After such application all year long and so hard working, a week of relaxation he had to be programmed!
E 'was an unforgettable week spent with their new friends e. .. found there.
Ma .. It was in New York I had to make friends with people I meet, unfortunately, from time to time in Palermo or in the fleeting hours of training?
This is one of the evils of the run almost exclusively by absolutely ignoring the events of amateur road racing fans gather at the end of the race of my land ...
Eventually you find yourself in a thousand places ... Unless your home, know all and do not know anyone ... To turn
thoroughly New York a week is not enough, obviously.
This time, I managed to touch many points of a city ever more extraordinary, more and more in tune with my way of being and doing, more and Faster!
Ogni mattina corsetta leggera di scarico maratona (con tutti i dolori muscolari da assorbire non mi divertirò molto per giorni a scendere le scale :-P ) e via verso nuove scoperte, senza un ordine ben preciso!
Finalmente, grazie anche alla compagnia che rende maggiormente indipendenti, abbiamo preso coraggio nell'affrontare la "complicata" metropolitana newyorchese che, invece, è veloce, puntuale, completa ed... assolutamente semplice da imparare ad usare!
Siamo diventati maestri anche in questo!
Ciò mi ha permesso di toccare più punti della bella New York City, appoggiato da fortunose giornate soleggiate ma con quel freddo vento sempre e comunque presente!
will remain unforgettable beautiful mornings spent at the side of the Hudson River , impressive and fascinating, among other things, place of training for the locals. As
see the Brooklyn Bridge with Manhattan sparkle to the evening will be a priceless memory of this happy adventure.
Same scenario (evening) for the visit of ' Empire State Building, the imposing tower block from which you can admire all of New York.
That night was a bitter cold, but noted that height from the countless lights of the world's busiest cities has left me impressed, as well as see the construction site at Ground Zero emit a beam of light striking as if to say: "Here I am!"
seems incredible to say but I can visit two museums, the Guggenheim and the Museum of Natural History, the latter will absorb almost a whole day!
Everything went well, incredible to say that nothing went wrong.
Only a few minor snag in an expedition succeeded largely well where were strengthened healthy values \u200b\u200bsuch as family or friendship.
E. .. with the ubiquity of terrestrial Vicari always ready to take to dinner there for them, even when it was across the center of Manhattan!
Visit the Soho district of , an unfamiliar area for me so far ...
beautiful neighborhood, style "Inglese" I hope to revisit again.
area particularly rich array of shops, shopping, high-quality original, I had my own personal pleasure of visiting the shops Adidas Performance Store in dall'Originals
:-) If you do not walk down the lanes of Chinatown or Little Italy (Chinatown which is always run by the former owners :-) you can not realize the huge differences in style that is in the "beautiful" Manhattan, that trampled a thousand times ...
and eat on the fly (even if not "healthy") over there makes you more "breathing" those districts ...
Breathe in the atmosphere dei films, o addirittura vedere la Troupe girare una pellicola dalle parti del Centro, ti fa capire quanto per gli Americani sia importante l'apparenza o l'apparire.
Ho visto illuminare a giorno(!) un angolo di Central Park notturno con enormi luci artificiali per creare un'atmosfera magari dalla finestra dell'Hotel di lusso a fianco.
O camminare verso la Apple della Fifth Av. ed incontrare la neve (!)... artificiale per girarci un film!
Già, l' atmosfera natalizia , work in progress!
Dal post - maratona New York ha cambiato subito pelle vestendosi a festa attraverso i suoi lussuosi negozi e centri commerciali abbelliti in grande stile.
Non riesco nemmeno a ricordare quante absurdly beautiful and glittering things I saw in these last days!
because of "force majeure" I had to visit many of the women's chic shops or particularly refined actually left me shocked: you never knew what to expect when you came in there to see!
And the tree at Rockefeller Center would be completed in a few days ...
The silent work of the construction site at Ground Zero ...
We were several tens of minutes to observe the work of skilled masters of the building works the most impressive and spectacular in the world.
The theater of the unforgettable tragedy of 11 September 2001 is slowly being reborn and soon rise again with a project already being developed all completely focused to commemorate this sad but important event for America.
will be created as a museum we could see the plastic and 3D simulations of the Twin Towers and will only remember the sad ...
With me friends who were in those towers were the first experience of Marathon ... Living the
Veteran Day ...
A riot of American flags, a symbol of their attachment to this country.
At the end you feel part of them, the Stars and Stripes is placed anywhere, especially on the day of commemoration of veterans who died in war, did see some effect of the skating area Rockefeller Center is no longer a multi-national flags but only a few days for the Americans.
hands-on the Statue of Liberty by ferry, close it, does something, like walking to see the Wall Street giant impenetrable (for indeed it is only in the movies) of the Federal Reserve .. .
In the last hours of the night before I was there with friends and Tito Teo to see all the colorful lights of the mega advertising screens and in me hope for another "goodbye" ...
This is America, this is New York, where one can still dream, but only if you really have an original idea ...
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