For the second consecutive year, compared to an even stronger competition than last year (CdS Cross Volpiano 2010), il
Violettaclub Lamezia Terme conquista nuovamente il Terzo posto ai Campionati Italiani XC (Cros s Country) 10 Km - Cross Lungo!!!
Prima Società Civile e pienamente competitiva in mezzo alle squadre militari professionistiche!
Il Violettaclub Lamezia Terme giunge, quindi, al Terzo Posto dietro solamente il C.S. Aeronautica Militare (2° posto) ed al G.S. Fiamme Gialle Ostia (1° posto e Campioni Italiani a Squadre 2011).
Per il presidente Franco Cerra ed il DS Lino Piricò grande soddisfazione per il premio ricevuto a fronte dei grandi investimenti economic and human athletes facing new and confirmed over the years. In
Cross Along the heroes of this enterprise are:
1 - Hillary Kiprono Bii (5th place)
2 - Fabio Bernardi (27th place)
3 - Duke Francesco (28 ° site)
Rit. Vito Sardella
to follow the links to the charts
CdS Long Cross Men - Individual
CdS Long Cross Men - Teams
Cds Cross Short Men - Individual
CdS Cross Short Men - Sq VERVIEW
But the honor of lift the trophy held by Captain Francis Duke, was all the components of the Company, including participants of the Short Cross that despite various difficulties have classified the individual Violettaclub in 24th place overall position absolutely counting on to improve physical ideals. From
note also the presence of Junior Anthony Loria to 64 th place. The team
Short defended itself, as stated by the following athletes:
1 - Anthony Guzzi (66th place)
2 - Filippo Lo Piccolo (107 ranked)
3 - Marco Calderone (1 16th place)
The latter is now confirmation that the Violettaclub Lamezia Terme is like the most important professional clubs and we will fight every race always to the best of our forces, together as always!
My race Cross Short was ultimately well-managed.
This week I managed to slow the long run regularly, rather than a positive signal, without being able to push past unfortunately.
I tried to push past the 5 'to the beat of the Long discreet but a slight tingling has advised me not to try something specific.
I have to admit that the departure of this Cross was finally the first ever more relaxed for my emotions ever!
It 's a great satisfaction, it means that I managed to fight these fears
:-) It will probably be even less pressure on him was the result of making a path and not just tricky, but everything went smoothly from start (controlled by technical reasons) that launched. When
weeks do not have the tools to run a lot in 2'50 "or under you can not expect to place yourself well to one of these departures, and the result is that many people stands in front of you, block ...
This happened when the path became very narrow, but I must say that the Campaccio Cross is very nice, well-organized and streamlined path .
I hope to return one day for my personal revenge!
Party very far, as I recovered a few places and I managed the suffering in the best possible way.
Oddly, the sciatic nerve at those speeds is not pulling ceilings and everything went the right way.
Everything makes sense, especially when you consider that inflammation of this type occur along the long distances ...
I can keep under control the race, Mark Calderone joins me in the final race, but once they entered the sports field in the second and last lap, I try to innstare a fly ball that is at least "honorable" without bowing to anyone, and recovering a couple of places.
Everything overall is more than positive, given the difficulties endured and the position (107 °) is fair to my current capabilities.
If you think that 4 "We were inside and that 10 athletes in 30" there were 60 athletes ... well, a trained and able to cross short I can not grab a 50th position?
I really think so ...
Complimenti ad un amico, Nello Del Corso , che conquista un'ottima e ben auspicante 50° posizione: speriamo che il prosieguo della sua stagione sia costante e ne vedremo delle belle da questo talentuoso atleta, amico dei tempi della Marina Militare!
La concitazione, l'adrenalina, la carica emotiva... tutto questo ti restituisce il Cross Corto e davvero mi riprometto da gennaio prossimo di preparare al meglio questa gara per dimostrare a me stesso che posso difendermi anche su questo terreno.
L'unico scoglio da superare sarà quello di non farmi male nel mese di gennaio cosa che purtroppo si è ripetuta qualche volta di troppo.
Ne riparleremo tra "qualche" impegno sportivo!
Dopo aver supportato i miei compagni nel Lungo, l'immensa soddisfazione di reggere tutti il Trofeo è stato l'epilogo migliore.
Per qualche minuto eravamo al centro dell'attenzione: aver aggraffato un posto del podio agli scontati clubs militari che si aggiudicano sempre il meglio dell'atletica italiana corrente non è cosa da poco, riuscirci per due anni di fila è il massimo!
Ai C.d.S di Cross ci partecipano da sempre tutte le Società Sportive Italiane, per una sorta di cultura e di tradizione, enorme soddisfazione la nostra!
As expected (though I have not felt because of my condition not really exciting) I meet with Antonio Capasso that has captured the moments of the festival team with great spontaneity!
On his website there is all the photographic record of the event as well as lots of content produced by healthy athletic enthusiasts.
It 's a great person and I am grateful to Antonio, in the name of the Company.
pity not to have been on the winning team, even as the fourth item, it only burns a bit, but for the spirit of sacrifice is the right to use force in the most possible reason. There is time for
riparlare di Cross, ormai è archiviato, il prossimo impegno che vedrà protagonista tutta la Squadra sarà la prova di 10.000m in pista a fine aprile e lì dovremo uscire nuovamente tutte le nostre forze, uniti!
(L'ultima foto ci ritrae con il Team Liquigas Cannondale di Ciclismo la sera prima in Hotel... due Squadre Vincenti!)
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