenze, prevalentemente di stampo americano (come preferisco) e appariva normale sia per me che questi grandi campioni da poster o copertina di riviste scambiare quattro parole con il sottoscritto.

Inarrivabile Meb (grazie di tutto Meb!) ed il suo Coach Larson , un connubio vincente.
Li scoprii quel martedì dell'ultima settimana, quando sia io che Meb ci incrociammo a Central Park ad eseguire l'ultimo lavoro pre-maratona, ovvero delle banalissime ripetute.
Meb era atteso dal suo Coach e da un'altra persona, così come si dovrebbe sempre fare quando si segue il proprio allievo.
Avrò successivamente il piacere di ascoltare il Sig. Larson, uomo sempre calmo e competente, ed incontrarlo ogni mattina a colazione!

Stesso modus operandi del team di Ritzenheim , seguito in tutto e per tutto dal Coach Salazar e da altri due membri del suo team, visto all'opera il giorno prima della maratona con diversi esercizi di stretching e allunghi vari.
E' di uso frequente filmare l'azione dei propri atleti per cercare di correggere ogni possibile difetto.
In pratica si viene a creare un tale feeling tra Coach ed allenatore quasi a creare un connubio inscindibile...

Family ...
Samples are unattainable, the best athletes of all time but they are still men, even great men, fathers also able to be affectionate with their wives or their children ...
myths that I have always seen the top of the charts took shape in normal people like me, like everyone else with a winning combination: peace and quiet.
A model of life of people who managed to make athletics their profession without letting go of omnipotence proclamations, always people with their feet firmly on the ground!

One of the best memories I will leave "the newest" Matthew Dowinin ...
Classic skinny athlete, aggressive in the picture, the big time and the always hair short or shaved, I was expecting a very serious professional, perhaps unwilling to dialogue.
The person I'm going to know it will be a simple man with whom I will find harmony in the room immediately and in any event reserved for elite athletes to us.
Matt has represented for me an invaluable guide , introduces all his colleagues travel from serious professional, with that smile peaceful family man, slowly sipping a coffee laced with milk ...
Thanks to him I passed the rock of the difficult environment with a new world, unexplored but very very friendly.

From 44th-floor restaurant that I've only found people so staff friendly and interested in my personal history, able to defer to my not infrequent breaks and linguistic misunderstandings ;-)

Running the last 3 mornings before the race with Abderrahim Bouramdane ... The known sample
Moroccan striker expert at every marathon has clocked the trequartini long for a decent pace, describing his mood as light as it will go.
Then the race will do just fine, but strictly on-road turn around Central Park with him allowed me to meet someone nice and friendly.

Living the final hours of pre-race, maximum voltage?
Absolutely not!
kept us all with my will to stay together to piece of family who came to see me and the rest with friends now felt that the upcoming guns.
Greetings to all vicars who have competed or not, the "Prince" Tony, Titus, Teo and his group of friends, Corrado e. .. unfortunate that Francis was not present!

What will happen the next day with chest of good friends and Loredana Gaspar ... I keep it for me ;-)

way back in the room, again with Matt lying quietly and watch TV, and straight to bed.
the morning, according to the rigors of the briefing on Saturday, everything ready and arranged, a breakfast of bread and quiet, so quiet ...
From there on, short and intense Remember, interpolated from the emotions experienced in the race and as the cover away from the sun rose on a clear blue sky in line with the immense Verrazzano Bridge ...

Apart from the many Kenyan around, as usual I can express myself with the athletes as the nice English-speaking Kathie Mc Gregor (author of a formidable race) and the Danish Anne-Sofie Pade Hansen by which I filled a void of content that otherwise would have had background in the gala evening after the marathon.

... The shot that I did not expect (or maybe you?), The very Gala ... When
Vicari's and Friends Serve had a family party del dopo Maratona all'insegna del pieno divertimento con sottotitoli... in lingua sicula(!), io mi trovavo con onore invitato alla gran serata di riconoscimenti dei grandi vincitori della Maratona corsa poche ore prima.
Vedere atlete ed atleti di spicco con abiti eleganti in una lussuosa Villa in pieno centro di New York zona Lexington Av. (circa) faceva un certo effetto.
Purtroppo il mio mentore Matt era andato via con un volo diretto verso la sua famiglia (bravissimo ragazzo, continuo a confermarlo) immediatamente dopo la Maratona con il rammarico di non averlo potuto ringraziare di persona...
Almeno nel dopo - gara ero riuscito a complimentarmi con lui!

Lasciandomi da solo, ero at the mercy of anything with so many athletes who fail to share any that, except with some members of NYRR.
luck would have it I found myself, once you enter the elegant luxury in the large hall, asking to sit next to the beautiful Anne-Sofie with whom he began a long dialogue, at times slowed down by my clumsy English, through which ran a delighted evening marked by the soft tones of someone who has won so much, from the samples, the Manager, the organizers, the undersigned!

By Anne-Sofie will understand that the elite athletes of non-professionals was not just Filippo Lo Piccolo, but also a sound as determined athlete who enjoys his work with alternating running, just like me, and exchanging impressions shared by many who should spend his time in the best way, every day.

The Monday after the marathon, the last breakfast with the strongest, the last farewell to the great champion Meb and back, from the 34th floor of my room full of memories and even loved ones who had come to see me in place more congenial to me for so many other days as well as the headquarters of Italian athletes that we finally could have been enjoying peace of mind with the intense taste of the Big Apple.


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