Seleção Paulista (APEA) - Bologna FC 6-4, 28 July 1929; SCCorinthians Paulista-Bologna FC 6-1, 30 July 1929.
Video of "Rede Globo" about the discovery of the original film of 1929.
My personal assembly of all the actions of both the video without comment.
movie extraordinary document came to light on the centenary of the Corinthians of Sao Paulo. The footage, donated by the family Gragnani - owner of the old "Cine Roma", in the Barra Funda in São Paulo - is a genuine relic of 35 mm, which lasts three minutes and 20 seconds. Dated July 30, 1929, tells of one of the most glorious moments of history corintiana, with a 6 to a trimmed at Grande Bologna period (Champion of Italy in office and one of the best teams in Europe), Palestra Italia stadium - Parque Antarctica today - which appears in its original form, with the eucalyptus trees behind the grandstand. E 'among others, the oldest home movie in the history of football Corinth. A match of the movie concerns the challenge against the "Tima" while the other part of the Bologna opposed the Seleção Paulista, the APEA, which ranks among its ranks the best players of all Teams from the state of São Paulo - Palestra Italy (current Palmeiras), Santos, Corinthians, Antarctica, and so on. - Including the legendary "Ministrinho" Peter Sernagiotto, tiny and powerful right wing of the Gymnasium and then Italy's Juventus, with whom will win two league titles. In the video you can clearly see some legends of Bologna: Pietro Genovesi exchanging the banner of the "Sports Section Football Bologna (Bologna FC was incorporated in this multi-sports at the behest of Leandro Arpinati) with Great Corinthians, a beautiful first floor of Henry Sabattini, Bologna factotum of the period - also refereed the match against the Seleção Paulista - and Monzeglio, "Gist" Gasperi behind port that the game looks and a beautiful image of rossoblù training before the match against Corinthians.
................................................. .................................................. ..... The formations of
Seleção Paulista (APEA) - Bologna SSC
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Bologna: Gianni; Martelli, Monzeglio, Genovesi, Baldi, Pitt, Constantine, bangles, Banchero Magnozzi, Muzzioli.
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Seleção Paulista (APEA): Tuffy, granite, Debbi; Nerino, Amilcar, Seraphim Sernagiotto, Camerao, Petronilho, Feitiço, Evangelists. Mr arbiter. Sabattini.
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The formation of SC Corinthians - Bologna SSC
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SC Corinthians: Tuffy, and Wheat Debbio; Nerino, Guimarães and Munhoz; Apparício, Peres, Gambinha, Rato and Rodrigues. T: Virgílio Montarina.
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Bologna SSC: Compiani; Gasperi, Monzeglio, Genovesi, Pitto, Dugoni, Constantine, Banchero, bangles, Busini III and Tansley. Appendix H. Felsner. ................................................ .................................................. .........
From "Littoriale" of Monday, July 29, 1929.
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"IT BEATS THE BOLOGNA valiant but no luck, against the most 'STRONG OPPONENTS OF THE WORLD".
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Il Bologna vinto per 6 a 4 dalla selezione di San Paolo dopo aver segnato i primi tre goals. Il match dei rosso-bleu.
San Paulo 28. (A.A.)
