Today I return to the question of the situation, but this time from the point of view of information. Do not know about you, but I'm thrilled in front of the climate debate that law. We have the proof that, especially with regard to Libya, were those of emeritus nonsense. The story of the tombs on the beach is perhaps the most dramatic episode, or perhaps only one on which you have complete evidence of that nonsense we had to put up with the media. The last time was in order that the raid would take Gaddafi in Tripoli, killing the whole population, not just those fallen in the street, but even from house to house. Result of this operation: three killed, apparently a substantial fraction of the population of Tripoli!
addition to these obvious nonsense, there are other reports of dubious veracity, such as the bombing ordered by Gaddafi and the presence of mercenaries among the supporters of Gadhafi, and who have not had final confirmation. In reality, all happens according to dynamics of previously unknown to us. For example, we know nothing about the situation in Cyrenaica. Yes dice che ci sia un governo provvisorio, ma chi avrebbe davvero liberato questa regione? E’ credibile che senza una parte almeno dell’esercito dalla propria parte, si sia potuto rovesciare il vecchio regime in maniera così definitiva e completa da consentire l’insediamento di un proprio governo? Come si può conciliare queste dinamiche con la proclamata ferocia di un dittatore che a tanti di noi appare la controfigura di Berlusconi, un patetico buffone anche lui che non sa andare oltre l’arringare le folle, ma poi evidentemente incapace, o perché privo di potere, o per altre ragioni a noi ignote a massacrare i propri concittadini. In particolare, se davvero avesse avuto l’intenzione di bombardare la sua stessa nazione, because now he does on the Cyrenaica, where he lost all control and all, and especially if, as they say in our newspapers, Tripoli is under siege from the outside by crowds of his opponents, why not bombard them right now, without the danger of damage the capital? D0'altra hand, one wonders why the insurgents would not even sit outside Tripoli attack: what do they expect?
I do not have enough evidence to support my hypothesis but remains the same. The events are taking place in Libya with a much less bloodshed than we would like to believe, and probably only the police patrol staff and perhaps some of Gaddafi has been involved in the scontri, da cui è uscita sconfitta. Non v’è stata una vera e propria partecipazione dell’esercito per motivi ad oggi ignoti.
Vorrei infine riflettere sul fatto che tanti giornalisti, la Annunziata per ultima ieri a “Mezzora”, si affidano per ottenere informazioni ad esuli libici. Ora, dovrebbe essere evidente a tutti che costoro, per definizione direi, non possono essere obiettivi, è un’informazione interessata, di parte, che merita certo di essere conosciuta, ma non può essere assunta certo come fonte di informazione. Intanto stanno qui e non sul posto, e se anche per via telefonica o telematica sapessero qualcosa, riporterebbero inevitabilmente ciò che conferma la loro personale posizione.
Analogamente, ieri è avvenuto un evento importante anche in Tunisia, le dimissioni del premier pro tempore, e di questo sappiamo davvero poco, o forse potrei dire nulla. E come è finita in Bahrein? Forse proprio lì la repressione è stata più sanguinosa, ma trattandosi di un dittatore pro occidente, non se ne sa più nulla e non si esecra il sangue lì versato: evidentemente il sangue ha un valore differente a seconda della mano che ha ucciso.
L’impressione complessiva è quindi quella che il dibattito in corso su questi importantissimi avvenimenti che avvengono nel nostro stesso cortile-mare, il Mediterraneo, si svolga senza supported by facts, and then in utter confusion. In particular, it is silent on the possible role played by the U.S. and perhaps even some European country on the chessboard.
In this regard, I want to mention the usual Enrico Letta, now ubiquitous on TV that dictates the line of the Democratic Party in the second rounds of interviews at a costume party this usual, he advanced a theory rather bizarre. According to him then, because it is essential that the Mediterranean regain top-level strategic importance, as the Northern Europe seems not interested, then it is good that the Americans handle it all. In short, if Europe is unable to take the weight of strategic management the Mediterranean, then what are the U.S. to do it for us, I guess at his home read to behave the same way, if the children do not care to keep order in the courtyard shared with other families, then that is the bully (or the softer version of the cop) in the neighborhood to do it for us, indeed a very interesting thesis. Annunziata rightly pointed out to us, that no one wastes resources without having a strategic advantage, and that this corresponds precisely to the definitive closure experience Mattei's ENI, to win its own independence in the procurement of renewable energy, ending up again in full hands of the seven sisters or what is left of them, more and more subjects American empire: a read this do not care as long as the yard is cleaned properly, would give his wife to turn the bully in return.
final word on the role played until now by our government: not only the conversion has been delayed, but it is still inadequate because reticent. To say that Gaddafi no longer controls the country, it seems a finding of fact rather than a trial. I do not believe to be the only one to believe that a Prime Minister Berlusconi that it is bent as to satisfy all desires, even real quirks, the Libyan leader, and that even a week ago was so wanting to disturb delicate d anon, now must be ordered explicitly that dictator, to him, to him with his past, not sufficient to state, must make a choice of field and expressly without any possible misunderstandings.
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