Saturday Rino Gaetano Band Flog
Markets 24 / b - Florence INFOLINE 055-487145 / auditoriumflog
"Saturday Rock Fever" presents
Saturday, February 5 open 21:30 / start 22:30
Festa/omaggio al cantautore più originale, dissacrante e geniale della musica italiana, con memorabilia & video inediti
Special Guest: MARCO MORANDI
INGRESSO € 8 / 5 ridotto
Anche per questa stagione non poteva mancare l’appuntamento con la Festa/Tributo a RINO GAETANO, il geniale cantautore scomparso prematuramente, che anno dopo anno è sempre più presente nel cuore dei tanti che amano riascoltare i suoi brani.
Sabato 5 FEBBRAIO, torna sul palco dell’AUDITORIUM FLOG di Firenze, la RINO GAETANO BAND, cover band Italian Official artist crotonese that takes advantage of the presence in its ranks the grandson of the late singer-songwriter, Alexander, the group is a real tribute concert that goes beyond the simple: to invite the Rino Gaetano Band means, in fact, put on a show includes live performance video + slideshow and unpublished vintage curated by Anna's sister, Rino, always helpful in keeping alive the work of his brother.
A true memory of an artist ahead of his time, author of songs - from "Gianna" to "Nunteraggae more," from "Bertha was spinning" to "The sky is always bluer" - full of humor and always current. Many are still unpublished Rino Gaetano, some songs come out of the vast production "Swimming Butterfly" (sung by Marco Morandi, who will host the FLOG Saturday, February 5) and "In Italy you are evil," presented at the Sanremo Festival 2007 edition by Paolo Rossi.
also the figure of the young author has seen a renewed focus by the general public thanks to the biopic broadcast by RAI, the Rino Gaetano. But the sky is always bluer "(2007), played by a talented Claudio Santamaria and has been a success unthinkable, especially among younger
Over the years AUDITORIUM FLOG made this tribute genial character having several times hosted the RINO GAETANO BAND to play in local, confirming the interest and sympathy that the years have strengthened, so, too, Saturday, Feb. 5, the RINO GAETANO BAND returns to Florence for a new tribute to the irreverent and original artist , which many musicians have recognized a fundamental influence in the years to come.
Then, Saturday, Feb. 5 on the hill of Puget, a great happening for the restless imp gleefully recall of Italian music, that RINO GAETANO ironic that managed to advance on the vices and virtues of the Italian Line and concluded that .... The sky is always bluer
Following the population / ROCK / DANCE with DJ MISTERFERRI
INPUT € 8 / 5 reduced
some more information '...
June 2, 1981 at 3:55 am, the car ended up in the Rino Gaetano opposite lane on the road Nomentana, two steps from home, and crashed into a truck. Two hours of agony, and futile search for a place in the hospital, and the singer-Roman calabro tragically lost his life. The mocking irony, which had always characterized his songs criticizing the beautiful smile and in Italy of the time, turned against their own on that occasion in a kind of cursed law of retaliation: 11 years before, in the prophetic and still unpublished "Renzo died when I was at the bar," wrote a boy struck by a car believed to have died shortly afterwards, after being rejected by some hospitals of Rome. Those mentioned in the song are three of the five but even he found a place.
Rino (Salvatore Antonio) Gaetano was born in Crotone October 29, 1950, where he lived the years of early childhood until, in 1960, the parents decide, for reasons of work, moving to Rome. A lover of theater and music, learn from an early age to play guitar and in 1972, under the pseudonym Kammamuri's, he recorded his first 45 titled "I Love You Maryanna": a song semplice ma che, se colpisce per la proverbiale ironia e originalità musicale, incontra sin da subito le perplessità per il modo singolare di proporre canzoni poco in linea con la tendenza seriosa ed ideologica del periodo.
Due anni dopo, nel 1974, avviene l’uscita del primo LP intitolato “Ingresso libero”. In soli sei anni di carriera, fino alla prematura morte, pubblica 6 album (l’ultimo “E io ci sto” è del 1980) toccando l’apice nel 1978 quando propone al Festival di Sanremo, vestito con frac e il mitico cilindro, la bellissima “Gianna” che si classifica al terzo posto ma raggiunge la vetta dei 45 giri più venduti in Italia.
Rino Gaetano leaves us all a great heritage of songs that go beyond the simple context of words and music. The big story of the little Italy, the Italians, a company in continuous and fast economic and social transformation, habits, virtues and vices of the people of politics and jet set. "Aida", "Nuntereggae more," "My Brother is an Only Child," "The sky is always bluer," "Pay pours Effendi" stories written, narrated and sung with magnificent irony, joyful and wonderful nonsense, from a artist certainly ahead of its time and this sometimes misunderstood and always risking censure on the neck.
There are many songs
Rino: beautiful pearls and more jealously guarded by her sister Anna Gaetano, one of which is sung and published by Marco Morandi. These are "Swim Butterfly", a song's title also on his last cd.
A new novel, the song "In Italy you are evil," was presented at the Festival of San Remo by Paolo Rossi, accompanied by Marco Graziosi (singer of the charge) and Alexander (the grandson of Rino, instead of the charge and percussion) .
There have been many over the years, including initiatives to remember the artist. From concerts and evenings tribute organized in every part of Italy ("A House for Rino "is now a fixture of summer Crotone) to remixes and covers of his classic songs, from the drafting of memorial books (the last in chronological order is" But the sky is always bluer - thoughts, stories and new songs " the journalist Massimo Cotto) and TV specials, until the last major initiative of a fiction, created and produced by Claudia Mori (Rino Gaetano - But the sky is always bluer), broadcast in the evenings of 11 and 12 RAI 1 of the screens in November. Listening considerably, from 6 to 7 million, confirms the great affection and interest that the public has for the great artist Crotone.
Un modo più semplice, ma non meno interessante, per onorare la memoria di Rino Gaetano è quello di organizzare una serata invitando la sorella Anna, il nipote Alessandro e la Rino Gaetano Band: la cover band ufficiale dell’artista, capitanata dal cantautore Marco Graziosi (voce e chitarra) – con la sua straordinaria somiglianza vocale – ed il supporto della storica band che oramai da anni lo accompagna dal vivo. Un vero e proprio tributo che comprende esibizione dal vivo del gruppo che ripercorre le più belle canzoni di Rino, proiezione di diapositive e video inediti sulla sua vita e carriera
Un modo per dire tutti insieme: “Ciao Rino”!!
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