Zimbaro to Flog
Markets 24 / b - Florence INFOLINE 055-487145
www.myspace.com / auditoriumflog www.flog.it
Friday, February 18 open 21:30 / start 22:30
A 3 years after the death of legendary tambourine Pino Zimba, the group he founded in concert to remember in music ...
continue appointments with TARANTA NAIT, that on Friday February 18, Auditorium FLOG Florence, they want to remember in the most congenial, and then in music, the genius of Pino Zimba extraction, the versatile percussionist who died in February of three years ago, hosting his group Zimbaro.
Zimbaro The group was founded and led by Pino Zimba, whose tambourine and whose voice will forever remain among the most significant icons of Salento. Today this extraordinary Ensemble di giovani musicisti è coordinato da Rossano RUGGERI, musicista e autore di spicco del panorama World europeo, che ha saputo coniugare “la musica della Taranta” con sonorità di World Music di assoluto livello, contaminando l’animus salentino con raffinate e rarefatte atmosfere celtiche.
PINO ZIMBA, pseudonimo di Giuseppe Mighali (Aradeo 1952 – Febbraio 2008), è stato autore, musicista e attore. Tra i personaggi più popolari e apprezzati della tradizione popolare salentina della Pizzica Tarantata, è stato un tamburellista di tradizione e innovazione, voce ed animatore della rinascita della Pizzica, collaborando anche a numerose edizioni della Notte della Taranta di Melpignano.
Born into a peasant family has always been close to the music of tradition (his father Frank "bitten" by the tarantula, was also a tambourine), was able to draw directly from the living memory of Pinch, techniques, words, rhythm, movements and visions of a world of ancestral culture.
and inspirational protagonist of the film "Sangue Vivo" by Edoardo Winspeare (2000), which recounts episodes in many parts of his real life, along with the other components of the Officina Zoe (Flog the scene on Friday March 25) has exceeded the boundaries of Salento and the same Italian folk music, achieving international fame.
addition to "Blood Vivo” ha partecipato anche agli altri film di Winspeare, “Pizzicata” e “Il Miracolo”, e fa una piccola ultima apparizione in “Galantuomini”.
Nel 2005 partecipa a “Craj – Domani” di Davide Marengo, film documentario sulla musica popolare pugliese con Teresa De Sio, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, i Cantori di Carpino, Uccio Aloisi e Matteo Salvatore.
Nel 2006 pubblica per Kurumuny edizioni, “Zimba – voci, suoni, ritmi di Aradeo” libro con allegato un Cd contenente 23 brani registrati fra il 1976 e il 1978, che raccoglie la storia della famiglia Zimba.
Maestro del ritmo nell’uso del tamburo, gli si devono molte innovazioni articulation of the 'triplets'; enthralling entertainer of concerts, parties, gathered and unified in its core audience for several generation, cultural and geographical roots. Particularly its focus on young people, as manifested by a willingness to constantly teach, discuss, experiment with techniques and colors.
In recent years it had gathered together his children and some young musicians in the group Zimbaro, which still carries on his key legacy.
When he left in February 2008, at his funeral in Aradeo, many people were involved with their tambourines, accompanying him on his journey to the rhythm of Tang.
And after the explosive performance of Zimbaro, following the population / edited by ETNO DANCE CONSORTIUM DIGGEI INDEPENDENT
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