Saturday, January 29, 2011

Undigested Cat Food Stool


I will continue my analysis of the Italian political situation, continuing the discussion begun in two previous posts.
For clarity, I'll leave further afield, and for this, I draw inspiration from various posts that I happen to read by going around blogs. In many, there is an air of disappointment at the conduct of persons, especially from the electoral point of view. I'm not surprised, let alone shock me these questions, I am too convinced that the word freedom so heralded by the Liberals of all kinds, is ultimately to be placed as a joke. I believe that this yearning for freedom is a matter of an elite group, which prevails in the majority of people that flows from the conformism that highly social nature of man. I realize that the discussion would require much more extensive and thorough argument, but I will not distract from the specific issue that I face here.
From these considerations, I believe that a community is always more or less spontaneously to select a group that is commonly called ruling class, and decisions, even in a formally democratic institutional framework, are actually taken within the ruling class. The revolution, even if generated by riots in which the people are leading, inevitably end to correspond to nothing more than a replacement of the ruling class.
So, I interpret the whole crisis of the Italian system as a crisis inside the ruling class. The years of tangentopoli actually corresponded to a small revolution, a ruling class was in crisis, and in this vacuum, Berlusconi, just taking advantage of those inquiries court today he attacks, he could take power. We must, however, to interpret things correctly, understand that the political class is only part of the entire ruling class, and so in those years behind Berlusconi, there was a large part of the establishment Italian economy. This same
establishmant for some 'time has abandoned attempts to replace it. This is where the Democratic Party that so many powerful attempt to settle the government, but there is a problem virtually unsolvable. The great Italian fianzieri marry in all, I would say of course, the liberal wave that shook the entire planet, and then is removed from the boxes they want to Berlusconi, but at the same time, they should replace it with one that guarantees the triumph of liberalism, in short, anyone who continues without hesitation by the policy pursued by Tremonti.
The PD responds positively to stress this part of the establishment, is careful not to "make things left," and would be ready to abandon what is to his left to his fate, all focusing on an alliance with the third pole.
Unfortunately for them, the parties whose interests do not coincide with the establishment, because they are on the market, the election is even more ruthless than the economic. Thus, Fini and Casini are well aware that only by distinguishing PD have a significant electoral space, and then never, ever could declare their alliance with the PD.
In essence, all the criticism, which has become cruel irony, not to the policy of the PD is not endogenous, does not come from own party, but is imported from this problematic balance between the need to create large enough to unseat Berlusconi alliance, and at the same time have a political content in absolutely continuous, and therefore must keep out people like Vendola.
In a sense, this difficulty to get rid of Berlusconi has its positive aspects, is the impossibility of achieving a design that accomplished, how he wants people like Marchionne.
In this view, never say that no matter if I have to go with the devil, as long as we get rid of Berlusconi certainly want them to go away, but at the same time you should not give blank bills to anyone. La sinistra, quella vera, ha oggi una grande capacità contrattuale, e guai se la svende come vuole fare gran parte della dirigenza PD.


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