's not very nice to start the first (true) post of the year addressing a sensitive issue as the management of an accident .
Well ... getting hurt is not at all pleasant, but try to give advice on how to get out quickly is a good idea to argue.
It seems that the month of January is a particularly difficult period for me as you often get hurt in training, perhaps for the period of extreme load, or perhaps because of the cold (on Sicily) supported the high humidity which makes it annoying even the air we breathe and cold wet clothing on the skin.
The period of training a horse holiday went pretty well and I also gave positive signals recovery within a period not exactly exciting. Alternate
dull moment at work in the same good end I was positively evaluated in the complex things, had only a small step to restore full gloss.
Something I missed and in fact all too often I have noticed a stiffness in my opinion has led to the last occurrence of inflammation localized in the insertion of the quadriceps in the left buttock and tightly close to the adductor muscles ...
But look at the work done. The strengthening of
Wednesday December 22, had left its mark, I noticed the following in the work of 30 x 100m (R. 30) (around 15 ".0 - 16" 5) in which I felt full of difficulties in the use of feet and running style that could not jump out as I wanted.
I felt a little hampered by the speed!
But now we were riding the Christmas and who knows what could not be expected, so the plant closed on Christmas Eve under the and under cloudy skies with a few drops of water run in the Semi "Case Rocca " a 5 x 1.630m (two laps of 815 m) with discrete progression and the feeling that soon would have jumped off the pace of better times.
strip, weighed down by half a decent shower:
5'25 "- 5'22" - 5'18 "- 5'06" - 5'06 "
After a job gone wrong for excessive muscle fatigue 27 days (but there may be) The year ended with a medium, not really challenging since there was talk of little more than three quarters of an hour work.
I decide to make a leap from the parts of Via Olympians and I approach to cover 3 laps short by 4.625m (with "turning point" from the back side of the Mall). Total
, 13.875m , nothing special ...
As has often happened in recent times, with a relentless pace and fluid delivery now and in the end I tend to tense up too much to worry about at the end of work as fosse stato difficile gestire l'insorgenza insistente di diversi crampi a gamba e piede.
Totale: 14'59" + 15'23" + 15'21" ---> 45'43" (3'17".7/Km).
Mi dicevo: "Sarà un periodo stressante e questa fredda umidità ad apportare tale fastidio..."
Non mi ero reso conto che stavo per commettere poche ore dopo un errore ormai trascritto tra le cose da NON fare...
L'indomani mattina scendo a correre di buona lena e dopo pochi passi avverto un leggero fastidio sotto il gluteo...
Di li ad una settimana mi sarei dovuto fermare...
Soffermiamoci, quindi, su ciò che è accaduto.
It is not the first time that I happen to get hurt "from scratch" just the day after a strong work pushed on the road, too flat as the round of Olympus Street.
I still remember how it was striking a quadriceps ailment in his right leg occurred, paradoxically, the day after a job went well, absolutely right on that road.
I had time and opportunity these days to think about these coincidenz and and think about how to achieve high risk every time a heavy-duty road for many kilometers.
while wearing the very good and trusted Adizero Adidas Adios (category A1) , in training load and hard and smooth asphalt, the body identically repeats the same impacts on the ground without being able to react maybe changing altitude (a climb for example).
The fact that course with a clear stiffness the next day led him to a just inflammation resulting in a lot of sensitive and delicate.
The conclusion which I have reached is therefore that should never, ever pull the rope after work so stressful that morning if I had been resting in bed probably would have given my body time to absorb any stress, avoiding ' inflammation at the insertion of gluteus maximus ...
My common sense led me to stop once the body has sent clear signals of distress.
Unfortunately, when the pain is maintained in mild form is difficult to understand what are their weaknesses and continue to run the same everywhere. What led him
scatenasi a step towards greater inflammation was to have addressed the

Day January 2, in fact, after a short period of sluggish for large parties and the consequences of the new year celebrations prolungatisi until late at night, I agree with the coach approach to this work, to "start afresh" . Departure
not exciting but I lead a fairly good pace, no longer feels the pain of much.
Steps comeback and strong push in final stretch, still stunned by what has been done, I come in 23'17 " to just 2" from PB made more than a year ago.
When sea level fell, following 4 x (1K 1K Forte and piano) and completion of the work.
The next day I will understand that it would be better to stop after just one hour long lax ...
I realized later that year a very tiring climb the area, it was a blow job but I could not know until then what I should avoid ...
As usual take painkillers did not match as soon led to seriously the pain (and only a week after my stop), I managed to locate the source of my discomfort and restricted to provide for constant and repeated massage, also taken from deep (and therefore inaccessible).
the same time, I blocked the area with the infamous stretch bandage (selling drugs) unpleasant events e. .. lots and lots of patience.
This first action has not produced the desired results and I had to take more time to locate the exact right stretching exercise to relax the tendon (or group of tendons) concerned.
ultrasound diagnosis was that of a trivial sciatica, which did not surprise me much as I could make all the movements without any problem.
From that moment ... Stretching to ever end up in any place and time of day!
All this was finally resolved in 37 days when the desire to run was tempting when I sensed some sign of improvement.
floor exercises to strengthen, abdominal, back and waiting for another listen to the wind caress your skin ...
read your body is not easy, I went on to perform in-depth medical examinations if I felt different sensations that differ from the slight discomfort that I felt, but everything else
stop in time has saved me ... again!
A risk I've taken the same, Sunday, February 13, just three days with little travel discontinuous (in week one day and one day of rest), I presented to Lamezia Terme Regional Championships for Cross Along (10 K) to contribute to winning the title.
In Short Cross (4K) wins the Violettaclub with Guzzi (1) and Cuzzocrea (3 °) to dominate the upper floors of the league. In
Cross Long (10K) states with Marco Calderone distributed a competition better than mine.
Soon after I get carried away by a junior party by leaps and bounds and just expect too much from my 3 long lenses, unrelenting fatigue occurs halfway through the race where Mark goes a step light light providing the right finesse.
Vince Calderone with a gap of a 40in of seconds since my arrival in second place (nothing in particular, has been a pace around the 3'20 "/ km).
The course was easy, straightforward, without any particular asperity but it is a cross-country race with a lot of bumps to be managed, what certainly more stimulating for the tendons that repetitive asphalt does not offer.
Pino Sestito won his comparison racing with the Masters, is a close very well. The important thing was
win the title without being too badly, perhaps travel by car to return, he penalized the sciatic nerve a little bit but everything is finally returning to normal.
Both me and Mark are not at the top, but it is a positive signal to both put on a bib and compete.
Now "rush" to new goals again, it is not too late but you can not block more, the next post will discover all the targets (already partially revealed :-)
(During the waiting ... relaxed for the viewer ecotrail of Piana, one-off in good company - Source Trinacria Palermo, for the photos of my return we thought Violetta :-)
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