La seconda partita del Bologna in terra brasiliana era attesa qui con vivissimo interesse, più ancora, se pure è possibile, di quella che non sia stata la prima, combattuta a Rio de Janeiro. San Paulo, com'è noto, conta una colonia italiana imponentissima che costituisce una parte cospicua della popolazione della città. Era naturale so that here, even more than in Rio, was alive the souls of contention for today's sport. Indeed Paulistas sports, in which aroused great impression, despite the defeat, the debut of Bologna in Rio, who lived two or three days of anxiety and nervousness. The APEA, given the importance attached to the fighting today, he has deployed in the field, his best team, on his part went to the Bologna meeting new animated by clear about the defeat of three days ago. Unfortunately, his hopes were thwarted: After a first half in which the red-blue had a clear superiority and believed to have secured the victory, the situation has reversed in the second half. The course of the game was all that disappointed. Neither the Italians nor the Brazilians have been able to play a game uniform. The game overall was very animated, always fierce but disorganized. A crowd of 40 thousand people crowding the Parque Antarctica stadium which was decked with flags with the colors of the Italian and Brazilian. In the gallery you could see several members of the Government of Sao Paulo state, the city authorities, the Italian consul on. Mazzolini, the vice consul and a crowd of notables of the colony. The Bologna has taken the field in the following training: Gianni; Martelli, Monzeglio, Genovesi, Baldi, Pitto, Constantine, bangles, Banchero Magnozzi, Muzzioli. The Representative Sao Paulo has so aligned his men: Tuffy, granite, Debbi; Nerino, Amilcar, Seraphim Sernagiotto, Camerao, Petronilho, Feitiço, Evangelists. Mr arbiter. Sabattini. The entry of the two teams is greeted by huge cheers. The game opened at 15, 50. The Paulistas give the first kick and try some actions without result, and successfully contained by Gianni Baldi. The median line and the striker Bolognesi play a tactic well combined sudden shifts and the exact steps and timely that is not slow to bear fruit. At 5 minutes into a powerful kick Schiavio sends the ball in the opponent. Enthusiastic acclamation salutes the Italian first point. The local team did not opposed any effective action. To 16.3 on a precise pass to Muzzioli, Bancroft scored the second goal. The Paulistas appear as stunned by the accuracy and speed of the red-bleu. Of their indecision, their advantage slip to urge Italians to 16.16 with new attacks that earn them a new item, this time, marked by Constantine. The triple setback has the effect of restoring unity and energy to the team Sao Paulo, and three minutes later, at 16.19, the Brazilian Feitiço kicking brilliantly in the Italian network between warm applause from the audience. The first half ends with very clear benefit of Bologna: 3 to 1. The comments from the public point out the indisputable superiority of Bologna, and you're weak, inefficace e slegato dei paulisti. Il secondo tempo vede cadere inaspettatamente le previsioni di vittoria fatte per la squadra italiana. I calciatori paulisti attaccano ad andatura celerissima sferrando senza posa azioni su azioni. Il fuoco di fila brasiliano martella la difesa bolognese. Gianni si produce infaticabile, ma non riesce ad infrenare gli indiavolati assalti. Per cinque volte consecutive i paulisti mandano il pallone nella rete italiana. I cinque punti sono segnati successivamente da Feitiço, Camarao, ancora da Feitiço da Petronillo e da Evangelisti. I calciatori bolognesi, visibilmente amareggiati, hanno verso la fine una ripresa energica. Essi reagiscono, tornano all'offensiva, costringono la difesa paulista ad una dura lotta e finalmente qualche minuto before the end of the game mark with a well-adjusted throw Costantino their fourth point of the day. Following a few hectic action and then the referee ends. The game ended with the victory of the Representative of St. Paul to 6 to 4. The public gallantly applauded several times the two teams. The whole match was filmed and a radio station installed on the field has spread throughout Brazil the detailed report of the meeting in all its phases.
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defeat of Bologna Brazil
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Petroniana I fought for 4 to 6 in S. Paulo
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San Paolo, 29 am.
