E’ difficile scrivere su quanto sta accadendo in queste ultime settimane nel nord africa, una regione così prossima a dove io abito, in maniera adeguata all’importanza degli eventi. Che si tratti di vere e proprie rivoluzioni, credo sia difficile negarlo. Detto ciò, ci mancano troppi dati, sappiamo troppo poco per potere analizzare correttamente il fenomeno, e temo che i grandi mezzi di comunicazione di massa non abbiano poi questo grande interesse a farci sapere davvero come stanno le cose, troppi interessi in gioco per non tentare di influenzare l’opinione pubblica mondiale con silenzi e palesi falsità. At the very least, we should wait a considerable period of time, the thin mist of all types and from all sources because the facts show themselves in their evidence.
what I like to observe is that the basis of the protest there is essentially what is the main ingredient, like it or not, revolutions, famine. These shameful dictatorial regimes that succeeded the colonial period, which were much appreciated and favored by the West at the end of development, not only betrayed the revolutions of the time in the distribution of power, but did not hesitate to establish a state based on corruption , pushed to the point of starving their people.
A second thing we notice is that a purely political level there is a unique way of inspiration, namely, that coexist within the rioters different inspirations, where you could find a western array, one on which so much has been written communication and the role played by the same desire to communicate, and another array Muslim. That said, is that you still say much, because we know that each has numerical size, specification typification of each of these and if there are other inspirations that might elude us.
In particular, it remains to be seen what role it could play Islamic fundamentalism, especially if the categories we use in analyzing the West's policy can be applied as such to those countries. In short, the fog is still thick even with regard to Tunisia and Egypt, the only ones that have already come out of the dictatorial past.
Faced with the drama of the unfolding events, from this side of the Mediterranean we are confronted with a shameful part of our policy ducetto, which until now has not yet felt the need to condemn the criminal acts committed by Gaddafi (not need to disturb him when exterminate its population) and, compared with a generic condemnation of violence, has heard the one and only requirement to stir the Islamist threat. After all, what could we honestly expect from our government, by a man now senile prey to obsessions, and a non-existent foreign minister, who plays his role as a support to his boss and his personal interests?
This morning I heard a passage from the press conference Maroni, and I must say that the two proposals put forward on the problems of the mass exodus to Europe that we should expect as a result of the events under discussion seem to me entirely reasonable distribution of refugees among the European nations, and the allocation of a fund aimed at this specific problem. I'm not sure the league and even wheat to specifically to Maroni, but I can not agree that these two initiatives, although probably insufficient alone to face a problem of this size would be appropriate and would give at least a glimmer of a solution to the situation that in all likelihood we will soon face (rightly, it was said that the weather conditions that have both given time to prepare an emergency plan).
The central point about Europe in my opinion, apparently unable to cope with the necessary speed and at a level suitable for quantitatively these events. Europe stutters, sentencing without threatening looks confidently, but does not prepare solutions, and course is more divided than ever, each to weigh the advantages and disadvantages for their nation. I read that in Modane, on the border between Italy and France, were sent to reinforce a large number of border guards, and that in fact the Schengen Treaty was unilaterally suspended by France, whose primary concern appears to not be invaded from North Africa, with the evident purpose of letting everyone here in Italy: as a collective European policy does not seem bad!
In fact, this shows the inadequacy of European governments to deal with situations that are developing in the world is now clear, and corresponds to behavior repeated over time in several occasions. Europe was born as a critical partner in the U.S., so proud of her welfare, can offer to other countries in their own vision of society, is now walked in a process of decline that seems unstoppable. Politics has become the handmaiden of the economy, and economic policy in the EU now writes under the dictation on the part of the dome-business mafia that dominates the world. Unable to provide any alternative to a globalized economy of junk bonds, interventionism of Bush's America that Obama himself is unable to offer breakthroughs, finds its best balance in a building ultimately masochistic.
Is it true what some people write, that the master is the key factor to determine the vitality of a people, and that the Europe of old (and not the old Europe ...) will inevitably succumb to the young nations, such as those we face in less than a thousand miles away?
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