Saturday, February 19, 2011

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who follows me knows that I am convinced that Italy does not represent the rearguard, but the vanguard of the democratic parliamentary system. The story is not water, and we are an old people in a new country. Believe therefore that we have not learned well the rules of democracy fails. If, however, we learned too well, and in particular had taken seriously the liberal rule that there should be a public ethics? In this case, the Italians would rather have been the first to realize and exploit the weaknesses of a political theory so popular.

fact is that at the same time one of the most alarming and unprecedented system of this atypical Italy we see today with our eyes, and is represented nothing less che dal nostro Parlamento. I sondaggi ci dicono che sia la popolarità del premier che il consenso del suo partito si stanno più o meno velocemente erodendo, smentendo la tesi che gli Italiani non abbandoneranno mai Berlusconi, ma nello stesso tempo la maggioranza parlamentare tende a rafforzarsi. Le ragioni di tutto ciò, di questo opposto andamento tra opinione popolare e scelte dei parlamentari, sta nei vantaggi che i singoli parlamentari possono trarre da un prolungamento della legislatura, soprattutto quando hanno buone ragioni di dubitare della possibilità di essere rieletti, e forse anche da vantaggi sostanzialmente di natura finanziaria che un uomo così ricco come Berlusconi potrebbe offrire loro.

La prima cosa che we observe is that this situation is certainly related obscenity electoral law by which this parliament was elected. Incidentally, I recall that the previous parliament had been elected in the same way, and that in the two years of the previous legislature, the majority of the center noin found time and strength to change it. If, then, are the secretariats of the parties to choose who should be elected, it is clear that the quality of these MPs will tend inevitably to fall. Unfortunately, as I noted in my book, it is all possible because it is the same parliament to approve the election law, with the paradoxical result of the unfair rules that if we deliver a parliament of poor quality, restoration of the same unfair rules can not become impossible, theoretically forever. I wondered then in the book, why did not the settlers have set stakes impassable in defining rules for the election of the parliament. Maybe some would tell us whether these constitutional stakes in reality can be traced, and then such an election law could be rejected by the Constitutional Court, as the parliament thus appears reluctant to change the law which has helped to establish.

The merit of the measures that such a parliament has approved is the element that completes the picture. This is the parliament that systematically boycotted the course of justice when it affects their constituents. Cosentino briefly recall the case, which has banned the use of wiretapping. The last and most spectacular example is the motion which was rejected the opportunity to search the offices of Via Olgettina, the statement contained there, and among other things, not demand, that really believed that Berlusconi was the grandson Karima Mubarak.

here, so the question is posed in a very drastic. Electoral rules are unacceptable, on the measures and move from one group to another group of individual MPs in number and frequency of excessive deeply undermine the credibility di questo parlamento. La drasticità si impone in quanto le alternative sono secche e tra loro inconciliabili.

La prima ipotesi è che, malgrado tutto, essendo il parlamento il risultato di elezioni formalmente libere, perchè avvenute in ossequio agli standard del sistema democratico-parlamentare, ed allora non ci resta che attendere che la legislatura venga a scadenza. In questo caso, l'opposizione smetta di abbaiare alla luna, contestando sì il merito dei provvedimenti, ma non la stessa legittimità della maggioranza a deliberare.

La seconda ipotesi è che invece il parlamento stesso abbia perso la propria legittimità per le ragioni già elencate. Se questa fosse la situazione, then it would be good to remember that opposition MPs would inevitably also de-legitimized. The only solution would then be the Aventine, collectively resign from parliament decreed that in fact the end of March.


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