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The second game of Bologna in Brazil was expected here with the greatest interest and passion, even more, although it is possible, of what has been the first fought in Rio de Janeiro. St. Paul, of course, has an Italian colony imponentissima, which is the large proportion of the population of the city. It was natural that qui, più ancora che a Rio, fosse viva la tensione degli animi per l'odierna contesa sportiva; effettivamente gli sportivi locali, nei quali grande impressione aveva suscitato il debutto del Bologna a Rio, malgrado la sconfitta, hanno vissuto due o tre giornate di ansia e di nervosismo. L'A.P.E.A., data la importanza annessa al combattimento di oggi, ha schierato in campo la sua migliore squadra. Da parte sua il Bologna è andato al nuovo incontro col proposito di cancellare l'impressione della sconfitta di tre giorni or sono. Le sue speranze purtroppo sono state frustrate. Dopo un primo tempo nel quale i rosso-bleu hanno avuto una netta superiorità ed hanno creduto di avere la vittoria assicurata, la situazione si è capovolta nel secondo tempo. Lo svolgimento della partita è stato tale da deludere tutti: nè gli italiani nè i brasiliani hanno saputo svolgere un gioco uniforme per i due tempi. La partita, nel complesso, è stata movimentatissima, quasi sempre accanita, e spesso disordinata. Una folla di ben 40 mila persone gremiva lo stadio del Parque Antartica, che era imbandierato coi colori italiani e brasiliani. Nella tribuna d'onore si notavano parecchi membri del Governo di San Paolo, le autorità cittadine, il console d'Italia on. Mazzolini, il viceconsole ed uno stuolo di notabilità della colonia. Il Bologna è sceso in campo nella seguente formazione: Gianni; Martelli e Monzeglio; Genovesi, Baldi e Pitto; Costantino, Schiavio, Banchero, Magnozzi e Muzzioli. The representative of St. Paul's also align his men: Tuffy, and Wheat Debbio; Nerino, Amilcar and Seraphim Sernagiotto, Camarao, Petronilho, Feitiço and Evangelist. Arbitration Mr. Sabattini of Bologna. The entry of the two teams was greeted by large Acclair information. The match starts at 15.50. The Paulists the first kick and try to give some shares with no result, successfully contained by Baldi and Gianni. The forward line and the backs of Bologna held a tactic well-combined and sudden shifts of accurate and timely step, which is not slow to bear fruit. Five minutes after, a powerful kick Schiavio sends the ball in the opponent. An enthusiastic acclamation salutes the Italian first point. The local team does not oppose any effective action. At 16.30 on a precise and timely passage of Muzzioli, Banchero scores the second goal. The Paulists appear as stunned by the accuracy and speed of the red-bleu. Italians take advantage of their slip to pursue us with new attacks that earned them 16.16 to a new point, this time marked by Constantine. The triple setback has the effect of restoring unity and energy to the team Paulist. Three minutes later, at 16.19, the Brazilian Feitiço kicking brilliantly in the Italian network, one of the warmest applause of the audience. The first half ends with a clear advantage of Bologna for three to one. The public comments reveal the indisputable superiority del Bologna ed il giuoco fiacco ed inefficace dei paolisti. Il secondo tempo vede cadere inaspettatamente le previsioni di vittoria per la squadra italiana. I calciatori paolisti attaccano ad andatura celerissima, sferrando azioni su azioni. Il fuoco di fila dei brasiliani martella la difesa bolognese. Gianni si prodiga infaticabile ma non riesce ad infrenare gli indiavolati attacchi. Per cinque volte consecutive i paolisti mandano il pallone nella rete Italiana. I cinque punti sono segnati successivamente da Feitiço, Camarao, Feitiço, Petronilho ed Evangelista. I calciatori bolognesi, visibilmente amareggiati, hanno verso la fine una ripresa di energia. Essi reagiscono rabbiosamente e prendono l'offensiva costringendo la difesa paolista ad una dura lotta e finalmente few minutes before the end of the game mark, on a well-adjusted Constantine shot their fourth point of the day.
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The festivities at the "Bologna"
in San Paulo San Paulo (Brazil), 30.
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(AA). - A lavish reception was held at the headquarters of the Italian Club in honor of the "Bologna F. C '. It was attended by the Italian authorities and all the elders of the Colony. Italians of San Paulo Bolognese offer guests a banquet. The "Bologna" will meet today with the current 30 "SC Corinthians' of San Paulo.
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From "La Stampa" of Turin, 31 July 1929.
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The Bologna defeated yet
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Victory of "Corinthians" for 6 to 1.
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San Paulo, 30 night.
