The new arrivals were welcomed by President Frank Cerra and Sports Director Lino Pirico with great enthusiasm:
- Fabio Bernardi, experienced athlete, a great interpreter of Venetian half marathons on the roads.
- Antonio Guzzi , the talent of Lamezia Terme, former National Junior several times, decided this year aims to leap in the middle distance is faster than in middle-distance extended
- Luca Fourth , Puglia athlete, young and in net growth, we place the utmost confidence in him!
will be essential elements for the affirmative evidence of the championship, that is 10.000m on track, the Italian Championship and the Italian Championship Half Marathon 10 Km of road, according to the regulations of Fidal.

- Duke Francis, the captain of Violettaclub and protagonist of the Venetian streets, elegant in his step and his running technique and teacher of physical education in schools.
- Vito Sardella, our strongest runner, a friend since the CS Navy, by the beautiful and talented athlete and the author often of great performances.
- Marco Calderone, immense talent, capable of 2h 13 'in Carpi a few years ago, is our biggest gamble in 2011 in hopes of finding him in return for giving us new emotions.
- Hillary Bii Kiprono and Solomon Rotic , our two undisputed champions in Africa as a few other cute!
To complete the team, let's not forget the contribution of our local athletes:
- Francesco Cuzzocrea
- Francesco Monti
- Salvatore Arena
- Gianluca Bonaddio
- Giuseppe Sestito
- Anthony Loria (Junior)
- Antonio De Francesco
- Salvatore Romeo
level women, we must ricordare che nel Violettaclub corre da diversi anni (praticamente da sempre) Palma De Leo , Campionessa di livello italiano sempre competitiva nelle gare su strada.
A tutti gli atleti, dirigenti e supporter della Società di Atletica di Strada del Sud più forte in Italia auguro un anno 2011 di Successi, Divertimento e Miglioramenti dei propri Personal Best!
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