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This afternoon the Bologna fought the third game of his 'tour' South American team against Sporting Club Corinthians, which is perhaps the strongest of San Paulo and one of the listed companies in Brazil. The new meeting has had, with strong points of difference, an unfavorable outcome for the Italian team. This has given them serious in front of the opposing team, who clearly dominated throughout the course of the game with a clever play tight, fast and accurate. The training today was much of Bologna different from that of previous partile. Gasperi recovered from the accident which occurred during training aboard the Conte Rosso, has taken his place back, while AC Milan has replaced Compiani Gianni goal. Other changes were made to the midline of coll'intervento Dugoni of Modena, and the line forward with the participation of Busini III Tansini of Bologna and Milan. The changes, however, have not benefited the efficiency of the team. Here is the training of the third meeting of the tour: Compiani; Monzeglio and Gasperi, Genovesi, Pitt and Dugoni, Constantine, Banchero, bangles, and Busini Tansini. The team of Corinthians was composed as follows: Tuffy, and Wheat Debbio; Nerino, Guimarães e Munhoz; Apparício, Peres, Gambinha, Rato e Rodrigues. Arbitro fu il sig. Rowlands. La partita si è svolta allo Stadio del Parco Antartica, presenti 25 mila persone. Appena iniziato il primo tempo, alle 15,15, gli avanti paulisti avanzano intrecciando una serie di azioni efficacemente contenute dai bolognesi. Il giuoco si mantiene equilibrato per qualche tempo. I brasiliani si distinguono in passaggi velocissimi. Compiani, assai impegnato, blocca alcuni tiri pericolosi. Al 15.o minuto Munhoz trova la porta italiana sguernita e manda il pallone nella rete segnando il primo punto per i paulisti. I bolognesi tentano di reagire; una loro discesa pericolosa provoca una mischia davanti alla porta dei paulisti, ma questi ultimi riescono a liberarsi e Munhoz segna, 22.o minutes to a new location. 30.o Muzzioli minutes to replace and Magnozzi Busini and Tansley. The first half ended with two points to zero for the Paulist Fathers. In the second half of the team paulista superiority becomes even more evident. To 17.1, for a beautiful shot of the Bologna Bancroft scored his only goal of the day. Penalty after four minutes against Bologna: Great fast and marks the third point for the Brazilians. Rato 17.12 to send the ball for the fourth time in the Italian network. At 17.15 new penalty against Bologna. Great sign for the fifth point Paulista. Shortly after a wonderful game of steps, Rodriguez for the sixth time violates the network Bologna. The Bolognese react with renewed action to the end without But to achieve any results. Ferrari in the last minute and replace Banchero between Paulistas Rato II replaces Apparício. The game ends in victory for the Paulistas to 6 to 1. The team of the Paulist has staked much better than the de! Bologna. The latter have been particularly pointed out: Schiavio, Pitto, Compiani, Monzeglio, Dugoni, Genovese and Constantine
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THE PRESS - August 1, 1929
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South American Player at home
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Di Vittorio Pozzo.
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is not the easiest thing in this world is victorious in South America They're so convincing as the Turin Bologna. Had had the experience before, teams from all sources and of any caliber. Every year, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil receive the visit of European unity, and every year the guests take the way back with several defeats on the liabilities and un sacro rispetto per gli avversari incontrati. Compagini professioniste inglesi e scozzesi, squadre basche, catalane, italiane, ungheresi han tentato la ventura nell'America latina: tutte hanno riportato la stessa impressione. Il giuoco del calcio si è sviluppato nell'America del Sud quasi all'insaputa dell'Europa. Gli insegnamenti degli inglesi, che là come altrove, fecero da pionieri, trovarono un terreno oltremodo fecondo; una razza giovane, forte ed esuberante, la tipica razza proveniente dagli incroci, un entusiasmo pronto ed irresistibile per tutto quello che è movimento e rischio, una organizzazione che subito venne impiantata su salde basi. Buenos Aires e Montevideo presero fuoco per le prime. Poi la passione per il giuoco, dalle capital spread inside. Also spread in the neighboring states, but while in Chile, Paraguay and Bolivia failed to win the apathy of the public, it brought back victory in Brazil. Quantitative diffusion followed the spread of quality in the game, helped by the frequent meetings between teams from different countries and in the living rivalry between the ruling and the other a republic. The national teams of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay held every year under the name of South American Championship, a tournament that is, both from a technically oriented below that of favor with the public, the most interesting that we can conceive. But the whole movement took place for years so outside of the attention of sportsmen of the old continent, that when the Uruguay, five years ago, won for the first time the Olympic football tournament in Paris, the vast majority of the technicians seemed startled by surprise . Yugoslavia had the task of breaking the ice and tackle for the first players of the Oriental Republic, took the matter so in confidence, which sent only to fire some of his best men. He wanted to keep for the rest for the next meeting, and instead suffered a stinging defeat that still must return to the mere memory. The Uruguay surpassed significantly, not to forget the Paris tournament, all of the competitors they had taken the starting point: they surpassed in technique, style, speed, freshness, in a practical spirit. Following the Olympics, the players of Montevideo, were not the only ones to cross the ocean. Argentina and Chile have signed up as well. And, if the representatives of the Football in Santiago and Valparaiso were soon eliminated from the fight, Uruguayans and Argentines reached the final, and as to demonstrate the equality of their value, they had to gamble for more than three hours to determine who gets the title Champion. Uruguay still won, but the impression of prodigious technical force of the South American game, feeling arising from the magnificent duel in which he had witnessed, he remained indelibly in the memory of European technical. A refresh this memory, if the case was really necessary, comes now the results of the first matches played by the two best teams of the Italian season. Brazil and Argentina, have now attached to the first showed his teeth. Between the three countries they are visiting and visit our players, a difference of class, style, type of game, the degree of evolution, it is stated that the viewer wants to examining some 'detailed the state of affairs and circumstances of the environment. Uruguay has made a splash. The two consecutive victories at the Olympics in Paris and Amsterdam have drawn the attention of the world. But a crisis in the Uruguayan football is not far away. It already appeared on the horizon since from the 1928 Olympics. The team was the same as in 1924, but the means were no longer available to them. The unit was purchased in strength and experience, but had lost momentum and freshness in a sign that had aged. Four years later the men were wearing the national jersey, almost every position, the same. A sign that anything worthwhile was grown in the meantime. The defeat by the Ferenczvaros of Budapest, which is certainly one of the most valuable members of the technical community of this season, said that a decline in efficiency is expected of players of the game in Montevideo. In Brazil we walk strong. More than strong, fast. E 'game essentially attack Brazil. Campo Largo, a prodigious speed, a devilish wit, unrivaled strength. Speed \u200b\u200bis everything in these attacks, and individualism will count for much. As early as 1914, when the Turin made his first trip to South America, the equadra the Corinthians of Sao Paulo had a front line so impetuous as you can imagine. Out of home Brazilians lose fifty percent of its value, but in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos can be considered lucky person who can bend. Argentina is considered to be at the forefront of South American soccer movement, if you want to think about the present and future together. What is the Argentinians The finest quality of team play, modeled on that of Uruguay, but more easy, fresher, more genuine. The fact is that Buenos Aires and Rosario are two tanks of genuine class players. Behind the team representing the country in international competitions, is material in sufficient quantity and quality to form not one, but two or three other teams of almost equal value. And 'that the force with which goes up and down, is so rich and continuous production, the figure of the national team and the units that are all the rage bonearensi is constantly changing. There were items from the first name and English origin, who prevailed: the endless Dynasty Brown, who formed a team all by yourself, that of the 'Alumni', the Wilson, the Watson-Hutton. They were later games of English descent. Are now mostly men named and Italian blood. Twelve months have passed from Amsterdam, and already the team that was aligned against Torino has changed from that for half of the Olympics. But, they are called opponents Argentina, Uruguay or Brazil, they represent a very hard bone to gnaw. They managed to establish themselves and to triumph, we, here in Europe, you can think what they are worth at home, in your environment, complete with the availability of its vessels. For what impression may raise the initial defeat of Bologna and Turin, it must be acknowledged that the task they set out to deal could not be more difficult.
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Below, in the third pic: Players of Bologna and Turin, on board the "Red Count", pose on the deck of the ship for a photograph.
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